I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 865 Jingshu: I’m just pretending to be B

Of course, everyone on the ship couldn't just wait for Jingshu's experiment, but when Jingshu went to the sea, they had already taken the first step.

Now time is life and food, so the first step, mapping and measuring the number and height of nearby air walls has become a top priority for the elite team and all crew members.

For a time, Haili and Xia Jiaozi were the team's bodyguards.

In the conference room, only a small number of people were left.

Nannan is a medical soldier and does not have to go into the sea. She has cursed Jingshu thousands of times while looking at the data coming from each team in the sea.

Mr. Zhou knocked on the table and asked: How is it? How many heights of air walls are there around? What's the best route?

When Nannan was about to say that it was almost done, Yang Yang had already shared a relatively complete air wall distribution map on the projection screen, and said with a laser point:

This is the distribution map of the air walls within two kilometers nearby. I have drawn their area and height, please take a look.

The remaining members and Mr. Zhou looked up and saw a map of the sea surface, surrounded by densely packed or maze-like obstacles appearing directly and intuitively.

The air walls range from large to small. The small one is only half a meter wide, and the large one stands like a mountain in the sea. The distribution is also very chaotic, with no rules at all.

If a fleet of hundreds of ships wanted to get out of this irregular obstruction, it would have to take a twisting and detour, just like walking through a maze.

After all, no matter how small the air wall is, the ship can't move forward if it hits it. It's okay to hit a big air wall. The two ships lost today hit a very small air wall, which directly split the ship in half. .

Yang Yang continued: According to the current statistical data, we can bypass these air walls and take this maze-like route. Someone will warn us in advance and issue orders and direct the route without making mistakes. Our fleet can reach the highest speed. It can reach 20KM/hour, but since it has to go around obstacles, it is expected that the journey will be about 40% longer, and the fuel consumption will also increase accordingly.”

Mr. Zhou nodded solemnly: This is the best way I have come up with at the moment. Since there is nothing we can do about these air walls, we can only bypass them. Let's go out and see the marks they made.

Nannan followed the crowd to the deck of the official ship, counting the time silently in her heart. It was almost half an hour before Jingshu made the bet! She clenched her fists. There was no news yet, which meant that Jing Shu had no choice at all! Humph, everyone has to take a detour, but she is the only one who still wants to make the aerator disappear?

A group of people came to the deck and saw colorful symbols floating strangely in the air above the sea.

Some strips of cloth are floating in mid-air, and some strips of cloth are strangely entangled in the sea. Each strip of cloth represents an air wall of different shapes, mostly columnar.

That's right, this is what everyone has come up with. Since you can't see the aerodrome, tie these obstacles to the sea with ropes or strips of cloth.

In this way, everyone can intuitively see where there are air walls on the surrounding sea.

Mr. Zhou nodded: It's a good idea. This can avoid hitting the air wall, but the ship has a deep draft and will encounter some air walls under the sea. You have to know the location in advance, otherwise it will be troublesome if you hit it.

Everyone is constantly improving this matter. Data from the nearby air wall is constantly coming from the intercom, and Yang Yang is constantly adding new data.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Nannan coughed and said hypocritically: I think it's almost half an hour, and there's no news from Jingshu and the others. Although the mission is important, I'm afraid something will happen to them...

Mr. Zhou hummed. Nothing happened after so long. In fact, he had no hope that Jing Yatou would make the air wall disappear. He thought that Jing Yatou had nothing to do now. Maybe she needed a step, so he asked Yang Yang Said: Contact Team Jingshu. If there is nothing we can do, forget it. Let them guard the perimeter to prevent other dangers.

Nannan rolled her eyes. Now they are in the mirror sea. Except for the boundless sea and countless carrion insects, there is not even a hair on them. All living things are dead! What else is dangerous? eccentric!

Yang Yang nodded and contacted Hao Yunlai: How is your experiment going? What Mr. Zhou means is that there is no need to waste time, and he wants you to go to the outside to warn of the dangers.

Hao Yunlai's voice came from the intercom: Hey, the results of the experiment are not very good. We can't make the air wall disappear directly. Captain Jing Shu asked if the distribution map of the nearby air wall has been released.

People around were not surprised by Jing Shu's result. After all, the codename Qi can't help it, let alone an ordinary person with no abilities.

Yang Yang understood the key and continued: It's out.

Nannan was secretly excited. Others around her had already put their energy back into the data reported by their teammates.

Within a few minutes, Jingshu got on the deck wet and asked Yang Yang for the new air wall distribution map and a strange red and black stone in her hand.

Seeing Jingshu coming up, Mr. Zhou and everyone refused to mention the bet they just made. Nannan became anxious. She stepped forward and stood between Jingshu and Yang Yang, coughed and said:

Although I don't care about the bet we just made with you, people always have to keep their word, right? Since you lost the bet, you have to apologize to me in front of everyone during dinner at night. .”

Nannan raised her head and used a particularly gentle and soft voice, which made her appear to be very majestic and unconcerned.

No one spoke.

Mr. Zhou didn't say anything, but looked at Jing Shu. Since he lost the bet, he should show off. Even if he was partial, he just let Jing girl avoid the limelight, but who knew what Jing girl had to come back for?

Unexpectedly, Jingshu pushed Nannan away with a slap. As if she didn't hear what she was saying, she took the distribution map with one hand and started looking at it.

Nannan was furious: You!!

Jing Shu frowned after reading the distribution map, completely ignoring Nannan, and said to Yang Yang and Mr. Zhou: The experiment just now was indeed not very successful. We really have no way to deal with such a large air wall, but this distribution map Leave all the small air walls up to three meters to me.

Jing Shu said, took out the pen next to her, marked a lot of XX on the map, and continued to say calmly: We will clean up these small air walls, Yang Yang, you see, along this line we can re-plan Just a straight line. Your previous route was too time-consuming.

After Jing Shu finished speaking, everyone seemed to have heard wrongly.

The corners of Yang Yang's mouth raised slightly, determined and calm.

Zhou clichedly picked his ears and said in disbelief: Girl Jing, what did you say? What did you say again? You said you can make small air walls under three meters disappear?

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