I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 838 The pirates are coming? How can we be sure that someone is really a pirate?

Look how pitiful this kid is that his S authority is too precious to be given away by the protected door.

Jingshu nodded as he should: That's natural. You are also a member of our group. Of course you have to listen to me. When I met you a few years ago, you were a very cheerful young man. Why are you so wilted now? Later I will introduce you to a beautiful woman like you, and you will definitely be able to chat with her.

The tentacles on Zhang Lang's head became straight again, and he smiled happily: Okay!

The captain of the first team is called Black Dragon. He is a gloomy young man. At such a young age, his entire body is shrouded in a black cloak and his body cannot be seen clearly. However, the information just introduced clearly shows that this person is not normal.

He stood up and said sadly: I'm afraid Zhang Lang can't go out on patrol with you. What if he encounters danger? It's safest for him to stay on the boat, otherwise we won't be able to protect him if he encounters danger.

Jing Shu frowned and then asked, What level are you at?

Heilong was stunned for a moment.

Jingshu continued: Oh, it's really hard for you to guarantee his safety if you are an A-level person. Don't worry, I am an S-level person after all. No matter how you follow me, it will be safer than following you no matter where you are.

You!! Black Dragon looked at Jing Shu sinisterly, flicked his cloak for the last time, and turned around angrily, but he heard another word that made him almost angry to death.

Jing Shu shrugged her shoulders, and then said to Yang Yang: You just saw it, right? If the two teams protect Zhang Lang, it is easy to have disagreements. Otherwise, you can just give Zhang Lang to us completely. There is no need to go to so much trouble. It comes and goes, and if something happens to two teams, it will shirk responsibility.

Everyone sitting here took a breath, look how brave these words are, aren't they? And you dare to directly ask the military advisor who assigned the task to reassign it? Aren't you afraid that Captain Codename Qi will have any objections? And this is a mission to protect S-class after all. How can you say it is so simple?

Besides, will people agree if you say this? Such important matters must not be reported for discussion...

But what everyone never expected was that after hearing this, Military Advisor Yang actually nodded seriously and said with full approval: Okay, your team is enough to protect Zhang Lang. If Zhang Lang in your team can If something goes wrong, we will probably be wiped out, and there will be no need for anyone else.

The people present were even more shocked and didn't know what to say, but they glanced at the codename Qi who had a cold face throughout the whole process. Does the captain really don't need to ask other people's opinions here?

Another thing that everyone didn't expect was that Military Advisor Yang had such a high opinion of this big girl. Is this big girl really powerful?

The key is that Captain Qi, who was codenamed, said nothing in the end, and Yang Yang called Heilong over again: In this case, I will add a few more shifts to you in the future... But the extra reward for protecting the important S-class mission is merit. There will be no more, and there will be no more special subsidies, and Team 20 will be solely responsible for them.

What? Zhang Lang, who protects S-class, will he receive additional merit rewards and special subsidies? ? The members of the first team who were just overjoyed immediately became stunned again, and they didn't say it earlier! Is it too late to regret now?

Black Dragon's face changed back and forth several times, but in the end he said nothing. Today, they have become a joke, and anything they say will only make them more laughing stock.

After rearranging the shifts, Yang Yang asked everyone to report the information of all the personnel in their respective fleets, assessed the combat strength level, and assigned numbers to the scattered fleets. This kind of fleets will still be used at some times. .

After that, Yang Yang took everyone to familiarize themselves with the official ships and route planning, and stipulated that if there is time in the afternoon, he will hold a meeting every afternoon to make a work summary and record, and then announce the end of his speech. .

Codename Qi stood up at this time and said: Then let's follow what Military Master Yang said. Everyone remember what our main mission goal is this time, which is to make a fortune together. If there are conflicts, they will be resolved by the authority level. If they can't be resolved, then Let’s see who has the bigger fist. Of course I have the right to decide all plans and judge all lawsuits because I have the biggest fist.” As he spoke, Codename Qi raised his fist.

Everyone in the audience said there was no problem. After all, his codename was Qi, the supreme commander of the operation. He must have the final say.

Just when Codename Qi said it was okay to leave, a voice suddenly came from the speakers in the room:

This is Patrol Aircraft No. 2. More than two hundred miles ahead of us towards Vietnam, we patrolled five suspected pirate ships. Three cargo ships and two armed with cannons. Repeat...

Hearing this voice, everyone sitting here became faintly excited. They didn't expect that business would come to them so soon!

Especially the elites of the second team are even more excited, they are on patrol today!

Yang Yang waved his hands at this time and said: Don't get excited, everyone. I just said that a fleet has been detected, but those traveling on the sea are not necessarily pirates, right? Piracy is prevalent now, and the merchant ships are also very armed. .”

What he said... although it doesn't sound good, is really reasonable. Pirates are not stupid. They put a big skull on the ship to announce to the world that they are coming to catch me, right?

Yeah, what about that? Send someone up to take a look?

I'm not sure they are pirates even after looking at them.

Yang Yang waved his hand again and said with a smile: For the second team, take your own boat and approach them at this time, ask for help, and then do this, this, this, this, this...

The elites present showed expressions of sudden realization, and revealed evil smiles, ah, isn't this just fishing law enforcement?

You pretend to be rich at sea but weak and unable to fight back. You need to study your humanity better!

As long as the other party dares to take action, it must be a pirate. What? Are you a legitimate businessman? Then why did you rob the weak us? Then we are just acting in self-defense, we did not deliberately rob you.

However, now that the apocalypse is over, many powerful caravans from other countries are part-time pirates, fishing for fat sheep at sea and robbing other caravans while transporting goods.

Then someone asked: What if we meet a real businessman and help us?

Yang Yang then said: Then escort them for a while. Good-hearted people will always be rewarded. We can protect businessmen who are not pirates.

The second team and the third team set off with their own fleet. Since it was their first time to rob, ah, no, to fight against pirates, they were not very skilled in the business, so they sent two elite teams just in case.

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