I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 806: Brother, please don’t raise flags randomly.

This is not nonsense, Wu Jiang has seen it before.

Boss Jing didn't say anything else. Apart from being a good food, being able to quickly and perfectly handle such a difficult emergency was worthy of Wu Jiang, a landowner and boss, to put down his dignity and ask for help.

Craftsmen are popular wherever they go.

Okay, it's not a big deal. Just pick some people with fast hands, and then through a lot of practice, I will teach you the techniques, and there will be no problem.

Then hard work, Mr. Jing, it's just a lot of practice...what kind of a lot of practice method? Are we using ourselves as experimental subjects? Wu Jiang was confused by Jingshu's extensive practice.

Jing Shu nodded matter-of-factly: What else do you think? Putting it on livestock will not be effective. When we encountered a sea of ​​ticks in Sichuan and Sichuan, countless soldiers were burrowed into them by ticks. Physically, that’s when I developed what I’m capable of now.”

Ah? Wouldn't it be too cruel to use human bodies as experiments?

Jingshu burst into laughter and decided not to tease Boss Wu anymore: Well, Mr. Wu, you know it's a bit cruel, why do you still think that way? Okay, I have a way.

It turns out it's Mr. Jing, you're joking, you scared me to death.

Jingshu returned to the five-star White Swan Hotel. After taking a hot bath inside her own Hulk, she lay on her own duck-down bed and fell asleep contentedly.

A night of silence.

At 5:30 the next morning, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Jing, get up, catch the train, you're going to be late!! Get up quickly! Zhang Yicheng's unique voice rang.

Jing Shu squinted her eyes so sleepily that she yawned and opened the door: Huh? What train are you catching? Are there still trains running these days? Are you kidding me in the middle of the night?

The surrounding air seemed to be stagnant again, and it was so cold that people shivered.

Zhang Yicheng knew something was going to happen when he saw Mr. Jing's expression. Mr. Jing was not only angry about getting up, but he also didn't know what he was going to do today? Didn't Mr. Wu tell Mr. Jing about today's schedule last night?

Zhang Yicheng remembered Mr. Jing’s preferences, and then said cautiously:

Let's go to Chaoshan first today. The fastest and most convenient way from Yangcheng to Chaoshan is the daily train. Didn't our Yangcheng reopen the train last year?

It just so happens that when we arrive in Chaoshan, we can have morning tea there, such as pig blood soup, kway teow soup, seafood casserole porridge, etc. Anyway, the breakfast there is super delicious, and at noon, Mr. Wu’s friends are there. Reception arranged”

Oh, that's okay. I haven't been on a train for a long time, so I just want to experience it. When she heard that morning tea was available, Jingshu immediately calmed down.

The air circulated again and everything was normal.

Zhang Yicheng exhaled and passed the test: Yes, yes, you can sleep for a while on the train if you are sleepy.

Okay, let's go after I put on some clothes. With a snap of his fingers, the Hulk packed up everything one by one. Jing Shu was really only responsible for putting on clothes, which made Zhang Yicheng jealous.

There are so many people at Yangcheng Railway Station. Although the number of trains has decreased by 90% compared with before the end of the world, and ordinary people cannot afford to take the train, they cannot resist the huge population base of Yangcheng.

Jing Shu looked at this post-apocalyptic train station with curiosity. Most of the people were wearing vests and underpants. After all, it was hot here in Yangcheng all year round.

Wu Jiang yawned and said hello to Jing Shu.

Here, Zhang Yicheng counted the heads. This time Wu Jiang brought a male secretary and two surgeons with fast hands, preparing to learn how to deal with ticks.

Then there's Jing Shu, and Jing Shu's twenty-five Hulks.

Ah, Issei scratched his head. Are so many huge Hulks going to get on the train? The problem is that we are not allowed to get on the train station here.

Mr. Jing is also a strange person. Situ Xiaoye and the others carry coffins with them wherever they go. Mr. Jing always carries the Hulk with him, not just one or two, but a bunch of them.

This world is not so dangerous, right?

Zhang Yicheng asked Mr. Wu what to do.

Wu Jiang asked:

Mr. Jing, you green giant, why don't you bring a few of them with you? There are too many to fit on the train. Besides, we will be back in two days, so don't worry, we are very safe. I've never had any accidents in my life, so I guarantee it for you. If you don't worry, I have a male secretary and a bodyguard here, but they are very powerful.

Brother, please don’t set up flags randomly.

Jing Shu asked: It's really not easy to carry on the train. How fast is this train? My Hulk can run by itself. It's okay. I'm used to carrying it with me wherever I go. The main thing is that I need to change some things with me at the Chamber of Commerce. of.

Without the Hulk, when she needs to use so many things in her space, how can she get out of the way when she wants to take them out! !

If she is in danger, who will take the bullet for her?

So you have to carry it with you wherever you go.

As soon as he heard that he wanted to change something, it was a serious matter, Wu Jiang said: Oh, it's too far to run, so I have to take it with me. You wait a moment, I will contact a friend.

Wu Jiang made a phone call as he spoke, and it was settled in a short time.

I don’t know who Wu Jiang contacted. Anyway, the train station gave the last freight car to Jing Shu and put down Jing Shu’s Hulks. Only the Hulk King was left to follow Jing Shu closely with his bulging things.

Facial recognition automatically checks tickets, and there are attentive services from conductors in front of each carriage.

The train is a double-decker sleeper car. The ordinary hard sleeper has six beds in one compartment, the soft sleeper has four beds, and the first-class business single room not only has a bed, but also a table, bathroom, and comfortable space.

Zhang Yicheng bought a first-class business private room for his bosses. He, his male secretary and two surgeons were in the soft sleeper room next door.

Mr. Jing, if you need anything, call us anytime. We are right next door.

Okay, okay, I'll take a nap first.

The train set off with a roar.

After Jingshu arranged for the mud mermaid to follow her secretly, and checked the surrounding environment to rule out danger, she lay down on the train bed and fell asleep, waiting to wake up and arrive in Chaoshan, and then have a delicious meal.

After a day of food bombardment yesterday, Jingshu was looking forward to the next food.

Time passed so quickly, in the blink of an eye, we were more than half way through the journey, and we were almost close to our destination.

Jingshu was sleeping with tears streaming down her face, and was dreaming about eating the legendary pig blood soup in Chaoshan breakfast. There were dozens of ingredients and vegetables to choose from. The pig blood was refreshing, fresh and sweet, and there was barley porridge with pig offal and seafood. Sprinkle some pepper, full of spiciness, braised pork intestines, braised bacon and kuey teow soup with some chopped green onion.

boom! !

A loud noise exploded in Jingshu's ears, breaking all these dreams.

At the same time, Jing Shu felt herself being thrown away by a strong force of inertia, and then hit the soft liquid again. After two consecutive shakes, it stopped violently.

The originally bright carriage suddenly became extremely dark.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, dear ones. What kind of mooncakes are you eating this year?

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