I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 213 Fried Mushroom Eggs (Additional updates with monthly ticket)

Wang Qiqi has long been aware of this. These days, he has been recruiting people every day. In addition to integrating the former aboriginal residents, he has also attracted many new residents. He does not know how many people he has made promises to.

Everyone else was not optimistic about Wang Qiqi, who suddenly registered successfully and qualified for the title of director. Just like now, Zhao Shupi does not need to recruit people, but can collect a lot of votes just by using batter.

Jing Shu was surprised, but she expected it. When she organized people to go out to recycle materials last year, Wang Qiqi took three times the amount, saved more, and borrowed more to make up this much. In the eyes of ordinary people, It's definitely a huge sum of money.

But what can you do with 500 virtual coins? There is only enough for 250 people to eat a meal of white rice at the same time, but with a population of tens of thousands in Banana Community, how can it be satisfied?

Well... But since the last incident, San Gujing has successfully become the director of the supermarket at the newly opened Daguofan Canteen here. She has to manage the front office, kitchen, food delivery arrangements, etc. every day.

Of course, the distribution of white rice is now taken over by the government.

By the way, in addition to the director of Sangu, there are also directors of two other supermarkets that were flooded. The canteens of Banana Community are also divided into Aijia Canteen, Aiguo Canteen, and Aixiao Canteen. A manager has been arranged to be responsible for the three restaurants of Banana Community. A big pot of rice canteen matters.

Generally speaking, the third aunt has been decentralized. Now she only cares about ordinary people. Civil servants are not under her jurisdiction. However, the number of people has increased several times, so she still has some power.

Asking her for help, it is not impossible to do things within the cost, Jing Shu blinked and had a plan.

And the most important thing is that the three canteens are secretly competing with each other, comparing their turnover every day, and introducing new methods every day to compete for the position of the leader.

Zhao Shupi placed an advertisement in the Patriotic Canteen, and now the Patriotic Canteen is overcrowded all day long.

Therefore, it is actually a good choice to help Sangu attract popularity.

So then again, what can 500 virtual coins do? A slut like Zhao Shupi would probably have to invest thousands of virtual coins, but he was nakedly using virtual coins to buy votes.

Jing Shu squinted her eyes and remembered a famous dish: fried mushrooms and insect eggs.

Apply a layer of oil on the pot, put the mushrooms torn into strips and the eggs into the pot and slowly fry them over low heat to evaporate their water, then fry them until golden, and the eggs will release a unique smell after being fried. The meat is fragrant, and then sprinkled with a layer of chili powder and salt, the aroma will suck!

The flexibility of the mushrooms and the explosive bombs of the insect eggs are soft to the bone, crunchy and crunchy when you bite them. Add some apocalyptic luxury chili noodles to remove the moisture on this rainy day. It is really a wonderful thing.

The next day.

Damn it, where does such a fragrant smell of fried meat come from?

Go and have a look, Aijia Canteen has a new dish, fried mushrooms and insect eggs! It tastes really delicious!

It must be very expensive, I can't afford it.

Free delivery, this dish from Aijia Canteen is delivered for free! Seats are limited!

When it was time to eat, there was a long queue at the entrance of the Aijia Canteen. They were all attracted by the smell, and they heard that it was free, so they all came.

Wang Qiqi held up a loudspeaker and played the rules for receiving it, while giving a portion of fried mushroom eggs to those who voted. Since each person only has the right to vote once, those who voted for Zhao Shupi before had no choice but to buy it.

People who have just eaten a piece of fried mushroom eggs will basically go to Aijia Canteen to sell a piece of fried mushroom eggs for 0.5 virtual coins, which in turn boosts the business of Aijia Canteen.

Jing Shu scratched her nose. In fact, she really wanted to help Wang Qiqi get the position of distribution director this time, and she also wanted to help Sangu Jinglai increase her popularity.

But for some reason, she earned 1,000 virtual coins from both of them.


This was how much the two of them had spent on materials. Jingshu sold dozens of kilograms of last year's spicy noodles and used them for oil. There were several large barrels of lard left at home that they didn't want to eat.

Every time the oil from braised pork and processed fat is accumulated, there is only so much oil accumulated, but Jingshu's family only uses vegetable peanut oil, rapeseed oil, and lard for cooking.

Jing Nai was originally thinking about what to do with it, but she didn't expect to exchange the oil for 1,000 virtual coins.

So this time, except for the cost of Jingshu’s spicy noodles, lard, and a small amount of salt, there is no cost. Labor does not count. To be honest, just brush a little oil and sprinkle some salt, and the chili noodles will be mushy than Zhao Shupi batter. The cost is much smaller.

The batter is real flour, grain.

But the key is that the fried mushroom eggs taste great and have been well received. After eating it once, I want to eat it a second time. Recently, people have some spare money, so they salvage and pick up grain insects outside in exchange for it.

In the early days, you could go out and pick up rags anywhere, and as long as there was something on the list, you could exchange it for virtual currency, so at this time, people were still willing to spend 0.5 virtual currency to buy food.

Wang Qiqi jumped to the top three on the list. After Zhao Shupi, he also became a popular figure. Everyone was curious about this person who came out of nowhere.

I still have to commend Wang Qiqi here for releasing his legendary events in advance. He was an original resident of Banana Community. He led people to earn so many virtual coins back then, so that Banana Community could eat well and drink well. It has something to do with a certain big shot in Banana Community Villa. How awesome is that big shot? This time it was sponsored by that big shot.

In short, it gives people the impression that he has a good background and can lead everyone and bring substantial benefits to everyone.

Jing Shu: Is it me that the boss is talking about?

Speaking of big bosses, Jingshu also has different plans for this year.

If the first year was busy with making the whole family become well-off, then this year Jingshu plans to start a round of capital accumulation. Ahem, to put it bluntly, it means getting rich and making money! And has enough power to protect wealth!

This year is considered a relatively stable year in the last ten years, with the fastest currency circulation. After that, it will be more difficult. Once you start to live a life of fleeing and running around, the currency circulation speed will be very slow.

Jingshu has taken the first step. She must at least reach the position of vice president this year so that she has considerable power to protect her family. Not even cats and dogs can step on it.

As for the family, they certainly didn't hold back. It would be best if Jing's mother's director could be promoted to a higher level, and it would be quite remarkable if Jing's father could become the director of the livestock farm.

The second step is to earn more virtual coins and there are many places to spend money!

As for Jingshu's plan to make money from blood mushrooms, the two stewed blood mushroom roots in the Rubik's Cube space are still in the field and have not grown yet, which makes Jingshu a little regretful. Could it be that blood cannot be cultivated in the Rubik's Cube space? mushroom?

Or is the method wrong?

On this day, Yang Yang's old man celebrated his birthday, Jing Shu suddenly had an idea.

It's finally out

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