I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 914 It turns out to be a big octopus

No one took care of these disappearing ships, which at best caused confusion on both sides.

Especially the fleet that came to get to know each other found something fishy.

Winter is the most powerful fleet around here. During the day, they are the largest traders among the several forces around Mas. To put it nicely, they are called merchants, and to put it worse, they are gangs and organized scalpers.

They are found wherever there is business. During the day, there are goods transported from various places on the trading sea. They are law-abiding businessmen. At night, there are fat sheep with stupid money. When they cover the trademark on the ship, they are famous nearby. ster pirate.

This time, they had just returned from transporting goods to Hans and found out that Maas had produced such a fat sheep with a lot of money. Unfortunately, they arrived too late, and the hostages were not captured, and the goods were all divided up.

But it doesn't matter, merchant ships and fleets from more than a dozen places nearby want to attract their attention.

In that group of people, except for that group of people who can't be messed with, the others are just little ants, and we don't want too many.

That team is Lao Mi's men after all, but there are so many of us, we can only take away 30% of it and then run away.

Thirty percent, there are more than 20 ships. They are all good things. This work will be enough for us for half a year.

Remember to grab it and leave. Don't fight with that team. They have few people and can't protect so many things.

The division of labor was already done, but when things came to a head, several companies that Winter had agreed with ran away at this time? Now there were only more than twenty armed ships of theirs and ships of other powerful forces. Without the cover of these loose ships, he wouldn't be able to grab much at all.

Winter issued a new order to his men: Seize up to ten ships and then withdraw. I feel that the situation is not right.

The subordinate asked: Is the destination still Hans?

Winter nodded: That's our home base over there, and that person's power is here in Mas. Besides, it's easier to get rid of the dirty stuff in Hans.

The words are divided into two parts.

Mai Rui was still shocked by the incident where the Chinese woman's accomplice took the robber's ship away, but soon he found that this was not what shocked him more.

The battle between the two sides has become intense, and all the trash fish on the sea have been cleared away. Even the little pirates who were lucky enough to obtain material hostages have disappeared.

And the man in black robe finally took action.

He jumped into the sea and disappeared.

Jing Shu's expression changed, and a dozen of the mud mermaids she used for surveillance under the sea disappeared!

She immediately felt distressed and told the mud mermaid to stay away from this place.

And within a minute, countless tentacles appeared around a large ship opposite.

These tentacles are a bit like the suckers of an octopus. They are large and have many barbs. From a distance, they look like a splicing of countless octopuses. People with trypophobia will be scared to urinate when they come here.

This octopus was so powerful that it poked countless tentacles like spears, directly poking countless holes in the cabin.

The fighting power is too strong! And it was a one-sided massacre. The big ship on the opposite side resisted, and countless guns were fired, but it seemed like it was in vain.

Within two minutes, the boat sank and disappeared. Countless people fell into the water and shouted to the sky and the earth, but the sound disappeared after a while. It was easy to guess where it went.

The monster on the bottom of the sea frightened many people, but they seemed to have known it for a long time. They scared away many ships like a whale entering the water. Wherever the octopus swam, those ships fled.

However, although the octopus is too powerful, there is only one of them and can only fight against one ship at a time, which gives other pirate ships an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The scene suddenly became more chaotic.

Some of the supply ships on the black-robed man's side were finally robbed.

Jing Shu finally knew where the sense of disobedience she saw under the black robe appeared. It turned out that the man in black robe was a tentacle monster similar to an octopus? No wonder he walks quietly——

Regarding the mutations of new humans, they are all combinations of humans and mutated animals of dark energy, but most of them are considered normal.

The most abnormal thing Jingshu has ever seen is probably Xiaowei. She has a lower body that is three meters long but only has half the normal upper body.

Also, despite the fact that the new humans are very powerful and possess the special abilities of dark creatures, this also has disadvantages and costs. In the past, Zhang Lang only had antennae on his head and a fusion of a female cockroach in his mouth, but as he used his abilities More and more often, he looks more and more like a cockroach. In the past two years, half of his head has become like a cockroach. This makes the country very worried. If in a few years he completely mutates into a monster like a cockroach and loses his humanity, he will be killed. what to do?

Zhang Lang produced countless grains and medicines for the country. Such a hero cannot be allowed to lose consciousness.

The topic has gone too far. What Jing Shu means is that the longer it looks like a dark creature, the more uncontrollable it becomes. For people in black robes, at least 95% of them look different from humans.

This means that he is more capable and more dangerous.

Have you ever eaten your boss's tentacle? Jing Shu suddenly asked.

Ah? Mai Rui's mind was filled with questions, and then he shook his head wildly: We don't dare to get close to the boss, for fear that he will eat us at any time.

Jing Shu murmured: Such a big octopus, it must be delicious if grilled.

Mai Rui: ...

At this time, in the bodyguard group.

Have you seen that big octopus? It turns out he is the man in black robe.

Church, he sank several ships directly. I feel so sad!

Hurry up and deal with the man in black robe. This big thing is not easy to deal with! His combat power is off the charts.

I have no choice but to call him Captain Qi.

No, if there are too many people on our side, the secret will definitely be exposed. How about we invite the shadow people?

Jingshu thought for a while and said in the group: This big octopus must be kept and cannot be killed. It would be great to take it back to China as an unlimited octopus. Even if it can't be eaten by humans, it's still good as feed.

Mr. Zhou: Thumbs up, girl Jing can still live her life.

Lone Wolf of the Desert: But this big octopus has incredible fighting power. It is difficult to subdue and capture it alive. For such a big ship, he said it would sink it. Who here has such strength?

Old Taoist Priest: Yes, yes. I was not far away just now. I can see clearly that one tentacle of this big octopus is several meters long. Girl Jing, are you sure you can eat it?

Jing Shu affirmed: It can be eaten, but the fighting power of this big octopus is too incredible. It is not good to let him continue to go crazy. It has destroyed a lot of our property. In this way, we put it aside, codenamed Captain Qi and While the others capture him alive, our plan continues, and if we really can’t catch him, we’ll kill him.”

Rolling Pancake: The problem now is that this big octopus is too big. How can we get him to other places and divide the battlefield?

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