I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 816 Isn’t it too much to buy hundreds of tons of good soil and go back to farm?

Jingshu snapped her fingers, and the Hulk turned into a pool of liquid, wrapping up the people in Group B. On their bodies, it could be clearly seen that under the Hulk liquid, there were ticks crawling around. insect.

Jingshu took out the scalpel, Touch, observation, and a lot of experience can clearly distinguish their action trajectories. Now their action trajectories are transparent. Pay attention to watch and remember the summary. Their different performances at different periods, just It's like this. Jingshu said, using her fingers with a scalpel, she gently scratched the skin and blocked it in front of the tick that was burrowing forward, and then quickly picked out a tick like picking out snail meat. Covering the glass jar and sewing stitches are done in one go.

Wu Jiang secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart. It turned out to be this method! But he pretended that I had known about it for a long time, then stood up, coughed and said slowly: You couldn't see ticks before because you have no experience. Now it has become transparent, and the answer is Are you being asked to copy this club? President Jing said that there is no shortcut to this road, it just requires a lot of practice. Okay, let's get started.

Yes! Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Hai coughed in embarrassment, Jing still has a way, this is a good way.

After a whole day of teaching and hundreds of thousands of attempts, these people were finally able to pick out ticks quickly and accurately, but they still need to continue practicing.

The master led him in. Cultivation depends on oneself, and the rest can be figured out by oneself. Master Jing rewarded himself with a pot of cheese milk tea, sucking and biting it while squinting his eyes to enjoy it.

In the evening, Wu Hai took Wu Jiang, Jing Shu, assistant bodyguards and Zhang Yicheng to the auction held once a month. Of course, there were two rows of Hulks behind him, and the team was spectacular.

It was difficult to enter the auction. During the capital verification, Wu Hai and Wu Jiang could each bring two people into the auction, but the Hulk didn't seem to count as a human, but...

The auction venue is very large. It is a large warehouse of several thousand square meters in a five-star hotel. There are two rows of long tables in the middle, surrounded by some relatively exquisite snacks, tea breaks, etc. There are no fixed seats, and there are many people, so it seems a bit crowded.

The Hulk would have no place if he entered.

Mr. Jing always brings so many bodyguards with him wherever he goes. Don't worry, I don't dare to talk about other things here in Shenzhen. In terms of security... uh uh uh...

Before Wu Hai finished speaking, Wu Jiang held his mouth tightly, Brother, you can eat as much as you want, but don't talk nonsense! When entering the venue today, all these Hulks must go in, and no one can stay. Outside...I, I said it!

Wu Hai was confused by his sudden toughness. When did he become so tough?

Okay, okay, let go, really, just come in, the reaction is so big, just wait, I'll say hello! You're really cool!

In any case, the Hulk entered the market smoothly. Wu Hai's group only needs to consume or sell enough 10 million yuan. Otherwise, an additional 30,000 yuan entry fee will be charged according to the standard.

The Hulks followed Jing Shu with their bulging cargoes on their backs. Not to mention how safe Wujiang was, Zhang Yicheng shook his head with a click of his tongue.

It is said to be an auction, but it is actually a product distribution conference that is more appropriate. You can even understand it as an online visit to the JD PLUS live broadcast venue.

As for why I didn’t visit Xinbao, it’s because the third-party platform is the official town government, and the materials participating in the distribution meeting are all top-notch. The quality of Xinxuan and Pinxixi is not quite the same.

Then the town government will select the best batch of materials, price them, and sell them. As for the top materials, they will be auctioned if necessary.

Wu Hai took a glass of red wine and walked around the venue with his little brother and Jing Shu. He said hello to anyone he met:

This is a farm that grows rice, and over there are people who raise pigs, chickens, and cattle.

Oh, there are people who cultivate seedlings here. Just tell me what you need. I'll ask the boss to make it cheaper for you later.

Okay, okay, thank you, Boss Wu. Jingshu held a large plate of unknown pastries in her hand. It tasted soft and crispy, which was very novel.

When the time came, the auction officially began. There were more than a dozen tables on the huge stage. The tables were covered with red cloth, and the samples were placed on the top.

At this time, a mature woman wearing a high-waisted slit national fashion cheongsam and swaying her buttocks walked up. Wu Hai swallowed slightly, calmly took a sip of red wine, and then said: She is a famous host. Li Jiaqi, as long as she is here, I will come, whether I buy something or not is secondary, I just feel comfortable looking at her.

Dear guests, pretty boys and girls, welcome to the country's top material distribution conference held once a month. Without further ado, let's get straight to it! This time, the first product category is soil!

As we all know, after the fourth year of the apocalypse, the soil across the country became mudslide and was no longer suitable for planting. The soil structure needs to be changed again before planting can continue. Now we have screened out the top products from several boutique dealers, please take a look.

High-quality Northeastern black soil, loose but not loose, sticky but not hard, not only breathable and water-permeable, but also retains water and fertilizer. It has high fertility. It is suitable for growing various crops and plants. The after-sales service includes two years of after-sales service. Top dressing can be used to help control problems. The minimum price is ten tons. , selling materials worth 100,000 virtual coins per ten tons.”

High-quality clay, poor water permeability but strong water and fertilizer retention, resistant to fertilizer, strong nutrient content, fertilizer has staying power, suitable for growing rice, wheat and other aquatic vegetables, this type of water storage capacity is large and is suitable for fertilizer, 50,000 virtual coins per ten tons, after-sales package 2 years.

I have to say that the host Li Jiaqi really understands it. While introducing it, he also asked everyone who was interested to come on stage to inspect the items for sale. Jing Shu came on stage with snacks, and Wu Jiang and Zhang Yicheng followed closely. What, boss? Want to buy land?

Jing Shu casually grabbed a handful of soil and shook it back and forth. Well, that's good. Jing Nai and Jing Ye would love to use this soil to grow vegetables and food.

It's just that the current year is not good, and there are more soilless cultivation and aquatic products here, so there are fewer people buying soil, and not many people come to observe.

The opening was a warm-up, and Li Jiaqi was used to it. She saw a girl holding a large plate of snacks while eating and looking at the soil. She seemed to be very interested in the soil. Maybe it was someone who brought food and drinks, but she still politely went up to ask. road:

My dear, how are you? Are you suddenly interested in this? If you don't understand anything, you can ask me.

Um? Someone actually called me pretty.

Jing Shu smiled and nodded: Well, how many tons are generally required for four hundred square meters?

It will cost one hundred tons if it is spread flat, and two hundred tons if it is spread deeply. However, a shallow spread of this kind of high-quality soil is enough, and fifty tons is also fine. However, if you grow these high-quality species at home, you don't need to buy them. There are so many, I suggest you buy ten tons first and take a look. Li Jiaqi said with a smile.

Well, that means the more the better. Then give me three hundred tons of black soil, two hundred tons of clay, and one hundred tons of the sand you mentioned before. Jing Shu said with her fingers.


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