I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 824 This land probably costs hundreds of points per ton, right?

Jingshu swallowed the food in her mouth, held the Hulk as a wind board, and lifted the Hulk back and forth a few times to disperse the smell, and inhaled again. Come on, the smell is much lighter, so she went Open the door.

Who is this? Boss Jing, who had been busy all night, was planning to have something to eat and catch up on his sleep, but he didn't expect someone to come.

Jingshu opened the door and saw a familiar huge MAN RV revealed in front of her, followed by dozens of familiar Hulk bodyguards carrying bulging supplies.

At the door was Lao Jing's family, who stared dumbfoundedly at the high and thick city wall that looked like a prison gate, and the colorful castle that looked like the Mando Forest in a fairy tale world.

Mr. Jing was wearing his big cotton-padded jacket and was sweating from the heat. He was smoking a pipe and patting Fatty Liu next to him: You said the house that our girl Jing mentioned is here? Is it true or false? If so. It’s a big house, didn’t I have a quarrel with the director who was dividing the land?”

Dad Jing also nodded doubtfully: Yes, yes, didn't Jing girl say it was a simple mobile villa? This looks like a castle, isn't it too arrogant?

Fatty Liu was about to cry but had no tears. It was really just an open space before, but it became like this overnight. He didn't know it, just at this moment.

Everyone also saw Jingshu coming out with a chicken coop on her head.

Fatty Liu wiped his sweat, trotted up, and smiled:

Mr. Jing, Secretary Wang from your cigarette factory and I are discussing something. It happens that your family is quarreling with others. I see that your family is in big trouble.

Huh?? Jingshu frowned. Her family was in big trouble? ? Now there is an unwinnable quarrel between her family members?

Fatty Liu coughed and continued: Your family is about to beat someone to death. If you beat someone to death, wouldn't it be a big problem?

Oh...oh, indeed, that makes sense.

Fatty Liu continued: Secretary Wang happened to say that they were your family members, Mr. Jing, and I happened to know the way to your home, so I took it upon myself to bring your family here. Secretary Wang was left to deal with the aftermath.

Jing Shu patted Fatty Liu and said, Well done, thank you for your hard work.

That's it, I don't want to delay your family's reunion. A lot of people are coming to the dock in batches. We still have a lot of preparation work, so we'll leave first.

At this time, Jing Nai grabbed a handful of milk pimple candy from her pocket and handed it over: Young man, thank you for your hard work.

It should, it should. Fatty Liu collected his things and left happily.

Thank God, I worked all night yesterday and it was not in vain! Nothing revealed! Otherwise, the crotch would be filled with yellow mud, and I couldn’t even explain it.

Jingshu gave Jingnai a thumbs up: Nai, the souvenirs you give people are getting more and more high-end now. Before, they were just soybeans. But then again, didn't you just arrive tomorrow? Why did you arrive a day early? ?”

Dad Jing said hehely: Isn't that just to give you a surprise? We came here in advance with the town government's material distribution fleet. Actually, we wanted to see where they were allocated.

Thank you, it really gave me a scare.

Jing Nai rubbed the head of her granddaughter's chicken nest, hugged Jing Shu and said: Oh, my eldest grandson, let Nai see, you have worked so hard to come to Nanhai, but you have suffered from the old nose. Right? You must not be eating enough or wearing warm clothes, right? I’m so hungry!

Hiccup~ Jingshu burped, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Jing's mother was muttering from afar: Why does it smell like durian? It must be my hallucination, a hallucination!

Jingshu coughed and asked, By the way, why did you almost beat someone to death when you got into a quarrel?

Jing's mother said: What the young man just said was a bit exaggerated. Your father just pushed Director Wang, but the fat man was so weak that he actually acted in public. He flew over and hit the stone on the ground, knocking his head off. It’s so addictive, if you ask me, it’s just cheating.”

The family looked very approving of it.

God, dad, do you know how strong you are now?

Then Director Wang, is he the one who offended our family in Wucheng and threatened not to give us a house when we get to Nanhai? Jing Shu asked.

Dad Jing nodded and said: It's him! According to our family's population and work, we could be given two rooms in the old city. We thought that the villa here would be crowded, or your aunt would work overtime and your aunt would come over. We can live there when we are here, after all, we don’t have it in vain.

Who would have thought that he didn't give us any at all, so we don't care. The key is that he gave us the livestock farm and your mother's Ministry of Agriculture to the place closest to the dock, where there are so many carrion insects.

Jing's mother waved her hand: Okay, what can I say to Jing Shu about such a trivial matter? Didn't we think of a solution? Then we will let that damn fat man walk around with nothing to eat. If we don't get him out of office this time, I, the minister, will It’s all in vain!”

That's right. It won't affect our mood any more. Your third aunt, Youai and the others are going to make arrangements for the arrival of the large army tomorrow. Let's make arrangements first when we come back.

Jing Shu nodded happily, Jing's mother and Jing's father have become more and more sophisticated in the past few years. It's okay. You work hard in the front, and I'll carry it for you in the back.

And Jing Nai and Jing Ye have been impatient for a long time. Looking at this new castle-like home, the confusion and insecurity of being away from home for more than three months seems to be back again?

Granddaughter, this, is this our new home?

It looks a bit too grand! Just like that castle.

Okay, I'll open the door. I said I want to give you a surprise. Come on, let's take a look at our new home!

Jingshu happily walked into the new villa with her family.

Looking at the lush vegetable garden in the front yard, Jing Nai and Jing Ye stroked the lush crops one by one and kept saying: This kind of thing is good, but it needs to be repaired all over and a road must be built to get out. And it’s not professional anymore.”

However, this soil is good soil. Isn't this soil cheap these days?

Jing Nai also nodded and asked a little: In the past, one ton cost dozens of yuan more, but now this ton costs hundreds of points, right?

I don’t know if it’s expensive or not, but it probably costs only a few million dollars to build a villa.

Almost. Jing Shu smiled and nodded, which was just a little bit off.

Jingye narrowed his eyes and was about to speak, but Jingshu beat him to it: Master, stop it. I grabbed it on Double Eleven, but it's not at this price anymore. Don't let your friends ask me to buy it for you.

Otherwise, Jingye would brag about it and want to buy it for his friends, and Jingshu would really faint from crying.

Master Jing slapped his mouth, feeling a little regretful.

Then, it was time for everyone in Lao Jing’s family to be stunned!

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