I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 218 I would rather miss it than let it go

It must have been the wrong way of opening it a few days ago, so Jing Shu didn't find more blood mushrooms.

This time, through more than ten days of observation and chatting, Jingshu has already gotten to know half of the people in the salvage team. She has no choice but to see clearly with night vision. She sees these people every day, and even if they are not familiar with them, they are familiar. She even knew who went down and how long it took for them to come back up.

While searching for supplies a few days ago, I just passively waited for the person to disappear, waiting for the person who came up to tell me where it was. By the time I found it, it had either disappeared for a long time. When I went down to look for the person, there was no trace of it.

Old sister, why are you here again? Liu Xing covered her head and said helplessly.

Jingshu nimbly climbed onto the salvage boat. The boat was filled with various things, and the cargo clerk began to tally them one by one.

By the way, a week ago, the salvage team went to the residential buildings and removed the remaining beds, toilets, sofas, wardrobes, doors, and glass from each household. Note that as long as they can be pried They were all pried away.

It was really like plucking the geese, and then they began to quickly move into various houses that were still rough houses. At least they had to ensure that everyone had a bed to sleep on, and that the windows had windshields.

Although most of them were soaked in water and were almost broken, they could still make do with it. The temperature was several degrees above zero at night, and they slept on the cold ground with wet clothes, which caused some people to get sick.

By the way, we have to make sure that each suite has a toilet. There is no shortage of water now, otherwise... I can’t mention it, the government still has to solve this big problem, otherwise the entire corridor and the surrounding area will be filled with golden cakes.

Brother Liu, what are you doing? Show me the list. What other rewards have been offered recently? Jing Shu said with a smile.

Liu Xing loved and hated Jingshu, but he still smiled and handed Jingshu a detailed record sheet.

This is the God of Wealth, but she cannot be offended, let’s just say in the past ten days. At the beginning, she had no experience and discipline, and often came back empty-handed. But later on, as long as she can determine the approximate location of the bounty, this God of Wealth I can find it all.

The probability of completing a mission can even reach 100%, which is so scary that many people in need will ask her to find it.

These days, the juice leaking from the fingers of the God of Wealth's reward is worth hundreds of virtual coins, which has increased Liu Xing's business volume several times, so let alone any request, even if it is more If it goes too far, Liu Xing will clap his hands and applaud, and will help anyone who needs help.

But this God of Wealth is good at everything, but he always wants to fish people out of the water to save people, so that they can't die. He rescued four or five people who were not completely dead. He can't just die without saving them. If he dares to die, he can't. Save, the salvage workers around here will probably stuff him in their crotches and kick him.

Not only could he not show his unwillingness to save people, but he also had to thank his living ancestor with all his life. This simply made his career more difficult, even for doctors.

Just because someone who had obtained blood mushrooms previously revealed the situation.

It was said that they had obtained the rumored blood mushrooms in a place where there were a lot of leeches, but several people who had also disappeared earlier sent people down, but nothing was found at all.

This shows that things like blood mushrooms may indeed exist in leeches, but not necessarily.

And things in the water are very complicated. Some people disappear because of aquatic plants, some people are trapped in it, and there are many other unexpected situations.

Liu Xing: Really don't save me anymore!

Jingshu: No, you want to.

Liu Xing also changed his strategy and assigned the people to act alone to expand the scope. In this way, the ancestor would not always stare at one place. Although this trick was really useful, the ancestor could not tell who was there at all. Someone has disappeared everywhere. How many can she remember with so many people?

But Liu Xing always had a bad feeling today.

Jingshu looked at today's allocation list, such as which team was responsible for which area, which salvage worker salvaged something in which area, and what needed to be rewarded. Some offered 100 virtual coins to help move out a suite of furniture. Yes, some paid hundreds of virtual coins to find all the materials in a certain basement.

Jingshu who has hundreds of virtual coins usually doesn't look at it. Only Jingshu who has more than a thousand virtual coins will consider it. After all, she doesn't have so much time to complete the bounty task. She is just looking for the materials she needs. At that time, I completed the reward by the way.

Uncle Wang is in charge of the 7 o'clock direction today. How long has Xiaoli been down there? Why hasn't he come up yet? Oh, by the way, Hong Hong is in the 12 o'clock direction. That place is probably more dangerous.

Hey, Abao, you're here. How was the harvest today? You, Wang Mazi and Gou Sheng are in the same group. How long ago did they go down? Jing Shu greeted the salvage workers cordially.

The salvage workers also respect and love Jingshu very much. They know that there is a shark submarine driver here who comes every day and often goes into the water to rescue them.

Even Jingshu usually doesn't talk much. She only rushes into the water when the salvage workers say someone has disappeared. This has changed a lot recently, but they still reply enthusiastically.

The salvage workers were actually quite shocked because Jingshu was actually better than their supervisor and could match their names with their own. You must know that supervisors always call names, because to supervisors, everyone is They all have bald heads and look the same, so it's impossible to tell them apart.

The corner of Liu Xing's mouth twitched, and when he didn't understand what trick Jing Shu was trying to play, Jing Shu suddenly said in shock: What? Wang Mazi has been down for two minutes? Well, just tell me the direction and I will go down to find it.

Before Liu Xing could react, Jingshu suddenly jumped onto the shark submarine, turned the power to the maximum and disappeared in a flash.

There really isn't enough oil to burn. Liu Xing shook his head and saw Jing Shu coming up a moment later, Wang Mazi is fine, he's coming up right away. What, Er Gouzi is still in the other half and he hasn't come up in two minutes?

In a flash, the shark submarine rushed out.

That's right, in order to better implement the plan today, Jingshu is going to use the banner of: I would rather miss it than let it go. As long as someone doesn't come up, she will go down to find the person. I would rather miss it than let it go. Pass.

This area is a commercial district. Almost all government buildings and residential buildings have been salvaged. Now it is the turn of the most prosperous commercial district. Before the end of the world, clothing and other things must have been moved, but some cannot be moved. The big moving equipment is still in the warehouse, and there are even many merchants' goods hidden there.

If Jingshu searched this area one by one, he would not be able to finish it for days and nights, but the hundreds of salvage workers could basically search it in a day or two, so if you really want to find blood mushrooms, you still have to Rely on the power of the masses.

Let’s commemorate Chapter 222, enough for 2

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