I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 881 The friendship between our friendly countries is profound and they treat us to insect bl

The coast is full of ships of all sizes. Some of the ships are helping the Chinese ships to unload things, and some are helping to pick up people. There are also countless skinny children in the sea, helping the Chinese fleet with whatever they can.

The children's eyes were shining, and the adults were simple and hard-working. In a short time, they helped hundreds of ships dock. The local officials even arranged many ships to protect them for fear of thieves.

But Jing Shu wanted to say that it was not necessary at this time.


Because at this moment, almost all of our boats are filled with stinking fermented carrion bugs, the smell of which even makes children hold their noses and retching, or there are a whole boat full of strange green plants.

There is no such thing as a normal ship.

Just ask about this smelly ship. It is estimated that when a thief comes, he will shake his head, cry out, and then leave a piece of his clothes and swear never to be a thief again.

Well, now the Chinese fleet really has nothing to steal except artillery shells and weapons.

However, Jingshu still shook her head and sighed. It is indeed a friendly country. Look at this enthusiasm and enthusiasm. It is not like when she was on the shore of a certain country some time ago, where she was surrounded by greedy people who were dragging swimming rings and even boats. Don't miss the anchor.

But this is the end of the world. Why can the people of this small country still be so simple and simple? It seems that they haven’t changed much?

That's naturally because of poverty. Before the end of the world, they were very poor and didn't have enough to eat. After the end of the world, they were still very poor, but they were at the seaside and ate everything they could pick up. At least they could still eat. Speaking of which, this is not the end of the world, and it does not have a great impact on them.

It's just a different way of living.

The official person who came to receive him turned out to be a fat man named Wula. This was a fat black man who was said to be sneaky in Chinese. He brought a tourist bus to support his appearance. He was eliminated from China more than ten years ago, so Mr. Zhou Wait for a group of people to get on the bus.

The fleet left more than half of the people to watch the ships. After all, the carrion worms in each ship were treasures.

Hao Yunlai and Xiaowei were looking after the house on the boat, while Jingshu, Tank and others followed Mr. Zhou out to make purchases, selling some things to friendly countries and exchanging some supplies.

Friends from afar, please let us have some friendship with the landlords first, and then we can exchange supplies. There are also a group of people from your country who just arrived today and are already waiting at the embassy. Don't worry, this time It’s our country’s turn to help you poor poor people.”

Ula's face was full of sympathy. He had just seen it. The transportation was all shiploads of carrion worms, the kind of food that even their dogs wouldn't eat. Why is China so pitiful? Already?

Mr. Zhou's face froze, he coughed and nodded, forget it, you can't destroy other people's good intentions.

This small country is indeed very poor, so poor that Jingshu has only seen it on TV. There are no high-rise buildings. Just like China in the 1970s, the highest buildings are four or five floors.

Both sides are full of adobe houses, or houses built with stone, and there are also some familiar buildings.

But - to be honest, when Jing Shu came here, she thought she had arrived in China decades ago. Why are the buildings here the same as those in China forty or fifty years ago?

The embassy is the local central town hall. It is a five-story building that was built with help from Huaxia in the past.

Jing Shu had a strange look on her face, and suddenly remembered her old joke. She traveled around the world and bought a lot of things, but when she came back, the labels were all made in China.

Then many people travel to Asan or remote countries to experience the local characteristics. It turns out that the buildings are all ancient Chinese buildings from decades ago. Netizens are still joking: Yeah, I traveled back in time decades ago. China. I laughed to death, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Ula expressed sincere gratitude: Twenty years ago, China helped us build railways, roads, and built such good buildings. This time we will try our best to provide you with supplies. You must grab more supplies from Israel. , those sons of bitches have turned the Middle East upside down.

Mr. Zhou nodded: Don't worry, we are going to purchase goods this time.

In the empty embassy hall, Jing Shu saw a whole team of Zhen Nantian who was ready to go.

Zhen Nantian was leading a ten-person team this time, and except for one or two whom Jing Shu knew, she didn't even know the others.

Zhen Nantian first saluted Mr. Zhou and reported the situation. Then he saw Jingshu behind Mr. Zhou and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: Mirror is here too, long time no see. And Yang Yang, Tank, you guys too. They’re all here.”

The team members behind Zhen Nantian looked surprised. The captain hadn't smiled for a long time, right?

Jing Shu gently shook hands with Zhen Nantian and said hello, and said with a smile: It's been a long time since we last said goodbye to the Imperial Capital. This time, I have to work hard to transport some of the dark energy and other things back. Detailed precautions. Talk to you later.”


After chatting for a while, Wula called for people to serve food.

In fact, everyone sits on the ground, with a large green leaf in front of each person as a food place.

What we had for lunch was a local specialty, rice with all the red and blue ingredients and sauces stuck together, wrapped in a strange leaf.

The sauce is a local specialty, made from pickled live worms.

It bursts with juice when you bite into it. There is a bitter taste followed by spicy, sour and sweet flavors. This is the highest local treat.

After Jingshu took two bites, she calmly gave it to Tank who was stuffy.

Mr. Zhou ate it with gusto, and gave Wula a thumbs-up, praising how delicious it was. But Jingshu knew that Mr. Zhou, a social butterfly, didn't like eating it at all.

If Mr. Zhou really liked eating, he wouldn't have held the thermos bottle and drank three cups of tea.

It was also difficult for Mr. Zhou, and he was forced to eat another portion by Wula, hahaha...

As for the others, it was a real gobble. In the past ten days or so, I have eaten all kinds of cockroach meat on the ship. I ate every meal and smelled the stinky smell. I almost vomited after eating it. Now let alone this, I guess it is... Eating shit is delicious.

This made Ula even more sympathetic. Originally, he wanted to exchange for supplies at a higher price, but now he decided to lose some money to the friendly country to see how hungry the people in the friendly country were.

Dinner is over.

Start purchasing supplies.

Ula's said: If you want water, we will give it to you for free. As for food, there is this kind of sauce pickled with insects, which is very good for rice. There are also roots of various plants, which are good for making soup. Of course, as a staple food, there is no rice. , but we have a local dark taro powder, which is good for making black bread.

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