I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 603 The functions of two cuties

These are two very special creatures. As soon as Jingshu got them into the space, they reacted immediately.

They stretched out comfortably, as if they had turned into a pool of water and collapsed in the small space. They seemed to like this environment very much.

The Rubik's Cube space has this characteristic and can imitate the best living environment for all living things.

Therefore, the mutated vampire crickets immediately began to express their desire for a safe and comfortable environment: they began to continuously transfer body fluids to each other, and then continued to shed their skins to produce new selves.

According to Jing Shu's understanding, this is a kind of cleansing. Through the constant exchange of body fluids, their body fluids become stronger with each exchange. This is how they remove the dross and extract the essence.

Then, their own genes will become stronger, and they themselves will become stronger, and then become stronger and stronger.

The most different thing between these two things is that they have self-awareness! Among the many pets Jingshu has, few have self-awareness.

If we want to explain this self-awareness, it can also be understood as understanding human nature.

Jingshu planned all those without self-awareness into lower creatures, and those with self-awareness, such as fat chickens, dinosaur chickens, the latest pet number 3, and the 40-year-old ant queen, into medium-sized creatures.

As for higher organisms? It’s just humans, humans can’t enter space.

It can be seen that having self-awareness is such a valuable attribute. From the perspective of spatial feedback, these two creatures are not cruel, because the information they always feed back is eat eat eat eat eat match match match match, they have nothing else Desire = desire.

They just eat everything they can and eat everything that blocks their survival. What's more interesting is that Jingshu did experiments in space, and their body fluids can spray up to ten meters. This is a Very scary numbers.

This means that as long as the mutant vampires want to, they can spray body fluids and then quickly transfer to the target object.

Jingshu used several pieces of meat to conduct experiments, and it was very accurate. It took almost a few seconds to lock the target, complete the transfer of the whole body in tens of seconds, and then invade the meat pieces through body fluids, sucking the complete flesh and blood.

At this time, Jingshu understood what the staff said, why you should be careful about vampire crickets, because once they are sprayed by their body fluids, they can burrow into your flesh and not come out until they suck you into a dry flesh.

They are like mad dogs. Once bitten, they will never let go, and they will not even scratch the flesh. They are simply a must-have little cutie that can be used to kill people when traveling around the world.

The key is that, without anyone noticing, it is simply a powerful tool for quietly killing people in this post-apocalyptic world with the prevalence of big data. Of course, it is also possible to use snakes, poisonous bees, etc.

But Jingshu felt that it would be more difficult to detect and a little relieved without directly sucking people into mummies through unknown means? Oh, of course, killing people doesn’t necessarily mean sucking them dry. If you don’t suck them dry, there are many ways to cause many natural deaths.

Next, Jingshu began to conduct detailed experiments. After all, these two cuties would belong to Jingshu from now on, and it was necessary to fully understand their functions.

After all, in Jingshu's philosophy, in the last days, there is no need to keep free pets.

Every pet must have its ancillary products, such as fat chickens laying eggs, queen ants expanding their population to produce sulfuric acid, snakes brewing wine, geese laying eggs, etc.

So what other ancillary products does this mutated vampire cricket have? Currently it looks like there isn't.

By the way, these two little cuties can not only be like water, but the key is to use them to make new gloves, which also have a very good defensive effect. They can help Jingshu avoid many dangerous situations, and can also defeat the enemy by surprise. In times of danger, , especially in public.

It has better concealment than snakes and bees.

Even though they were cut into many pieces by lasers when they were combined with the big pig, and even though they look like water, their skin has a strong defense and has the same function as platelets.

For example, if one part of their body is damaged, the entire body's defense force will instantly be concentrated on that area to increase defense.

As long as Jing Shu is given a chance to react, that's all.

Jingshu's current armed defense is very strong, but she is afraid of being KO'd in an instant. Of course, the possibility of this happening is very small, but Jingshu has to guard against it, and with an extra layer of protection, she can gain a little protection in the cold apocalypse. Jingshu is quite satisfied with the heater.

There are just no ancillary products. Jingshu was a little disappointed, but it was not a big deal, because in the apocalypse, every living thing will play its value. Even corpses can be refined into oil, let alone two living people. What about mutated creatures?

It must have not been unearthed yet, whether it can be used as medicine, produce a batch of new things, or have other by-products.

Of course, Jingshu still had a headache for a while, how to quickly and completely accept these two mutant vampires. After all, it is absolutely not okay to leave such a dangerous thing outside.

But I didn't expect that for such self-aware creatures, they were just like the fat chickens at that time. They were very smart. They only fed a little spiritual spring and were suppressed by the absolute dominance of space.

Just after leaving the prison gate, Jingshu could completely control the two little things. They felt warm and soft, as if they were put into hot water with gloves on. They felt a little wet, but in fact they were not wet.

At that time, it took Jingshu a lot of time to establish a relationship with the dinosaur chicken, the ant queen, but this time it was surprisingly fast. Jingshu believed that it had something to do with her space upgrade.

When the space was only level 5, it took her half a year to establish a relationship with the bees. Later, as the levels of space became higher and higher, the relationship she established with the creatures became shorter and shorter, and of course it became stronger and stronger. The degree of reliability is equivalent to that Jingshu can let them die at any time.

The staff inside probably didn't expect that as soon as Jingshu went out, she put on gloves made of what he said were first-class dangerous creatures. The uncle next to her didn't know that these black gloves could be extremely dangerous creatures.

Goodbye uncle.

Goodbye little sister!

The two of them said goodbye, and Jingshu returned to the place where she currently lives with a full harvest. In fact, Jingshu was a little eager to try. It would be great if a few big guys jumped out at this time, so that she could try the newly acquired vampire crickets. .

Unfortunately, the reality is not so bloody. Everything is calm. No one knows where Jingshu went today. No one knows that she has an extra pair of gloves.

Perhaps, until the day comes when the gloves are useful, the vampire crickets will be of use to them.

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