I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 658 Jingshu, please solve this problem

To be honest, even if something happened, Jing Shu couldn't help.

Li Chenglong quickly ran to the house, praising my sister in his heart for such a high-end job, and said:

After so many days of observation, we have made new progress in our field. My uncle just called you to discuss the next self-rescue plan.

Hearing this, Jing Shu quickly stood up and followed Li Chenglong to the seventh floor of the building, Boss Lu's territory.

This is Jing Shu's first time here. Boss Lu built a small house made of titanium alloy that is fully enclosed and looks like a safe in this secret room. No one knows what is inside. Although Jing Shu is very curious, I haven't had time to pay attention to this now.

Today's gathering place was a hot pot restaurant before the apocalypse. It is now dilapidated. The bright red decoration style and the weak firelight look a bit permeable.

There were only some large round tables left in the hall and empty mandarin duck pots in the middle.

Many wooden chairs were used as firewood.

Even the big red curtains and barriers used for decoration were used as quilts.

Find a seat wherever you want. Li Yuetian sat on the mandarin duck pot on the table and said to Jing Shu and Li Chenglong who came in.

Jing Shu felt it was a pity. If not, if she just took a pot away for a while, she could still have hot pot like Yuanyang pot in the future?

Everyone in the hall came together, some squatting on the table, some lying on the table, the most exaggerated thing was Boss Lu, who actually changed the big round table into a big round bed, and lay on it peacefully, yawning under the thick blanket. Thick blanket.

Except for Jun Jia, Jin Baba, Wang Miao and other people who Jingshu knew from the town house, the others were all Boss Lu's people!

There was an old man with a bald head holding the door panel and writing and drawing on it very seriously. When he turned around, Jingshu recognized who he was. Wasn't he the old president of her university, Wang Zhiren?

Let me tell you in detail about our position at this moment. It's a bit complicated. When old principal Wang Zhiren took the data results and was about to start his long speech, he was interrupted by Boss Lu.

Boss Lu was extremely dissatisfied and said: We don't understand, so don't make it so complicated. Just tell us where we are now and how to get back to Wucheng, and that's it.

The old principal sighed awkwardly: Based on the time difference in the first few days, we should have continued to wander west, but

But what, you old man, you talk too hastily. Boss Lu urged.

But the time difference is that sometimes it's early and sometimes it's late, according to the old principal, the old principal began to babble. Boss Lu was confused, and the students around him didn't understand what he was talking about.

So, where are they?

Li Yuetian said in a deep voice: So what Principal Wang means is that he was still wandering a few days ago, and now he is circling here in circles?

Principal Wang wiped his sweat. This group of people didn't even understand the basics of geography. He was also a math teacher. It was really tiring to ask the math teacher to teach geography.

Fortunately, he is very knowledgeable and knows a lot.

This group of people is worse than the worst class of students I have ever taught. Just as he was thinking about this, Principal Wang saw a familiar figure in the crowd, hey, isn't this classmate Jing Shu, get it for him He got a single room, and a young man helped him carry his luggage diligently afterwards. He also took good care of him these days. His name was Xiao Liu.

Principal Wang cleared his throat and shook his head: It's not that simple. Oh, no matter how hard these people explain it, they can't explain it clearly. He scratched his head, and the occupational disease occurred again: That classmate Jingshu, come up and explain this to everyone. topic.

After finishing speaking, the principal realized that something seemed wrong.

But Jing Shu had already walked up, took over Principal Wang's homemade pen, then changed the door panel, and then drew a big circle and then a small circle, shrinking it circle by circle, and finally clicked on the center point.

The strokes continue from end to end, until the center point of the circle, which is similar to this @pattern.

Jing Shu's expression was very serious. For so many days before, she had never figured out why in the first ten days, according to the time difference, they were walking in the same direction, and then it recovered after more than ten days. , later it was shortened to a cycle of seven to eight days, five to six days, and three to four days.

It wasn't until today, after Principal Wang explained it, that she suddenly realized it.

Did you see this picture? This is our route these days.

We are just making this kind of circle. It used to take more than ten or twenty days to make a big circle, but now it may take less than a day to make a small circle. That's why the jet lag is so weird.

Jing Shu's picture is so simple that even a scumbag like Boss Lu can understand it. He nodded clearly: So, how do we return to Wucheng now? How can we contact the people in Shangwucheng?

Jing Shu shook her head and said: We are not thinking about whether we can return to Wucheng now, but about the next danger.

Danger? What danger? Boss Lu is used to being comfortable. Except for that one monster sneak attack, he has been very comfortable for so many days.

We may be sucked into the whirlpool, and the speed will get faster and faster. By that time. Jingshu stopped talking. The danger now comes not only from the whirlpool, but also from the dense mud mermaids under the building. If it happens again, Climb up and you won't have to run if the group is destroyed.

No one can enter the Rubik's Cube space, so Jingshu might even belch when the time comes.

Although Jingshu also has the trump card, she will not reveal it until everyone is dead. No one can tell her secret. In other words, the worst outcome is that the team is wiped out, and Jingshu's trump card can only be used to protect herself.

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the problem.

At the center of the swirling storm, nothing is immune.

Principal Wang nodded with satisfaction, and finally expressed what he wanted to express. He was worthy of being a student he taught. Well, he didn't teach, but he taught him some words, so he taught them.

Ahem. Principal Wang cleared his throat and continued: According to the time, we will be at the center of the storm in two days, but I don't know what the situation is there. The building may sink. , there may be new exits, my suggestion is that we cannot sit still and wait for death, at least we must grasp the direction and not be involved in the center of the storm.

A building is like an island. How to control the direction of the building?

A ship of dozens of tons needs such a big anchor and a screw to control it. How can we do this on an island as big as ours?

Junjia stood up and spoke: In fact, we are just making a huge simple propeller wing. We have taken out all the dismantling steel bars and materials these days. Maybe we can deviate in some direction by then.

Wang Miao said: We also organized people and built an emergency floating boat. If it doesn't work, give up the building!

Give up the building? Jingshu’s mobile villa is still on the building.

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