I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 856 Trapped? So now there are two paths, how do you choose?

Jingshu did not misunderstand Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou not only knew about Tick New Energy, but also knew that several new energy incidents were related to Jingshu. What kind of physique does Jingshu have, a girl who specializes in attracting new energy?

Yang Yang appropriately helped everyone analyze the situation: Both have advantages and disadvantages. However, if you search for new energy sources on the forbidden Nansha Islands, you may suffer from narcolepsy and eventually become a vegetative state, and you may not be able to find new energy sources, or find new energy sources. There is no life left to take him out, but once found, the harvest may be richer than a trip to the Middle East.

To sum up, the risks are huge, the rewards are huge, and there is no chance of survival.

Seeing that many people in the audience were looking greedy and then stopped breathing when they heard that their lives were in danger, Yang Yang continued:

There are advantages and disadvantages to escaping directly. The advantage is that as long as we do not go to the Nansha Islands, we will not suffer from the strange disease of lethargy. Waiting for rescue or finding a way out in this vast sea, there are always one or two ways to survive. The disadvantage is that it is a waste of time and waiting for supplies Even if you run out or die, you may not be able to find a way out, and you may miss great opportunities.”

Codename Qi also stood up at this time and said: You choose, one path is the Nansha Islands with high risks and high returns, accelerating death. The other is low risks and no returns, just hanging on to find a way out.

Mr. Zhou said in a deep voice: You guys should discuss it.

Many teams, as well as the heads of various departments who had just come in, began to whisper and start discussions.

If you're so damn afraid, just go to the Nansha Islands and do it. There are so many of us, so we're just afraid of a bird.

I think it is better to inquire about the surrounding situation first. Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle. Don't be impulsive. You must know that no one who went to the Nansha Islands back then was spared.

How long can our food supplies last?

As serious voices came from around her, Jingshu's face became a little weird. She was a little confused now, hey hey hey! As the boss and second in command of the official ship, you are the decision-makers.

Why is it that when a problem arises, it is thrown directly to the people under them? Why did she feel that instead of a superior asking his subordinates for their opinions, it would be better for the examiner to directly ask the students to solve problems when they encounter them?

Zhang Lang's tentacles tilted: Captain, what should we do?

Jingshu is naturally in favor of going directly to the Nansha Islands with both hands and feet. After all, she has a spiritual spring and is not afraid of the strange sleepiness disease, but she can't say it now!

Moreover, if hundreds of official ships directly landed on the island and everyone fell into the drowsy disease, would she save them or not? With so many people, she felt distressed after saving Lingquan. Why not save them and watch everyone die?

So Jingshu tapped the table lightly: There are weird things in the Nansha Islands. I don't recommend going to the islands directly. It is better to find out the situation around you first before going to the islands.

Hao Yunlai opened his sleeping eyes and became more awake. He grinned: Captain, if necessary, send me to find out the news. If there is any danger, let me go first. Nothing can happen to Jing Shu. , if something happens, who will prepare something delicious for him?

The four-eyed boy pondered calmly, but he did not expect that the legendary son of misfortune, Hao Yun, who seems to be a transparent person these days, would have such a good attitude towards Jing Shu. It is not that this person has very weird abilities and is arrogant. What is wrong with him? Don't people even care?

At this time, Xiangxi Corpse Exorcist signaled everyone to be quiet with his big yellow teeth: Everyone, don't talk nonsense here. The first thing we should do now is to count the food, grass and fuel, and then we can decide what to do next. After all, if you are really trapped, these are the most important supplies!

After that, look at Yang Yang on the stage. Yang Yang, the strategist, knows this matter best.

There are nearly two hundred official ferries plus our private merchant ships, large and small. The consumption of these alone is terrible every day. Now that we are trapped without pirate supplies and no dock, these have become a big problem!

Everyone fell silent, what Big Yellow Ya said made sense.

Yang Yang took out a table at this time and said: The ordinary food on the official ship is enough for twenty days, and the Jingshu team paid a ferry's supplies a few hours ago, which is enough for the current number of people to consume for ten days. Day. Now how long can the food of the personnel on your private fleet be consumed?

When it comes to this, most people are embarrassed.

Why is it embarrassing?

Because most people don't bring much fuel and food, only enough for seven days at most. Everyone wants to imitate the cavalry in the past, plundering and replenishing supplies at the same time. We need to go to the dock for supplies.

Besides, if you really bring so many things, the boat is small and there won’t be enough stuff to grab from the pirates. Spending more on the road can free up some space.

In fact, these days it is exactly as they thought, just robbing it from pirates is enough.

Of course, everyone still has the last resort, that is, there are so many official ferries. There must be a lot of supplies. If it is not enough by then, you can use your contribution to buy some from the official.

Dozens of ability users were hesitating and hesitating, with faces the color of constipated pig liver.

There are more than 50 people on my boat, and it's only enough for three days.

I have enough ships to last 2 days.

My ship can last 7 days!!

Good guys, anyone who can consume it for 7 days has become a class representative.

Yang Yang coughed: Okay, the official ship will be divided equally, and the guarantee of 15 days will not be a problem. Let's not talk about food. Even if the food is not enough, at least there is Zhang Lang. He can produce cockroaches. If not, he can produce enough cockroaches for all of us. It won’t be a problem to consume it for several years.”

Speaking of this, everyone turned to look over and their eyes lit up.

Yes, no matter what, there are cockroaches here, we will starve to death!

It's better that the organization has a back-up and the cockroaches are here, otherwise we will really be in trouble.

At this time, Nannan looked embarrassed: But those are cockroaches. Do we want to eat those disgusting cockroaches crawling everywhere every day?

Speaking of this, some people became sad. As ability users, they were treated very well and had never eaten maggots or cockroaches.

Jing Shu was angry when she heard this: The cockroaches are sold in the Middle East. Their value is much higher than yours. They can even be exchanged for several ships of fuel. If you don't want to eat them, don't eat them. It's a waste to eat them for you. Zhang Lang, remember her and don’t give her anything to eat.”

Zhang Lang nodded fiercely: Yes! I remember it!

Yang Yang shook his head, held his forehead, and knocked on the table: It's good to have some to eat. Food is not a problem now. The problem is water resources and fuel!

Speaking of this, everyone was shocked!

Yes, the biggest problem now is water and fuel!

If the water problem is not solved, we can only stay for ten days at most! If the fuel is gone, we will be trapped in this endless sea forever and will never be able to get out!

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