I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 894 High-end prey often appears as the prey

The other party ran away as soon as they were caught, and disappeared collectively within a minute.

The troops outside finally settled the commotion and chased away a large number of people before belatedly entering the trading hall to host the meeting.

The lights came back on, and the trading floor was devastated and messy, with bullets everywhere.

Mamahas covered his head and emerged from under the table, scolding the officers outside: What on earth is going on? How did those people get in just now? Why have you been outside and not come over?

He turned his head again and looked at the biggest fat sheep this time before taking a breath. Fortunately, Mr. Zhou and Miss Zhou were fine. From the first glance, these two people had never experienced such a thing. Such a big accident happened. He actually stood still and didn't move. He was probably scared out of his wits.

But Mr. Zhou nodded at the people around him and said with a pale face: Oh my god, my three sons and several bodyguards have been taken away. You must give me an explanation!

Seeing that Miss Zhou was still there, Mamahas said he was worried, but in his heart he felt relieved. As long as these two people were fine, the loss would be accepted. He said:

Don't worry, dear Zhou, I will let the army go find them immediately. These kidnappers are asking for money and will not hurt anyone. They will definitely contact you when the time comes. When the money is paid, we will catch them all.

After saying this, Mr. Zhou really became less nervous, Okay, I hope these kidnappers won't hurt my sons. After all, I have many sons, so if they die, they will die.

Mamahas: ... Although but, you don't have to say it verbally.

But Mr. Zhou continued to say: That is definitely not worth as much as my daughter. I can only offer a few ships of supplies for these sons. If there is more, I will let them die.

Many people around them pricked up their ears to hear clearly, and their breathing became even hotter for a while. Looking at the son and daughter beside Mr. Zhou, they couldn't move their eyes away for a while. Is a son worth so much material?

Anyway, I don’t know if there was an inside agent involved. When the kidnappers came to discuss the bargaining chip the next day, they just had a few shiploads of supplies. If they said there was no inside agent or eavesdropping around them, I wouldn’t even believe it.

Exhausted physically and mentally, Mamahas began to count the lost and damaged materials. As soon as he counted them, he found it strange that other wealthy people had lost more or less things. Why was it that all the materials from Mr. Zhou's side were taken away?

The boatload of oil you just auctioned here is all gone?? Mamahas gasped in shock. What kind of fraud is this? Why didn't he put away the things he bought, and now they are being robbed? gone? Or stolen? One question and three questions?

The eyes of the rich people around them were weird and like stupid pigs. Of course, there were a few of them who were quick to contact people with sly eyebrows, asking who had robbed this batch of goods from China.

Miss Zhou snorted coldly and said nonchalantly: Mr. Mamahas, my bodyguards came here for the first time and are not familiar with the terrain. They just took over the goods and encountered robbers outside. Isn't it normal for the goods to be lost? But? It’s just a boatload of supplies. If you lose it, just throw it away. It’s no big deal. Anyway, we will need to replace more things in a few days.”

Mamahas: ... What an awesome young lady.

After the people around heard this, they frantically put labels on Jingshu, saying, Big fat sheep, big stupid pig, stupid people with lots of money, come and rob!

Mr. Zhou suppressed his laughter and was tricked by this girl again. He had obviously hidden the treasure just after getting the goods, but he could only say as if he didn't care:

Forget it, I just lost a boatload of supplies, as long as everyone is fine.

Mamahas sighed and couldn't blame him: I will send people to find these supplies. We will definitely find the things lost in Mas. It's not peaceful these days. I will send someone to look for them. Several troops are following you. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter.

Mr. Zhou patted Mamahas and said, Thank you, old man. We feel relieved that you are here.

For what happened tonight in Mas, it was just a test of the depths of these people.

There was a secret video that captured Mr. Zhou and Miss Zhou tonight from beginning to end.

At this time, in a luxurious villa, there were dozens of people surrounding them. They were dressed neatly and cleanly, but there were a few weird people in black robes.

In the middle, there was a special instrument and a video. After the video was played, a man in a black robe with a hoarse and weird voice said:

What do you think of this?

The blond man in a suit, named Mai Rui, was lying comfortably on the sofa and clicked his tongue:

The scapegoat I controlled planted explosives in his body in advance, and then went to the toilet to detonate the explosives, blowing up a small part of the trading room. There were other scapegoats outside to disrupt the army.

After this set, you all saw Miss Zhou's reaction. She was completely frightened. Hahaha, a person like this can't survive for a minute without Mas.

So I suggest that we start in Mas.

The hoarse voice of the man in black robe continued: What about you?

I also think it's better to start in Mars. Several other forces have joined in today, and they are all greedy for the supplies they bring.

These stupid fat sheep lost a boatload of supplies, and they just let it go. The key is that we don't know which force stole it.

The man in black robe pondered for a while and then said: Let Major and the others frighten the captives and find out how much supplies they have and how much armed force they have brought. They have traveled across the ocean. If they really don't have any skills, It is impossible to get through, it has been annexed by pirates long ago.

By the way, go to sea and ask if you have encountered dozens of fat sheep from large ships. There is no reason why they would let these go.

I always feel that these people are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Mai Rui drank the beer and smoked the cigarettes bought from the trade fair indifferently, and said: Boss, what you said makes sense, but this beer is so fucking delicious. Where did these people get such Too many things? Aren’t they going to build a factory?

It's only a small amount to rob these things, but if we understand where they got them from and how they were made, can we get more?

The man in black robe nodded, Then let Major and those idiots explore the bottom first.

The radio on the table suddenly made a buzzing sound, and Mai Rui's eyes lit up: Boss, they activated the thing we gave them so that we can monitor them all the time.

The man in black robe hummed: Find someone to listen 24 hours a day, don't miss any news, but it's better to be careful. Rich people are surrounded by people with special abilities. If you meet someone with abilities related to magnetic fields, it's easy to reveal the secret.

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