I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 225 Shuangmulin, my name is Lin Yi (monthly ticket plus more updates)

Such a spiritual spring shouldn't have side effects.

There was a sudden brake, and Jingshu returned to the villa, but no one was in the villa.

I fainted at my house in Building 25 after doing it for a long time.

Since the rain, the whole family has moved to the villa. The house on the first floor of Building No. 25 has been vacant. Jing Nai used to occasionally go there to clean it up, but she seems to go there more frequently recently, going almost every day.

When Jing Shu arrived, Jing Nai was still lying on the bed with her eyes closed tightly. Apart from her rapid breathing, she couldn't see any real problems. She was really blinded when she encountered such a sudden fainting situation. It was still in the apocalypse. inside.

The windows at home have been opened to allow the resting milk to get enough air.

Dad Jing who was sweating, Master Jing who was spinning in circles anxiously, Wu Youai who was about to cry, and Third Aunt Jinglai who was pale-faced were all present. Dad Jing had already called the doctor and said he was on his way. On the way here.

The doctor said that the elderly should lie down and not move to avoid secondary injuries.

Jingshu glanced at the audience and found a strange man. He was tall, thin, wearing glasses, and very polite. He frowned. Jingshu took the lead and came to Jingnai's side and checked Jingnai's breathing again. , shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

Still alive!

As long as she was alive, even if she only had one breath left, she would drink the spirit spring and wake up. Jing Shu was afraid that the medicine would be too powerful, so she only gave Jing Nai a little diluted spirit spring.

Dad, what doctor did you find? Is it reliable? Jing Shu asked.

Dad Jing was a little embarrassed, I don't know if he is reliable or not. Anyway, he is a Western doctor. He is now the resident doctor in Banana Community. He said that without detailed equipment, it is difficult to detect any disease, so we can only see him first. Look, if it doesn’t work, let’s go to the West Mountain together.”

That's just not very reliable.

It should be dizziness, fatigue, and palpitation caused by low blood pressure. I suggest you correct your posture and replenish your blood volume quickly, but you have to find a way to take the medicine yourself. The man's voice was old and hoarse. But he is extraordinarily calm, giving people a feeling of trust in him.

Nonsense, my grandma obviously has high blood pressure. Wu Youai said.

The whole family knows that breastfeeding can lead to high blood pressure. We also take high blood pressure medicine. If we take it on time and in the right amount, even if we have low blood pressure, it will not be so low that we need to replenish blood volume.

When it comes to high blood pressure, the whole family still believes it, because for so many years, I have never had low blood pressure during breastfeeding.

Who is this? Jing Shu asked.

This is what I'm talking about. I was chatting with my grandma this time, and then she fainted while talking about her. He said he lived next door. I think he just wanted to do harm to grandma. Wu Youai was like a man. She is just a kitten with its teeth and claws. There is no one she cares about in particular in her life. If there is, one is her mother and the other is her grandmother. If we still have to count, the current Jingshu can barely count as one.

Jing Shu frowned, What's your name? How did you meet my grandma and chat together?

Only then did Jing Shu take a closer look at this man. Because of his height, he always liked to lower his head and bury his face in the shadows to prevent others from seeing the true face of his face.

However, with his young face, he always has an extremely old voice, which gives people a strange feeling. However, listening to the voice, you can't connect him with the bad guy. This is someone who will be trusted after hearing it. sound.

He lowered his head and smiled helplessly, put his hands into his pockets casually, leaned against the wall and said, My surname is Lin, Shuangmulin. Just call me Lin Yi. I met my grandma a few days ago. I don't know how I feel about it. I had a great conversation with my grandma, she is a very interesting person, she is always so energetic and inspires a lifeless person like me.

Jing Shu frowned, was Jing Nai chatting happily with others? Why doesn't she know about this, Lin Yi? This name is also very familiar.

But Jingshu was so focused on Jingnai's injury that she had no time to think about names.

It's time for you to reflect. You leave the old man at home every day with no one to talk to. The old man doesn't want to disturb your life, so he just chats with me casually.

Lin Yi observed Jing Nai, Although I am not a professional doctor, my minor major is neurology, which happens to include blood pressure. Don't worry, I have a diploma. You should choose to trust me instead of wasting money. time.

You're crazy. Who would choose to believe someone who doesn't know if he wants to kill someone? Wu Youai said.

Lin Yi was slightly surprised, How do you know I'm mentally ill?

Wu Youai: ... Then I can't believe you.

Jingshu looked at the time and finally called Niu Mo, Mr. Niu, there was an old Chinese medicine doctor at Mr. Qian's place last time. Yes, I want to invite him to come. Okay, thank you. Let’s figure it out later this time.”

Western medicine doesn’t have the equipment and it’s very painful.

Is it better for an experienced Chinese doctor to take a pulse, or to rest assured and combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine?

Soon, the Western doctor arrived first, and as expected, he only brought simple equipment. He immediately measured the blood pressure of the patient and made simple measurements.

Jingshu couldn't help but regret. Nowadays, technology is so advanced and home blood pressure measurement is so convenient. She should have bought it earlier, so that this kind of thing would not happen.

Hypotension, serious hypotension. The doctor said, What is the patient's medical history?

Dad Jing said quickly.

Are you taking the medicine as normal? The whole family nodded, After so many years, I will never take more.

After a while, an old Chinese medicine doctor also came and quickly took the pulse of the veins. The conclusion he got was the same as that of Western medicine, even exactly the same as Lin Yi's conclusion.

Jing Shu suddenly remembered something, why did Jing Nai have low blood pressure! Because drinking Lingquan every day will nourish the body, so Jing Shu's high blood pressure should be cured, but she takes blood pressure lowering medicine every day. It will naturally cause low blood pressure!

Yes, that’s it! This makes everything clear. Even Master Jing has teeth. Jing Nai's high blood pressure should have returned to normal, and no additional medicine is needed.

The two doctors first gave Jing Nai some recovery postures, and then the old Chinese doctor gave Jing Nai massage and acupuncture. Neither of them brought any medicine, but the old Chinese doctor said that was enough.

Has anyone restored their blood volume?

Jingshu nodded, Does blood mushroom count?

Forget it, okay, okay, hurry up and eat some.

The family hurriedly cooked the blood mushrooms and fed them to Jingshu, who then breathed out. It was finally a false alarm. She thought something had happened to Jing Nai, but it turned out to be Lingquan's fault.

So it’s not Lin Yi who harmed Jing Nai?

I don't know if it was the effect of the spiritual spring, eating blood mushrooms, or the effect of acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine, but Jing Nai finally woke up.

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