I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 905 Another big treasure was discovered!

Jing Shu also swallowed her saliva. It was true that she had seen a lot of food and various treasures in the last years, but she had never seen so much ammunition.

280, RDS, 12.7mm, PIAI

Boxes of orange and yellow waterproof ammunition iron boxes were stacked together, filling the entire villa of several hundred square meters.

Each iron box is also marked with model number and bullet caliber. Various types of bullet calibers are available.

Jingshu even found valuable grenades, rocket launcher ammunition, etc., which were all placed on the second and third floors of the villa. They were still packed with boxes on top of each other, from low to high. Yes, there is only one extraordinary gap in the entire space.

No wonder the burrowing worms can't dig in. This villa has also been specially renovated. There is enough ammunition in it to support an army of tens of thousands in fighting for a long time.

Food is precious in the apocalypse, and bullets are also precious. Each bullet is worth at least one or two virtual coins. Calculated in square meters, Jing Shu conservatively estimates that it is in the millions.

And these supplies are just one of many villas.

This means that this military base is not only sufficient in ammunition, but may also be sufficient in other weapons.

No wonder, in this extremely poor Middle East, even the guns of these ordinary guards are standard military weapons. It turns out that there are so many good things hidden in them.

Jingshu opened several boxes, all of which were well preserved, and said with a click of her tongue: Guotou, it seems that we are going to make a fortune. If so many weapons are traded to our brother Lao Yi, I don't know if they can be exchanged. How much oil will we get back? There is a shortage of these things over there.”

Guotou nodded and swallowed his saliva. He didn't know there were so many twists and turns. He only knew that next, he would have meat to eat, lots and lots of meat to eat.

Jingshu quietly released more bugs and searched nearby.

With so many supplies and so many ability users guarding them, it must not be easy. She was afraid of touching the taboos of ability users and arousing their vigilance. Therefore, the more at this time, the more careful she had to be.

Then he said: Guotou, please contact Xiaowei and quickly mobilize at least 200 more large burrowing worms to carry supplies. There may be more things here than we think.

By the way. Jing Shu squinted her eyes, Don't move around now. I suspect that these supplies are still guarded by capable people. Let me check them before starting to move them.

Guotou nodded quickly: I'll listen to Sister Jing.

Then, Jingshu and Guotou went to a few more villas. If they could be opened by burrowing worms, then there would be almost nothing valuable, but if they couldn't be opened by burrowing worms, they must be good things.

Jingshu discovered two more bullet magazines and three full weapon magazines. The single-person rocket launcher and artillery were placed in the villa as if they were free, which made people very greedy to see them.

After walking around for a while, Jingshu probably knew something very clearly, but she still felt that something was missing.

Suddenly, the ground shook frequently, indicating that the burrowing insects had encountered a problem.

Jingshu took Guotou and hurried down to the transfer station more than 20 meters underground.

The place has expanded to more than 100 square meters. For fear of collapse, the burrowing bugs specially transported a dozen huge reinforced concrete pillars and erected them.

But at this time, a several-meter-long burrowing worm had blood on its head and the black reef was burnt.

What happened again?

Several burrowing insects took Jingshu deep into the tunnel.

Originally, the burrowing worms were given a prescribed route. They had to dig out three routes, one for escape, one for transportation, and one for backup. The three lines would have an intersection every 500 meters for communication.

But the problem arises in this northwest corner. Originally this was the intersection of three lines, and the insects on the three sides couldn't dig through it no matter how hard they dug.

Then we can only dig around, but even if we take a detour, it will still be unreachable.

The winding road went further and further, gradually forming a huge vacuum zone in the middle, and as long as the burrowing worms dug nearby, they would be electrified by the high-voltage wire network buried around it.

Jing Shu frowned: If there is no problem with the high-voltage wire network buried dozens of meters underground, there must be something wrong with it.

When we came to the end of this tunnel, it was pitch black and there was a heavy smell of earth and rust. Further on, we saw densely intertwined wires.

Guotou was puzzled: Who is so stupid as to bury the wires underground?

Jingshu put on insulating gloves and gently held the wire.

The conditions for collecting materials in the Rubik's Cube space are to touch the real objects, or use the real objects as conductors, and move all the touched conductors into the Rubik's Cube space.

After the last Rubik's Cube space upgrade, she has a deeper feeling and deeper understanding of space.

It can now not only move all the conductors it touches into the Rubik's Cube space, but can also observe objects along the places where the conductors touch.

Well, in layman's terms, by touching this wire, the Rubik's Cube space provides her with all the items that the wire touches.

Of course, this also has a range, and the range is the size of the Rubik's Cube space.

Therefore, in an instant, the magic space lined up in a row and instantly simulated the installation of everything around the wires. In fact, it was a drawing that was transmitted into Jing Shu's mind.

Then, this is equivalent to Jingshu 'seeing' everything around the wire.

After seeing it, Jingshu's breathing quickened.

It turned out that the wire was surrounded by a huge net, surrounding a large iron ball roundhouse in the middle.

Jing Shu didn't know what was in this ball, but just looking at the scale and the formation, she knew that the things in the iron house ball were not simple.

It's good stuff!

Guotou asked: What good thing is it?

Jing Shu pondered for a moment, It should be a secret weapon or something, otherwise it wouldn't be hidden so deep underground, and it would be protected with so many protection methods.

Guotou was curious again: Why is this thing not placed on the ground but hidden underground?

Others Jingshu didn’t understand, but this Jingshu really understood a little bit: “Because every country now has a radar cruise positioning system, just like when we almost had a war with Wanwan before, the Chinese people said that it would take less than a minute to get it. Wear your ID card and go in there to sell barbecued pork and rice rolls.

If I call on Friday morning, I can apply for an ID card in the afternoon, and then I can watch the news in the evening.

The crooked missiles can't fly out at all and will be destroyed. That's because their weapon systems are all set to master.

In order to evade cruise positioning, some countries will bury secret weapons deep underground.

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