I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 216 Charity Auction

Look, there are still good and selfless people in the last days. The dishes and food brought out today should be all the good things of the old man. He has provided food for more than 200 people and he can obviously feed his family for half a year.

When I came today, except for some fish in the pond, all the vegetables in the flower garden had been harvested.

The old man could have said directly that all the gifts today would be donated, and he could have received admiration from countless people without wasting this meal, but he still used his best things to entertain his old friends first.

Some people say that the things he donated were obviously not his own, but he gained prestige in the end. The old man could have obtained something without donating, but he obviously did not do so.

Sometimes favors and gifts have their own value. The gifts he has given out over the years will be taken back when they are over. In the end, these things are still his.

Jing Shu suddenly remembered that something like this happened in her previous life, and it was reported in the news. The old man donated a meal of white rice to tens of thousands of people in Wucheng, and received the gratitude of countless people. It's a pity that she didn't get it in her previous life, because it was gone before it was the banana community's turn.

What Jing Shu admires most is that such people in the apocalypse are still old people. Such harsh living conditions are even more difficult for them.

No wonder Yang Yang sighed, this time he really lost his wife and lost his army. He didn't receive the gift money, and he also used all his own food. He would definitely make his father kneel on the washboard.

Seeing the ups and downs of surprised and incredible voices at the scene, Shen San knocked on the auction table, At the same time, everyone who participated in this charity auction will be recorded in the good people and good deeds of Wucheng News, and this auction will also It will be advertised in the big data charity auction column.

In Jing Shu's perspective, it's not a problem for celebrities to use donations to fund hype. As long as they really donate a lot and do a lot of good things, so that the people can really benefit, and both parties get what they want, isn't that great? Of?

The auction started soon, one table after another. Starting from the top left, an old man took out a set of filters. Mr. Yang's flesh ached so much. He now uses his son's water for water. Home filtered water was brought over.

Haha, you old man, you don't want this good thing, but you want to donate it, so let's auction it.

The value of the filter is now not what it used to be. In the end, it was auctioned for 1,000 virtual coins. Everyone thought that they were all well-known people, so the value was about the same. After all, this was not a real auction.

I specially got dried walnuts, and I wanted to help you, an old man, to mend your brain.

The final transaction price of 5 kilograms of walnuts was 600 virtual coins.

I caught two chicks for you, a male and a female, from the livestock farm.

The final transaction price was 1,500 virtual coins.

Since there is no shortage of water now, there is not even a shortage of feed. The government is vigorously promoting animal husbandry. However, due to the evolution of insect eggs in the mid-term, it was difficult to breed a group of livestock and humans, eating polluted water and killing most of them.

However, soon after, the sewage treatment plant was repaired and the water was re-filtered. Poultry and people in Wucheng had to rely on the government to provide drinking water again.

Lao Yang, I won't give you anything, so as not to hurt you, I will give you 1,000 virtual coins directly, which will make you even more painful, hahahaha.

I saw other people directly giving virtual coins, ranging from 500 to 1,000.

Generally, Mr. Yang's old friends will donate some rice to replenish their health, and other derivatives will directly donate some rice, and of course the wealthy ones will donate some rice.

Table after table soon it was Jingshu's turn.

That person is my grandson, a member of my family, next to the next table. After all, we are old friends and we can lick our faces and donate together.

Jing Shu originally thought about skipping her table and giving the things to Yang Yang privately, but she didn't expect that several people who had gone to the United States, including Wang Dazhao, stood up and handed over the meteorite M1911. The pistol was handed over, and Yang Yang whispered to Jing Shu the origin of the gun.

None of them mentioned the model number, they just showed the old man, who recognized it at a glance.

Old man, this is the pistol you have always wanted. It was prepared for your eighty-eighth birthday by us together, and it was also specially found for you by your grandson. This one does not need to be auctioned, right?

The old man couldn't put it down and caressed one of the only pairs in the world. This was made in the United States at a huge cost. There is only one pair in the world and is worth 30 million. Now this brat has stolen one back. But this is the end of the world. Well, the United States has too much to take care of itself, let alone a precious pistol.

Old man, after all, no one else is worthy of a gun. If you auction it, you won't be harming anyone.

Seeing the old man hesitate, Niu Moo came out and gave him the final blow.

The people here are all human beings, and they are all shouting, but they don’t dare to ask for a gun, who dares to shoot, it will be embarrassing if the shoot is not successful in a while.

My family gave it to me, so of course it doesn't need to be auctioned. The old man saw so many gifts passing by in front of his eyes. Finally, one of them didn't need to be auctioned, and he felt much better.

Niu Mo also took out his gift this time, which were two super large birthday peach cakes with a thick layer of cream cake on top and dotted with strawberries.

“Everyone has a share of the cake prepared by my family, so there’s no need to auction this, right?”

There were bursts of smiles at the scene. You still have to eat a big cake for your birthday, so I prepared this gift with all my heart.

Everyone at the table had given away what they should give, and Jingshu could only take out the blood mushrooms. As soon as the blood mushrooms came out, everyone was amazed. Isn't this the most popular blood mushroom recently?

It appeared three times in the Wucheng auction, and each time a flower was taken away for at least 1,500 yuan. The supply was still in short supply, and the price tended to rise. I didn't expect that someone would still be able to take it out now.

“This one is definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen, and it’s so well preserved!”

Everyone who has eaten it is full of praise. Not only is the taste extremely delicious, but after eating it, you can feel that you are younger and full of energy and blood. Even people around you say that you look more energetic.

The spread of blood mushrooms became even more evil.

Our family has eaten blood mushrooms, and the effect is really good.

Let's just say that your turtle son looks much younger.

You can't ask for this good thing. Master, you'd better eat it yourself.

It's true that you, an immortal, don't have many more years to live. I'm still waiting for you to return my gift.

The old man definitely didn’t know this girl, but seeing that the girl was Wenwen and quietly sitting with his grandson, the old man didn’t know what came to his mind, and suddenly said with a silly smile: “This is something given by my family, it doesn’t count.

There were long oh sounds from people around.

Jing Shu: ??? Did you misunderstand something?

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