I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 804 Six minutes and six seconds, one second more is not much, one second less is not much

Huh? This is the only one who is sick, so it doesn't have to be so serious, right?

Zhang Yicheng's voice was a little trembling. His first reaction was that he was in trouble. Oh my god, this man's facial features were so distorted. He seemed to be going through something extremely painful. It was more painful than when he had seen a certain woman come. Rolling on the ground is even more exaggerated.

No, it's very serious. A tick has got into his body! When it first got in, the tick had its own toxins that paralyzed people and they haven't felt it yet. After a day or two, almost all the internal organs have probably been eaten. I'm sure. Writhing on the ground in pain,

If there is one, there must be a second one, so everyone must check it out. As for this person, I will deal with it.

Ah? Oh, oh, ok, ok, whoever heard it, come and make arrangements quickly. Wait, how do you deal with it? How to deal with it? Ticks are very dangerous, I, I, I still call Situ Xiaoye and the people from his village, No one in their village is afraid... Zhang Yicheng hadn't finished speaking yet.

Then Jingshu took out the black box she carried with her from the Hulk Body with a snap, revealing layers of medical equipment, and took out a reflective scalpel from it.

I'll dig out the ticks. I have experience in doing this. Just hold this container.

Huh? Oh oh...

Jing Shu said calmly, handed the glassware to Zhang Yicheng who was still confused, then quickly tore off the employee's clothes, turned him over, pressed one leg against his body to prevent struggling, and said: There is no anesthetic Please bear with me, I'll do it soon.

Jingshu's leg immediately made the people below unable to move, making a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong sound.

Zhang Yicheng swallowed and remembered that when he came yesterday, Mr. Jing kicked Situ Xiaoye into the deck.

With this kick, Zhang Yicheng was afraid of directly crushing the employee's internal organs, but he did not dare to say a word.

Then Jingshu's scalpel cut directly across a piece of flesh on the back, revealing a round, blood-sucking tick. The tick exposed in the air was startled and immediately spread its wings and flew away.

Zhang Yicheng opened his mouth and pointed at the tick for a long time.

Jingshu turned over the edge of the knife and grabbed out the tick that was still trying to escape with her bare hands.

Zhang Yicheng wants to say it's dangerous, ticks will dig into anything! But the tick behaved like a grandson in Jingshu's hands.

With a crisp sound of crack, the tick was put into the glass vessel.

Jingshu stitched her up three times with familiarity, and cut her body a few more times.

What's strange is that ticks that can drill holes cannot be seen with the naked eye, but Jingshu's knife is precise. There must be ticks with one cut, so she dug out a few ticks and continued to sew. The whole process was clean and neat. He was so cruel that the people around him looked frightened.

Some people whispered, isn't this the shareholder boss from the headquarters? Why does it look so scary?

Isn't it too tough?

However, he is really handsome! Some employees already have stars in their eyes.

This is not a big problem. Not much of the internal organs have been eaten orally. I will just give him more supplements later to replenish him. Okay, let's take him down to rest.

Hey, okay, okay. Zhang Yicheng wiped his sweat and swallowed. The glass jar in his hand was shaking. It turned out that the body that had been penetrated by ticks would appear to be empty one by one. The bloody hole was terrible.

At this time, Wu Jiang hurried over and frowned when he saw the tick in the glass tube in Zhang Yicheng's hand: Is there a tick leak?

No, it's impossible. We strictly follow the regulations.

Jingshu guessed: It's not likely that the ticks were leaked. If there were only a few ticks leaked, it should be artificially released, either externally, or a few deliberately released internally during your operation.

Wu Jiang nodded, immediately arranged to investigate, and asked Jing Shu: Mr. Jing asked everyone to be gathered in the square. They have already been gathered.

Okay, let's go. I'll check everyone to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. You won't feel the ticks in the first place.

So Jingshu checked all the employees in the big square on the second floor. The employees who completed the inspection also received the souvenirs from Jingshu, the big boss.

The unique energy points of ticks in the human body allow King Ticks to smell them from a distance, so Jingshu found three more employees who had been burrowed into their bodies by ticks without much effort.

Jingshu performed operations one by one to remove the ticks and then gave them stitches. Jingshu was skilled in her work and her movements were as smooth as water.

There were 15 ticks jumping in the glass jar held by Zhang Yicheng. Wu Jiang's expression was gloomy, and in the end he could only smile to Jing Shu reluctantly:

Thanks to Mr. Jing for coming, otherwise our loss would not only be the precious lives of several employees, but also the negative social impact and public opinion would be huge, and we might even be deprived of the opportunity to make cigarettes.

I, Wu Jiang, have recorded this favor of yours, and I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter.

Jingshu nodded: From the serial number check when the cigarettes were made, every step is recorded. This matter can be big or small. If someone maliciously triggers public opinion, the consequences will be serious.

Jing Shu felt that this was an incident against the Yangcheng Cigarette Factory. Perhaps the cigarette factory's cake was too big and some people's interests had been affected.

It seems that other cigarette factories must pay attention and issue an announcement later to start rectification. They must prevent such artificial insect release incidents. She is here today. If she is not there, what bad consequences will it cause?

Since Jing Shu had solved a major event, Wujiang's dinner banquet for Jing Shu went up a notch, and he specially prepared some traditional specialties that he didn't usually have. The preparation and taste were very unique.

Maybe he knew Jingshu could eat, or maybe he had something to say to Jingshu alone. Anyway, Wu Jiang and Jingshu were in a separate large private room at night.

Mr. Jing, please try this Macau roast pork. Wu Jiang diligently transferred the dish to Jing Shu.

Jingshu picked up a plate of pork belly with browned skin and tasted it. The skin was crispy but the meat was soft and had distinct layers. The unique fat and thin flavor of pork belly exploded in her mouth.

Jing Shu nodded repeatedly and praised: It's delicious, rich in texture, with a mellow aftertaste, and the taste is very special.

It wasn't until Jingshu finished a plate of vegetables that Wu Jiang introduced again:

This dish is a new steamed Dongxingban. All the secret recipes are put into the pot and steamed for six minutes and six seconds. One second more is not much, one second less is not much. Just to highlight one word of it, fresh! Mr. Jing, you can try it Taste it. Wu Jiang turned another large plate of fish over.

Jingshu peeled off the steaming shredded scallions on top, then took a large piece of plump and tender fish belly and took a bite. She felt that the tender and smooth fish meat melted in her mouth, and the fragrant fish meat lingered on her tongue. Infinitely...fresh and fragrant!

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