I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 910 Wuwuwu, my daughter must be returned to me.

To be honest, for many years in the last days, although ordinary people accounted for 99%, she had also seen a lot of other weird mutations, but this was the first one that was so inhuman...

But it also proves that saying, the less human, the greater the ability?

Look at the bodyguard group. There are only a few normal people in the national elite group, except for her, who looks exactly like a normal person——

What's wrong? What happened?

Why did it stop so suddenly? Is there someone else trying to rob us?

The man in black robe also looked out calmly.

There was no expression on Jingshu's face. In fact, she was worried that nothing else would happen. After all, she had just left home not long ago, so Guotou should be preparing to take action.

Simply speaking, it was impossible to rob. After all, no one would turn an eye at such a long armed convoy. Besides, in this place in Mas, they were basically the bosses.

After working for a long time, another group of thieves invited them to go to the dock to directly hand over the supplies in exchange for hostages. By the way, they wanted to form a strong alliance and swallow 90% of the supplies of the Chinese people.

The man in black robe smiled hoarsely, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

There are so many thieves staring at the Chinese that even thieves from as far away as Somalia came to wait and see after hearing the news. What to wait and see? Naturally, I wanted to see if there were any bargains to be found.

If the bandits are too weak, it goes without saying that the supplies they just seized will be lost.

Therefore, the surrounding thieves who have hostages in their hands naturally have to unite to avoid being robbed by others after getting the supplies.

Continue on your way.

Jingshu contacted the little bugs left along the way and knew that Guotou had already started there, so she observed the situation on the black-robed man's side and the situation on the other side of Guotou.

This feeling is extremely exciting.

I always want to move quickly. There are too many things and supplies to move, and I am always afraid of not having enough time.

She secretly contacted Mr. Zhou last night and told Yang Yang and the others to annihilate this main group of ability users today.

As long as they don't go back, it's not a big problem.


Jing Shu squinted her eyes. She missed something yesterday. After seeing the true face of the man in black robe today, she felt that killing other people might be easy, but the man in black robe was indeed not easy.

Then we'll see when the time comes.

Time passes both slowly and quickly.

The man in black robe rarely spoke. Mai Rui was depressed and worried about his life and death. As for the others, they were quite excited. After all, so many more supplies were coming out. Thinking about it, there would be countless beers to drink and enjoy. They have exhausted all kinds of cigarettes, and they have even begun to distribute the supplies that the Chinese people have seen these days.

Especially the femme fatale, who kept making Darlene ask her half-dead daughter what else her eldest daughter had.

In order to save her life, Nannan naturally talked about everything. Jingshu had countless diamonds and gold, and the furniture was all gold. She had plenty of fish and meat every day, as well as various facial masks and skin care products. The femme fatale woman's eyes lit up when she heard this.

Ship after ship of supplies gathered in Mas Port. Just looking at the draft of the ship, you can tell that these supplies are very heavy and very useful.

Most of them are beer and raw materials that the bodyguard team has produced these days, and the rest are cigarettes and food. Of course, they also include the ones from previous robberies.

The supplies for ransom are ready.

Then Mas's armed army is also ready.

Mamahas was very nervous. He kept rubbing his hands and pacing. Originally, he thought that today would be an ordinary ceremony of handing over supplies and then redeeming people.

But he didn't expect that news was heard in the nearby sea and countless fleets came.

Although the dock was under martial law for a day today, there were too many fleets and forces watching nearby.

Mr. Zhou comforted him: Don't be afraid. Our supplies are only for my son and daughter. No matter how much others rob them, they won't care about us.

Mamahas gave a sad smile. This is his jurisdiction. Although guns are prohibited, is it possible? If a big event happens here that they cannot officially control, Mas this place will collapse immediately.


Don't worry, no, today will be a good day. Mr. Zhou comforted.

Mamahas shook his head. He didn't know how Mr. Zhou, a rich man, could be so calm. When he saw so many supplies in front of him, and they were all about to be handed over, his heart ached. can not breathe.

Does Mr. Zhou not care about these supplies?

So many things were given to these people for free. Did he really do nothing?

How on earth did he survive to this age in China?

Don’t they all say that Chinese people are cunning? Is this, I’m afraid, fake?

If Mr. Zhou had not mastered the method of making beer and cigarettes, and he repeatedly promised that as long as he was given time, he could make more beer and cigarettes, he would not have sent troops to protect him.

After all, in these last days, if there is no benefit and no use value, why should he be a bodyguard for the Chinese people?

However, the current situation is that Mr. Zhou still has a trump card in his hand. Therefore, on behalf of the Mas official, he is willing to escort him. He only hopes that after this time, Mr. Zhou can calm down a little.

Soon, all the robbers arrived.

Mr. Zhou counted the heads, nodded, and started the handover meeting.

In the dim dock, there were countless fleets docked on the seashore, and there were many armed troops on the dock.

When the robbers saw the real boatloads of supplies, they all swallowed their saliva.

Mr. Zhou asked the translator to get a big loudspeaker and began to hand over the supplies. The process of handing over the supplies was very simple. If you handed over five boatloads of supplies, you would get a son in exchange.

How about the generosity of the Chinese people? Not only did they deliver supplies, but for the sake of convenience and trouble, they also took the boat and supplies with the driver of the boat and packed them all for the robbers.

The robbers specially boarded the ship to check it out. The drivers were all ordinary people, and the supplies were all serious supplies.

Yes, this saves a lot of trouble, and the handover of materials is very fast.

But this time, Mr. Zhou finally learned his lesson and was able to get his son back. Mamahas was very pleased.

But it seemed that there was no difference. When only half of his son was exchanged, the other party forcefully demanded that all the remaining supplies be handed over in exchange for his most beloved daughter.

When Mamahas saw that this routine was familiar, he quickly said: Mr. Zhou, you can't hand over all the supplies, otherwise the other party will not release the hostages.

Mr. Zhou wiped his non-existent tears and said, What can we do? If I don't give it to the other party, I will kill my daughter. If you give it, you must give it.

So Mr. Zhou generously handed over all the supplies, You can distribute the supplies as you like, but my daughter must be sent back to me. My daughter holds the secret recipe for making beer.

Mamahas: “???”

Other robbers: They are drooling...

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