I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 902 I thought it was a fat fish, but I didn’t expect it to be a whale.

Darlene: I'm sorry. I tried my best. I really tried my best. I hope this devil will stop! !

Nannan waited and waited nearby, waiting for a while to see the angry look of the robber, and then she became furious and wanted to rape Jingshu.

But with a temperament like Jingshu's, would she wait for someone to insult her? He will definitely show off all his strength again, and then get involved with this group of powerful bandits.

That's right, judging from the strength shown by the opponent just now, this is undoubtedly a lineup of all new human ability users. He doesn't know the leader's ability, but this femme fatale should use poison.

It just so happened that she defeated this woman.

As for the dwarf, he should be powerful, and the blond man, I don't know what his abilities are.

In short, this is a very powerful group of bandits, and they also have very deep roots in the local area. According to Yang Yang's information, it is known that the people behind this group are Americans.

So - if Jing Shu really exposes herself and causes the entire mission to fail, haha.

Nannan's heart was already blooming with joy.

Now, either Jingshu's strength is exposed, or she is humiliated and swallows her humiliation, no matter which one it is, she is happy to see it.

But after waiting for a long time, the blond man actually showed a thoughtful expression, and then he said a bunch of unintelligible words. But no matter what, he didn't get angry or scold Jing Shu. This thing was very outrageous. ! !

And the most important thing is that after the translator said a few words to the blond man, the blond man's eyes turned to her, and then he looked at her with disgust and shook his head.

Nannan's heart thumped, and she always had a bad feeling. This time she came out and knew where the bandits were, so she pretended to be ugly. She painted spots and thick eyebrows on her face, so that her ugly face would not be exposed. People like it, right? ?

Just when Nannan felt that it was outrageous, Jingshu also felt that it was outrageous to open the door for him. It was simply outrageous.

So the translation didn't express what she meant?

She glanced at the fat woman vaguely again, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and a plan quickly formed in her heart.

Soon, Nannan, Jingshu, and these people came to their base camp with anxiety.

Because they had no intention of putting Miss Zhou back, these people did not guard against Jing Shu. This lack of covert behavior reflected their intention to quarrel with her afterwards.

This was a large villa area before the end of the world. It was already considered very grand in the Middle East. It is now surrounded by city walls that were added later.

There are gun fortresses every ten meters above the wall. Jingshu has good eyesight. In this pitch-black night, she can also see the black barrels of guns inside. Most of the weapons are not homemade weapons.

Most of the weapons in the Middle East are local weapons, that is, homemade weapons, or weapons that have been eliminated from other places. Why, it is not because of backwardness.

Don't even mention why China's brothers use weapons that have been eliminated by China for several generations, Lao Yi uses weapons that have been eliminated by the United States, and weapons that are also used by Old Pharaoh Europe in several other regions.

You taste it, you taste it carefully.

In short, the level of these standard weapons is quite high. If they pop up suddenly, they will really kill you. Look at the villas surrounded by fences made of steel bars...

It's hard not to guess, is there anything good in this villa? Otherwise, it would look like a military base...

Hey, I originally came here to rob some supplies and oil, but I didn't expect that I might accidentally encounter the puppet military base where Lao Mi is stationed here, or even a warehouse.

After all, no one would have thought that a villa area like this could be used as a place to store weapons. This is a big benefit.

Jing Shu's mood became better. She originally wanted to catch a fat fish, but unexpectedly she caught a whale directly. Although it is a bit heavier, it is not impossible.

When Jing Shu was in a good mood, she started humming a song, and even looking at the blond man felt much more pleasing to her eyes.

Tonight, she was not going to sleep. The day was very tight. She not only had to bring the news back to Mr. Zhou and the others, but also asked them or the secret codename Qi to come and respond. After all, there were many people with abilities in this military base, and guns. There are also a lot of weapons and ammunition, and it is easy for the gun to misfire, which is very dangerous.

Speaking of this, Jingshu looked at these heavily guarded villas and was calculating what and how many guns could be inside.

Although Jingshu does not lack these now, these are the contribution points she has gained.

Nannan didn't understand why Jingshu's mood suddenly improved, so she just followed the robbers' arrangements and sent them to an ordinary villa.

However, the robbers here still expressed their importance to them, and arranged for them to live in their own place. It can be seen from the messy atmosphere of life.

They were in the basement of the villa, which turned out to be an underground garage. Now it was a closed basement with no windows, as well as some groceries.

There are two guards at the door.

Stay well inside and don't think about escaping. Otherwise, don't blame the poisonous snake for biting you to death. The femme fatale woman pushed her in and threw a snake in. Then she closed the iron door with a clang, and it was dark inside. Incomparably, the smell is filled with a musty and sour smell.

In the darkness, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of a snake spitting its seeds in the corner.

Jingshu, we are locked up, what should we do- Nannan asked with a look of gloating and pity.

Just now, she heard that the translator meant that the blond man asked Jingshu to wait for him, and he would come to Jingshu in the evening.

Shut up, why don't you quickly find a comfortable place for me? Clean up the basement? Jing Shu said coldly.

You, what are you pretending to be? We have all been fed into it - Nannan was about to continue speaking when her wrist was held tightly by Jingshu. Her sharp eyes stared at her. If she leaked any more secrets, If so, her wrist will most likely be broken!

Okay, what a lot of strength! What a terrifying power!

Nannan was in pain. She originally didn't want to do these jobs. They were all members of the bodyguard group. She was still a precious medical soldier. Why should she be a maid? However, under Jingshu's oppression, no one was around to protect her. She just Can obediently tidy up the small closed basement.

There was a click, and the sound came in vain.

Nannan exclaimed. Finally, in the dim basement, she could see clearly that Jingshu had torn off the head of a big snake that the Snake Xin'er woman had thrown in with her bare hands.

Nannan:! ! !

The snake's head rolled down at her feet, showing a dead look on its face.

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