I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 678 The deal is settled

There must be a solution.

Jing Shu and Jun Bao, one playing bad-faith, the other playing bad-faith, made everyone on tenterhooks to the extreme.

This raw material cannot be bought with money, but is truly rare. How much blood can one person have? Even if you continue to force people to bleed, what will happen if the person dies after the bleeding is finished?

If Jingshu is the kind of person who has no backing and no energy, then forget it. She can be captured and raised like a bear. Unfortunately, just now, they learned from Jun Bao that Jingshu not only has a harmonious relationship with the town government, but also has a good relationship with the town government. He is still Jin Tianci's savior. The key is that he owes the town government a huge sum of money.

In this way, the interests of this woman Jingshu are tied to Wucheng. Wucheng, whether it is Jin Tianci or the town government, must protect her.

Forget it.

When Jun Bao said euphemistically, Jingshu still owed a large amount of money to the Imperial Capital Pharmaceutical Association, and was currently working on a new pharmaceutical factory to produce the medicine for the current universal vaccine. This was a subsidy from above to fund and manpower, and she would pay it back in ten or twenty years. It's even more of a headache.

Finally, Jun Bao also said that Jingshu still owed him a lot of things. The two signed an agreement for at least five years. During this period, when Jingshu wanted to provide various items, everyone turned off the fire. The Medical Association of the Imperial Capital could not Offended, if you get sick after being offended, you won’t even get medicine!

How come this woman owes so much debt? It directly gave up all their thoughts of using force. If they try to touch this woman, it is tantamount to harming their interests. Taking away people's wealth is like killing their parents. No sword will work because the interests behind her are too great.

Not only can they not ask for anything, these people probably want to let Jingshu live a long life before paying off the debt. Just like just now, this woman sneezed, and Jun Bao was so nervous that he asked people to move away from the heater. Closer, for fear that this person will become ill and unable to repay the debt she owes.

Interest is the most loyal partner.

Jun Bao said with a smile: We in Wucheng are reluctant to let Jingshu suffer. The red worm factory has never interfered. It can produce as much as it can. No matter how much, so many people have been saved. We don't dare to ask for more. too much.

The underlying meaning is: We in Wucheng can’t bear to force those who are forced to do so, and those who are reluctant to suffer hardships. Are you embarrassed? Where is the face?

Although there is a contradiction between Jun Bao and the preface, everyone is not thinking so deeply at this moment. After all, the big thing today is, how will they survive? What should they do?

Jingshu took a sip of the rich creamy corn and mushroom soup and sighed with satisfaction. Not to mention that the soup was really delicious. She had to make some and store them in the RV when she got home. She could drink them openly when she moved later. .

Recently, I have learned a lot of new storage methods, which seems to have opened a new door for her food in the apocalypse.

If you can make a Soup Concentrate, you can condense the soups of various flavors together. For example, after making this cream of mushroom soup, add some isinglass or gelatine flakes, and it will turn into jelly after refrigeration. shape, easy to carry and store.

Just take it out and heat it up like fish jelly anytime, anywhere, and you can have a fresh and delicious soup.

So this trip to Xishan is actually rewarding. At least I can learn cooking skills and methods. They have many similar alternative storage methods. The semi-finished products can be eaten as soon as they are heated. It is so convenient. !

It doesn’t matter if it’s a little troublesome in the early stage. There will be a lot of meetings to do this later.

Seeing that Jun Bao had stopped talking and everyone was looking at her eagerly to drink the soup, Jing Shu said distressedly: You have also seen that the situation is like this. Seeing a group of people with shrunken faces, showing despair, and even some of them even When she wanted to try her best to show her desperate look, Jingshu continued:

However, this matter is not impossible. In order to prevent the factory from being able to uncover the pot, I prepared several months of medicine and gave it to you for emergency treatment. It is not impossible.

Everyone looked anxious again. Wang Dazhi and Zhou Yun were the most excited. If the promised factory could not be opened, it would not only disappoint people, but also subject them to various punishments. It would also implicate their families and even be caught by their enemies. Opportunity to step on them directly.

You say it, we all agree!

Yes, if you have any requests, just tell me.

That's not how negotiations work, but this time, they can't be tolerated.

Jing Shu showed some embarrassment again: It's an emergency this time, what should we do next time? What about the next time?

Yes, it was only turned on once and then stalled later, which seemed to be even worse.

Everyone's faces turned pale again, and it was not Jing Shu's fault. Their hearts were in a state of agitation, thinking that they had hope but then fell into the cliff, rose to the sky, and fell again. There was no way to play like this.

What I have to say is that Jing Shu never expected that she could cooperate with Jun Bao so seamlessly.

Jun Bao said decisively at this moment: I can't see my friends go to a dead end. I can reduce the output of Wucheng Factory and give you the share of Wucheng City Government.

Although there is only so much blood, if it is divided evenly, everyone can have soup.

Jing Shu also gritted her teeth and said: Since Jun Bao said so, I will also provide more medicinal leads in the future. At worst, I will have to find money to buy more blood mushrooms for blood replenishment at a high price. Unfortunately, blood mushrooms are rare and expensive, so they are not easy to get...

Jun Bao's gentle and tense smile almost changed. He glanced at Jing Shu calmly, feeling in his heart that Jing Shu was too cruel - don't think that he didn't know that the blood mushrooms flowed from her hands to Qian Duoduo. With a lot of money in his hands, he would transport it to the imperial capital and auction it off at a high price.

As for how the money was divided between the two, he didn't know.

Since Miss Jingshu understands justice so well, we must pay for the blood mushrooms and count them among our costs.

In the eight factories, not only the Wucheng Town Government has shares, but Miss Jingshu must also have shares.

The virtual currency is not valuable now. We have signed a long-term contract. In the future, all major factories will pay for the profits from the same specialty materials. The materials can be transported back to Wucheng every month, but the freight. We will work with Miss Jingshu and Wucheng Town Government. Give half of it.”

Wucheng is too remote, and it is difficult for people like them to afford the freight.

Jing Shu curled her lips. If she had dared to say that Wucheng didn't offer free shipping in the past, she would never have wanted it. But now, she got a big advantage in vain.

Jing Shu and Jun Bao jointly talked about how difficult and unique the medicine introduction was, and they used coercion and inducement to get half of the profit. Jing Shu didn't feel guilty at all.

It's just winners and losers. Previously, when she disappeared, these people took advantage of her factory. Now that she's back, they failed, so they have to pay some price.

Everyone who ate this meal was satisfied. Jun Bao, in particular, used 30% of the supply from the Wucheng City Government at the Hongxiang Chong Factory in exchange for some specialty materials from eight factories. These items were much more valuable than the Chong Chong Cake.

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