I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 908 Who steals things these days and still uses passwords? Can I steal the safe?

After hearing what Darlene conveyed, Jingshu's eyes lit up. So this is okay? It seems that this Mai Rui is still a talent.

Jingshu nodded, making sure that there was no electricity at all on the big lump, and then asked Darlene to lead Mai Rui away. Before leaving, Jingshu said to Darlene:

Mai Rui is worth more alive than dead, so I decided to take him back to China. Of course, I promised you before that bringing you back to China safely will count. But during this period, I hope You can teach Mai Rui more Chinese, otherwise communication will be too numb.

Darlene nodded and said, Okay. Then she hesitated.

Jing Shu was confused: What's wrong?

The fat black woman finally plucked up the courage and said, Can you feed me that bug too? Otherwise, I won't worry.

Jing Shu laughed dumbly.

It turns out that in Darlene's opinion, only people like Mai Rui are valuable. Even if something happens, they will not be abandoned here. But for a dispensable person like her, she is afraid of being abandoned.

She thought that this insect must be valuable. If it hit her, the other party would pay some price, so it would not abandon her directly when the time came. At least she would have some use value.

Okay, as you wish.

But Jingshu still planted a small one, and the big one had to be used as her gloves to protect her.

Although Darlene was a little disappointed, her value was indeed not as great as that of Mai Rui, but after all, she was valuable, so she took Mai Rui away with peace of mind.

Mai Rui is still a little confused. He still doesn't know why this woman wants to drain the electricity from it. Even if there is no electricity now, this thing is a safe embedded in the ground, and it can't be taken away. If you can’t open it, what does she want to do?”

Mai Rui was curious, but he didn't know the follow-up, so he was taken away unwillingly.

He knew that this woman must be plotting against it, but why didn't this woman ask him about the details of this thing?

But now his life is in her hands. If she dies, who knows if the bugs in his body will explode——

Thinking of this, Mai Rui still asked Darlene to convey: Don't think about taking this thing away, it is the secret weapon here, commonly known as the armed safe.

Even if the external power supply is completely destroyed, there is still a battery inside that can run normally. The safe not only has cracked passwords, but also has four-factor authentication such as iris, and a smart alarm. If you want to force it to open, or if you enter a wrong password, it will be activated. Alert, the boss will receive the information.

Jing Shu nodded. She did not deny that such advanced secret weapons would definitely be well kept. But she didn't have to go to that trouble.

break the code?

Or quadruple?

Why is she in so much trouble?

Who said you have to open the safe to steal things these days? Can she steal the safe too now? ?

Do you really think that now that you are acting in a movie, you have to race against time to crack the code like in the movie Thief?

She Jingshu just doesn't take the ordinary path, hey.

Although this is a bit difficult - for example, there are messy things around the safe, and the safe is mounted on the wall. At worst, she will steal this part of the wall...


Jingshu wanted to laugh when she thought of Mai Rui's surprised and shocked expression when she saw the big round bump in other places later.

Jing Shu didn't say anything, but said that she knew and she would not take risks.

Mai Rui finally followed her. He always felt that this woman was up to something.

After everyone was gone, Jingshu rubbed her hands to make sure there was no one around, then she snapped her fingers to let the hidden Hulk move in little by little, and then started her moving plan.

To prevent collapse, she asked burrowing insects to wait nearby to transport a lot of soil for filling.

Yes, Jing Shu is going to do a very crazy move.

She first removed all the unnecessary clutter and messy clothes and daily necessities from the space.

Although her Rubik's Cube space has now been upgraded and turned into a super large Rubik's Cube space, it has become more than 1,400 cubic meters. It is more than enough to fit this big iron lump, but there are many accessories around this big iron lump. , also have to be installed together.

This requires her to clear some space. She cannot take out the cooked vegetables and food with shelf life in her space, so she can only take out all the miscellaneous things.

Of course, the original space is more than enough to fit this big iron lump, but it cannot fit the accessories around it.

Even though Jingshu had just asked Mai Rui to suck up all the electricity around it, she secretly sent small creatures to cut all the wires around the round lump with a diameter of about five meters, but it still had four wires that were more than twenty meters long. meters of steel columns.

If you want to put it in completely, you have to put in all the steel pillars. By the way, you also need a few safety iron chains, which are similar to anchors. They are quite long but they don’t take up much space. big.

In short, when Jingshu's space is upgraded, she can put her hand on it and take away everything around the big iron knot like selecting a picture. Of course, it must be a whole.

And the protruding parts can be spliced ​​with more than a dozen cubic spaces.

After several verifications, Jingshu spliced ​​the space into the shape of a sun, with hundreds of cubic meters in the middle, and several straight protrusions extending around it to hold the protruding things integrated with the big iron lump.

After more than three hundred cubic meters were freed up, Jingshu reached out and touched it.


The next second, the big iron lump with a complete system that was originally embedded in the deep soil completely disappeared, along with all the accessories around it, including the wires wrapped around it, and the surrounding wires. of pillars.

The huge iron lump just disappeared without a trace, and even the alarm was not sounded.

Who would have thought that a thief would also steal the safe? Isn't it too heart-rending?

Then the burrowing worms crazily filled it in, while Jingshu quickly retreated.

Jingshu admitted that there were two brushes in this country, and the safe was made flawlessly, and the safe was even bolted, but she was embarrassed, and now she accepted it all.

As for whether to open the safe or not, it doesn't matter. She leaves it to the superiors and a professional will naturally open it.

And her purpose is not to get the contents of this safe, which is of no use anyway, but the rewards in it should be great, which is enough. After all, she has just obtained this thing without any effort, and it is easy to collect it. Come stuff.

Just ask, what is the difference between this and picking it up for free? ?

The night is getting darker and darker.

Jing Shu hides merit and fame.

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