I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 630 I want 3 villas

Are you starting to show off and will you get slapped in the face? To be honest, they are still waiting to see.

Hahaha, come on, come on, let's start. To be honest, I can't wait.

We can also shout louder. Anyway, there are still people who will increase the minimum price.

Hmph, did you know that there are people who specialize in recording bids outside? If these people randomly check your worth afterwards, if they find out that they are shouting randomly, the consequences will be very serious. At this moment, Mr. Lan was holding a large The platter of food arrived. God knows that he had to beg his grandma and grandpa to buy it temporarily at a high price. But in order to hold on to Jin BaBa's thigh, no matter how high the price was, it was worth it.

There was a lot of sighs, it turned out that it was so strict.

That's also a probability. It's impossible to do spot checks on everyone, haha. Jiang Changke said as if he was going to go against everyone.

Everyone no longer wanted to ignore Jiang Changke, because Xiao Liu had already held up a sign and shouted: 3 villas, each worth 800,000 virtual coins.

The voice was not loud, but very steady. It seemed to be saying something trivial, but it really shocked the jaws of the people behind him.

Holy shit, shit, this guy really dares to shout, he's awesome. I'd give him 99 points just for his pretentiousness.

Aren't you afraid of investigation? Even if this person is Jing Shu's bodyguard, he can't have so many assets.

Mr. Lan raised his glasses: If someone guarantees it, it can be auctioned.

The question is, does Jingshu really have that much money?


Jinbaba ate the food sent by Master Lan with great disdain, and held back his complaints to Jingshu. That woman was richer than anyone else. He was greedy after looking at the supplies that time. After so long, he didn't know what would happen again. He had hoarded so many things, but he couldn't admit defeat. He was definitely better than this woman.

Wanting to buy a villa with 800,000 yuan was obviously unrealistic. The price of ten villas quickly rose to around 1.1 million yuan before the price slowly came down.

Xiao Liu also accurately increased the price by 100,000 yuan each time, pushing the price to just 1.1 million virtual coins, which was just a few cents less than the prices of several other villas.

No. 567, three villas, 1.2 million virtual coins each! Jingshu just took advantage of the situation and added the last price, successfully pushing it to this point, and she suffered a lot when others raised the price.

Even Jingshu had to admire Xiao Liu's precise calculation ability. Although without Xiao Liu, she could just shout the high price in the end, but it was convenient to have someone help with the transportation in advance, and it also saved a lot of money. Virtual currency.

The students behind them gradually opened their mouths, are you serious? Are you really asking for 3 villas worth 1.2 million each? What is this for? Even if you have money, isn’t one house enough?

Mr. Lan frowned and couldn't understand more and more. Some things seemed to be beyond his scope of cognition.

I would like to take the liberty to ask. Mr. Lan's posture has also relaxed a lot, and he lacks the hidden pride and condescension before.

Xiao Liu stood up straight and said indifferently: Since you know it's presumptuous, don't ask.

Mr. Lan: .

Everyone: . Damn, he looks so awesome.

Someone quickly spread this sacred scene to the university group and started live broadcasting current affairs: Jingshu has already announced that she wants three villas..

Jin Ba Ba covered his mouth, looking like he wanted to laugh but couldn't. After all, Master Lan was the person next to him, but for some reason, Jin Ba Ba felt very happy when he saw someone shrinking under that woman's hands.

Deal! With the host Xiaoshuai's words, the ten villas were finally sold at an average price of 1.2 million, although there was a slight price difference.

Now, please wait a few minutes for both parties to hand over. After all, this is not a small amount, but this villa is really worth it, because Greenland Company will also give you two free moving projects. You can sign up for one later. Just the address.”

Xiao Liu started to click on the calculator and started calculating. Jingshu drank coffee boredly and waited for the staff to settle the bill. It was quiet behind her. She still seemed a little unbelievable, but some people had already started spreading the word with their mobile phones. This time I saw and smelled.

Jinba spent 1 million to buy two pigs, which had subverted their understanding. But at this time, Jingshu spent 3.6 million virtual coins to buy 3 villas? That’s not how money works, right?

The most important thing is that this time, it’s not virtual currency, but food supplies!

I just said that the boss is awesome. You don't believe it. How rich is the vice-president of the Pharmaceutical Association? Do you know how expensive medicines are now? How can you have no money? Let me tell you, it's a big deal now. It's too late, hahaha, luckily I hugged him early. When Jiang Changke was still trying to talk to Balala, Jing Shu glared back at her.

While waiting, the host Xiaoshuai said regretfully: Now the 1.18 million yuan for a failed villa has been handed over to the last auctioneer. It has been found that Mr. Li's food supplies are not enough, and now it has been handed over to the town government for serious processing.

This was just a small episode, but it aroused excitement among some of the college classmates behind me: Do you think Jingshu won't have enough food? After all, how much food is worth 3.6 million?

Who knows.

Maybe it's medicinal materials. How expensive are medicinal materials? A few ginseng is a lot of money.

That must be due to corruption.

Xiao Liu cleared his throat: Who said that just now? Say it again, I want to record it, and then let's go directly to the legal process.

So there were no more whispers. Jing Shu smiled and shook her head. There were some things that she didn't really care about. After all, the difference in status was as big as that of an eagle or an ant, but it was good to have someone who cared about her.

Finally it was Jing Shu's turn.

With a swish sound, the door was opened, and a dozen staff members walked in at once. In order to speed up the process, they all had their own tasks. These people had uniform expressionless faces and said in a very business-like manner: Please Jingshu, come and brush your face, confirm your identity, prepare supplies, our people are going to be counted.

The battle was so big that everyone in the box dared not speak, except for the two pigs who kept grunting.

Then someone else whispered from behind: Brother Ba is so powerful after all. The people who just came here are extremely polite to Brother Ba, and you can see the folds of his chrysanthemums when they smile.


The expression of the head staff member suddenly changed and he was stunned.

The atmosphere in the entire box became tense again. What's going on?

Could it be that the random fabrication was discovered and discovered?

The next second, the head staff member smiled again, and the chrysanthemum folds of the smile could be seen clearly: Hello, hello, your information only shows passed, but we don't know what type of food you want to trade. ?”

The authority is so high that you can’t see anything! So this is the boss!

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