I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 818: I want this, I’ve got that, and I’ve got all the inventory!

Anyway, it was something I picked up for free in the United States. I exchanged it for various foods and spicy sticks. No matter how expensive it was, Jingshu didn't feel bad. If this unpalatable cheese could be exchanged for dozens of houses of food, even Jingshu would feel like it was a big profit. Sent.

Blue cheese is the stinky tofu in France. Blue cheese has moldy lines and a strong flavor. People who love it regard it as a treasure and can't put it down. People who can't get used to its musty smell are put off by it, but they can't hide the fact that it is a top-quality ingredient.

Li Jiaqi quickly checked the quality and said: Authentic blue cheese will inject Penicillium rockfordii into the cheese, and then reproduce and mature it in a special environment in a natural limestone cave. The process is complicated, the output is low and the price is expensive. It is The best cheese.

Your quality is the most authentic and best I have encountered since my birth. The price of the last blue cheese auction was 30,000 virtual coins per pound. Yours... is at least 50,000 kilograms, and a whole piece is worth more.

Nowadays, a pound of milk costs thousands of virtual coins, let alone ten times the concentrated essence. Only 10 pounds of milk can make 1 pound of cheese.

Oh, there's no need to go to so much trouble. This lady cleared out my inventory. I'll just ask her for a piece of blue cheese as big as a millstone! Is that okay? The owner of the spicy strips walked over with a smile while rubbing his hands. .

Okay, it really doesn't have to be that troublesome. Jing Shu quickly calculated the value. Although the boss of the spicy strips might suffer a bit of a loss based on today's value, he would definitely make a profit by selling it to the boss who likes blueberry cheese. of.

A piece of cheese was exchanged, and there were many pieces left. Miss Li Jiaqi's eyes widened. Damn, this piece of cheese was exchanged for a house of spicy strips. How many things could be exchanged for the remaining pieces of blue cheese?

Then I heard Jing Shu say: Then I will give priority to exchanging cheese for supplies. If I can't exchange it, I will auction it at the end.

Okay, Mr. Jing.

Look, isn’t this just too much money to spend? Next, as long as Jingshu is willing, she can change whichever one she wants.

Next, every time Miss Li Jiaqi sells something, she will come over and ask: Do you think Mr. Jing is interested in this kind of rice? This is Northeast Wuchang rice.

Jingshu shook her head: I have a lot of rice at home. The warehouse is full of it, and there are dozens of varieties. The most indispensable thing at home is rice, but this time I can get some more from the space when I go back. Said it was for auction, perfect.

How about this 5S physically pressed top-quality peanut oil? Have some?

There is no need for oil. I press all kinds of oil myself. Speaking of which, I can also sell a batch of olive oil if necessary. Not only do I press it myself, but I also have a house full of various corns brought back from the United States. Oil, olive oil.

Want some of these cultivated seedlings? Some of them are newly cultivated in the last days. Let's have a taste of the finished product.

Jingshu pondered for a moment and tried some weird vegetables, Well, here are a dozen of this type, a dozen of that type, and some of these southern-style wild rice and other vegetable seedlings.

Not to mention China's vast land and abundant resources, Jingshu had never heard of some common dishes in the south, but it felt novel to eat them, especially wild rice, mini golden lotus root, finger corn and so on.

Not to mention that the national distribution conference held once a month has a complete range of categories. This has caught up with Jingshu’s crazy consumption during the previous Double Eleven promotion.

Don’t consume rationally, I will consume wildly!

Bring me ten more boxes of this pure plant shampoo and shower gel.

I have to buy another hundred boxes of tissue paper and rolling paper. This quality is indeed the best I have seen in the past few years. There is nothing wrong with it except that it is a little more expensive.

Give me ten boxes of this snack, no, twenty boxes!

What? This is the Coke Sprite that has been discontinued but has been re-produced? Give me ten boxes, no, keep the inventory for me.

Oh my god, I’m so happy. Being able to buy things that are no longer available in this apocalyptic world is something Jingshu never dared to think about in her previous life. Sure enough, as long as you stand tall enough and are rich enough, you can even buy things that are no longer available. I can reopen a production chain for you.

Of course, a Coke that used to cost three yuan is now thousands of times more expensive.

It's a joke.

Big brother, can these things be produced again after they are gone? Isn't it necessary to buy so many at once? At worst, you can buy them once a month. These things are basically available every month. Wu Jiang was really impressed by Jing Shu's arrogance. I was shocked, and I don’t quite understand the psychology of people who love to hoard goods.

What does Mr. Jing mean by hoarding things as if the world is about to end? Oh no, although this is already the end of the world, it doesn’t mean there will be no more. As long as you have money, you can buy what you want at any time.

But having said that, even if you have money, you can't buy the things Mr. Jing breeds. There are so many and good things in Mr. Jing's home, and tears of envy flow from his mouth.

Yes, yes, Mr. Jing, did you buy too many things and couldn't eat the expired ones? Zhang Yicheng also said cautiously next to him.

You don't understand. Jing Shu shook her head, and then added: There are so many aunts and uncles in the family. It's enough to give a few boxes to each person. Just buy this and it's not enough.

Speaking of this, the two of them were relieved when they remembered that when Jing Shu went to the Yangcheng Cigarette Factory, she took out sack after sack of things to give to the employees. Mr. Jing was so grand.

The national distribution meeting lasted until six o'clock the next day, and everything from screws to excavators that were no longer available in the last days, from seedlings to finished products, to processed foods, rice, flour, grains, oils, daily necessities, etc. were all available.

Except for Jingshu's bold approach to food, she lacks interest in other aspects. However, Jingshu, who has stocked up another batch of goods, can be said to have gained a lot.

The blue cheese has all been replaced and is very bad. I will leave some to give away later. There is also a batch of wine brought from the United States that has not been replaced. I will wait until there is a large auction next time to replace it.

What are we going to do next? Have morning tea? Jingshu asked in a good mood, even the language was assimilated.

Wu Hai also waved his hand energetically: Let's go, I'll treat you to the best morning tea here. After Mr. Jing's performance all night, Miss Li Jiaqi actually asked for his contact information, saying that she wanted to make a friend. friend!

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once you take the first step, will it be difficult later?

So Wu Hai generously treated Jing Shu and others to a good meal, and said at the dinner table: Do you know why the distribution conference is held at night? That's because it's because people get excited easily at night, and they tend to buy when their brains get hot. Jing Anyway, if you want to return it later, please feel free to contact me.”

Thank you, Mr. Wu, I will never quit.

That's alright. Let's pack up and prepare to go to Shunde. Shunde is our childhood memory. I'll show you around. Wu Hai showed a smile of reminiscence.


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