I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 653 Fishing (Added update for Suruan Linjuanjuan)

That day, the weather was dark and the wind was blowing coldly.

It's getting colder, but the mudslide shows no signs of freezing, which is not scientific at all.

Jingshu had quietly wrapped an extra sweater around her body and put on extra autumn clothes and autumn trousers, which made her look a little bloated.

Many people in the building were already shivering and huddled together to keep warm. There was no way, the building was now as cold as an ice cellar.

We couldn't run, as that would consume too much food, so we could only hug them in the hall like a stack of arhats. It had been a long time since everyone had taken a shower or changed clothes. Even if it was very cold, there would inevitably be a strange smell.

The whole building was filled with this stench.

That day, since Junjia returned, he held an emergency meeting and worked out several self-rescue plans. Sure enough, as Junjia said, he started to get busy and implemented several plans at the same time, so he could see that many people were still alive. .

On this day, as usual, the roll call was completed in the box. After Jingshu told Xiao Liu some things to pay attention to, she got up and left with the tools in her hand.

Hey, wait, Jingshu, where are you going? Jin Baba called from behind.

Jing Shu turned her head, pointed at the homemade fishing rod in her hand and said, Fishing.

Fishing?? Jin Baba pointed at the steel bar in Jingshu's hand and hesitated, with a strange expression on his face. Seeing that Jingshu was leaving again: Wait for me, I'll go too. He wanted to see what Jingshu was doing. What a name.

Then he saw Jingshu walking in front, minding her own business, with Jin BaBa following closely behind.

The students only started to chirp after the two left:

What are these two people doing? You haven't seen it. Jingshu holds such a thick steel bar like a fishing rod. It's really scary.

The question is, since when did Brother Ba become Jingshu's follower? Mr. Lan, you and Brother Ba have a good relationship, what's going on?

Mr. Lan rubbed his red and swollen hands and gritted his teeth and said, I don't know.

I really envy Brother Ba. He has connections in the family, but no one gives him work. Seeing that Young Master Lan has to work with us.

Then I envy Jingshu. She can go out of the building as soon as she wants to, and she doesn't have to work.

Why don't they have to work?

Just because we have to eat, we have to work.

Jingshu doesn't seem to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Maybe someone will open a small canteen.

Jiang Changke moved his sore elbow and said: Of course the boss eats biscuits like Brother Ba. It seems that the food these days has been mixed with red worm cakes. I eat that stuff often and I am very familiar with it.

Many of the students’ eyes lit up, especially Mr. Lan, who now had to eat the same food as everyone else.

I heard that there will be rewards for reporting hidden grains.

That's our classmate.

Aren't you curious about what Brother Ba and Jing Shu are eating? Why don't you share some with us?

There is a patrol team outside the building. In order to prevent the tragedy of that day from happening again, no one is allowed to go out, and there are 24-hour patrols outside and inside, covering every corner.

Sister, are you free? Li Chenglong handed over a cup of scalding hot water in an earthen bowl and smiled: Drink a little to warm yourself up, it's cold outside.

I won't drink anymore. I have to go to the outskirts. Jing Shu watched Li Chenglong greeting dozens of soldiers to start a big project: filtering water. The filtered water would be boiled on site, and the soil on the other side would be burned. into bowls.

The fuel has only been solved in the past few days. Someone used their professional knowledge to use feces to make biogas, but I heard it is very dangerous and it will BOOM if you are not careful! So it's located on the outside.

This can be considered a perfect cycle: the excrement of more than 2,000 people every day is used as biogas as fuel, the dredging and gravel flows filter the water, and the soil is burned into various daily necessities.

It's just that now everyone eats less, and even feces is reduced a lot. Many people only deal with it once a week.

Sister, I'll go with you. It's dangerous outside, and a monster might pop out. Li Chenglong put down the hand-warming cup and took Jing Shu to the outside.

Jin BaBa looked at Li Chenglong with disdain, what a fool, and quickly followed Jing Shu.

The wind was very strong, so several people bundled up tightly and soon reached the border. A one-meter-high wall had been built here. Jingshu easily jumped on it and watched the turbulent black mudslides that kept shaking, and there were constant mudslides. Wash up.

Just as magical as the waves.

Their current location was equivalent to the stern of the ship, and the building was traveling at an angle of 35° upward, so the debris flow could not come in. Otherwise, Jing Shu would have really thought that the building was actually a powerful ship.

Li Chenglong also turned it over easily. He scratched his head: It's so dark that you can't see anything, but my uncle said, sister, you want to watch the stars at night and do great things. If you have any difficulties, just come to me. , I will help you do it.

Fishing, let's see if we can catch fish. Jingshu waved the steel rod in her hand. It was very long and very good, which met her requirements. Then she shook the homemade fishing rod a few times and threw it out according to the inertia. A long line of wire fishing line with worm cakes.

The 'fishing line' fell into the mudslide in the blink of an eye. As the building swayed, it was quickly submerged in the black ocean of mudslides.

Jin Ba Ba opened his mouth, what the hell, are you really here to fish?

Li Chenglong blinked. Sure enough, what Sister Jing did was unusual. Although he didn't understand it, he just needed to know that she was doing something big.


Li Chenglong's stomach rumbled uncomfortably, and he coughed awkwardly: Otherwise, I'd better go back and drink some water. He could still get enough water.

Jin Ba Ba snorted even more disdainfully and climbed up with a groan.


Jin Baba's stomach also growled.

I just used too much force. Jin Baba was also embarrassed. He really hasn't eaten as well as a pig recently, and he really couldn't eat the food in the big cafeteria.


At this time, Jingshu's stomach also growled.

This was awkward. The three of them looked at each other for a while. Jingshu sighed, took out a black and hard yogurt lump from her pocket, and handed it to the two of them: Eat it.

Li Chenglong chuckled, took it and took a big bite. Sister Jing was indeed Sister Jing. It was already this time and she still had something to eat. It was amazing.


His tooth almost fell out, and Li Chenglong burst into tears from the pain.

Eat it with a shudder. It's a milk pimple. It's as hard as a rock. I don't want to have teeth anymore. Jing Shu reminded.

After a while, the three people sat on the city wall, each holding a breast lump and chewing it bit by bit. There was no rush, and they couldn't bite it.

It's delicious, but it's just a waste of time on the tongue. Li Chenglong felt a little aggrieved.

Shut up and practice your tongue skills. After you succeed, which woman will you not be able to catch?

Brother Xiao Ba, you know so much, can you practice tongue skills like this? Is it like this?

Be flexible and don't stay still. It's best to use the tip of your tongue.

Jingshu: Eat a yogurt pimple and I'll kick it back for you.

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