I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 626 You don’t have eyes! (First update)

Others in the family don't seem to be very interested in this celebrity gathering. Jingye is still busy making insect nests. Jingnai is busy from morning to night. After all, just feeding the poultry at home is a big project. , then forget it, Jingshu can go alone.

Anyway, there is no need to tell them about such a trivial matter as buying a house to increase property. I will give everyone a surprise when the time comes.

The next day, Jingshu went out formally dressed and well prepared.

Finally, she took off her big cotton-padded jacket and put on a fluffy black convertible down jacket. She had to wear a bullet-proof vest and a bullet-proof hat underneath. These are the standard outfits for Jingshu when she goes out. If she is so rich in the last days, she will be What should I do if the bad guys are targeting me?

But if anyone has bad intentions, don't blame her for hitting someone in the chest with her small fist.

The place where this celebrity meeting was held was Wucheng New World Mall. This mall was built in the development zone just before the apocalypse. It was opened just before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, all the supplies were basically transferred away.

So what is being auctioned is land, which is very valuable now. After all, Wucheng and several surrounding towns have been submerged, and there are too few places to live. Finally, someone has set their sights on this entrepreneur's mall.

Jingshu had also been here in her previous life, and it was very grand. At that time, it was said that it was an existence that surpassed Wanda Mall, offering a one-stop shop for entertainment, sleeping, eating and playing Doudou.

When I come back to the New World Shopping Mall in this life, things have already changed. It has experienced floods in the second year, earthquakes in the third year, and now mudslides. Because it is located in the suburbs, it is still alive, although the inside is already dilapidated.

But now, whoever can buy this shopping mall, a nine-story shopping mall, can be used as a factory or as a residence. In short, it is still very attractive.

Jingshu's purpose this time is very simple, which is to move the villa. She only has the mobile villa in her eyes and does not consider anything else.

The large exhibition hall on the first floor of New World Shopping Mall has obviously been cleaned, because yesterday, the university group was almost noisy.

It turned out that the classmates who worked at the celebrity club had been called to work long ago, cleaning the mud, eradicating the algae and plankton that had been soaked for more than a year, transporting mud, wiping and turning the tables, etc. It was a tiring few days, but luckily they were given meals every day. Eat, and celebrities can open their eyes, which whets their appetite, otherwise these people would have stopped doing it long ago.

We also put up a virtual screen, laid carpets, put up signs, turned on the electricity switch again, and had air conditioning and lights, so it looked like that.

As soon as you enter the door, you are shocked to see an open space of 700 to 800 square meters. In the middle is a circle of hollow elevators, going up to the second, third and fourth floors in sequence. This place was very popular when it first opened.

Of course, what made Jingshu open her eyes the most was not this, but the middle exhibition hall, where three different villas stood directly there, with exquisite style, luxury, luxury and grandeur.

Jingshu fell in love with the largest and most luxurious mobile villa at a glance. Not to mention, this mobile villa was really extravagantly built and even better than she had imagined. This was simply the ideal look in Jingshu's mind. , Jingshu was completely conquered by appearance alone.

I don’t know what it’s like inside.

No matter how expensive it is, I will get this mobile villa. Jingshu almost drooled, looking at the villa eagerly, so much so that the people next to her shouted several times before she could react.

Stop looking, go find your place quickly. I have my place over there and there is entertainment. I'll go over there first. Li Yuetian left, leaving Jing Shu alone, oh, and The financial guy in the red worm factory.

Jingshu put away the sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, pulled down the brim of her hat, and tried her best to make herself less conspicuous and low-key, but she still had to be low-key.

But at this moment, a person rushed in front of Jingshu. Jingshu didn't pay attention and bumped into him. She saw that the person who rushed up was knocked several meters away and landed with a thud. Just listening to this He knew it was painful from the sound, and then there were howling and screaming, and the faces of the people around him turned pale.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of those who were watching the exhibition were attracted.

How do you walk? Do you have eyes or not? Are you blind? Apologize quickly! Waiter, waiter, come and help!

Jing Shu frowned and took a closer look, oh, what a coincidence, we met an acquaintance here, tsk tsk.

The one lying on the ground wailing is Jin Baba, the son of Jin Tianci, the leader of Wucheng? This and Jing Shu are old enemies. The last holiday between the two has not yet been settled. If it weren't for Jin Tianci's sake, this little brat would have...

Jin Baba covered his chest and felt that all the ribs on his body were falling apart. It was as if he had hit an iron bump just now. Tears of pain came to his eyes. Jin Baba opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but when he raised his eyes, Look, if you look carefully, you can see that the words in your mouth have been swallowed alive.

Jin BaBa glared at Jing Shu fiercely, they were really enemies.

At this time, many people around him came to help Jin Baba, and finally managed to help Jin Baba up. Jin Baba whined and stood up tremblingly. He started to curse again.

How's it going? Didn't the fall hurt you? Do you need to call an ambulance? Tsk, tsk. Jingshu crossed her arms and asked jokingly.

The young man who was supporting Jin BaBa said sternly: Didn't you see that the little bully fell so badly? You are a vicious woman, why don't you apologize? If the little bully makes any mistakes, can you afford to pay for it?

Oh? Little bully, haha, did you make any mistake? Do you need me to apologize? It seems you were the one who bumped into me just now, right? I still want to shout an indecent assault.

Although Jin Baba looked fierce, he didn't dare to say anything and kept grinning. He vaguely remembered what his uncle told him. Don't mess with this woman. She is very difficult to deal with. Of course he knew that this woman was very difficult to deal with. He suffered two secret losses and was in a remote place but could not complain. Recently, he had a good relationship with his cousin Jun Bao. It was disgusting and infuriating!

The young man who was supporting Jin Ba Ba said disdainfully: Who do you think you are? Who will believe you if you shout about molestation? Maybe you want to take advantage of our little bully.

She's Jingshu, damn! Isn't this Jingshu? Students, take a look, is it the same as in that photo?

At this moment, another boy dressed as a waiter yelled excitedly, and took out his mobile phone to show it to the female and male waiters around him. Not only that, he also showed it to a man in a suit in the crowd. .

Jing Shu frowned, what's going on with this big speaker? Who is this?

I'm Jiang Changke, boss. I've studied your photos hundreds of times and I can recognize you at a glance.

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