I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 211 It’s your own fault.

It seems to have something to do with it. At that time, I was cautious and didn't tell anyone about picking out old bugs. So even though everyone saw the method, they didn't know the secret and it was impossible to know how to get rid of the eggs. There's a solution.

When Jingshu and Zhou Papi first arrived, Xiaoxiao was trying hard to defend: I didn't falsely accept the reward, I received it on behalf of our Medicinal Materials Association!

Jingshu then saw the young man standing next to him, Zhu Chuangshi, who was interviewed in his previous life.

The reason why he remembers his name is because others have names like Jianguo, Jackie Chan, and Building Materials. His father is awesome and wants to create the world.

On the other side, the relevant personnel also explained the ins and outs. Last night, Xiaoxiao brought Gastrodia elata that had had insect eggs removed, saying that she had found a way to remove insect eggs, and wrote down the process in detail. The acceptance personnel asked her to use other methods to remove the insect eggs. The plant was tested but to no avail. After repeated experiments several times, Xiaoxiao said it would take half a day to be effective. She also said that this was how the eggs of Gastrodia elata were eliminated, and asked the staff to make sure she was the one who thought of this method first.

Because the rewards are very rich, in addition to various grains and virtual coins, there are also honors and position rewards, which of course makes many people jealous. Xiaoxiao waited for a long time after knowing about the rewards, but Jingshu’s friends did not announce them, so she coming.

The staff naturally refused and said that they would wait until it was effective. This took a long time. During this period, Xiaoxiao scratched her head and tried various methods without success.

At this time, this young man came, carrying a bucket of red worms, and used the same method as Xiaoxiao to get rid of the eggs.

The government must immediately identify this person as the first person to solve the problem.

But with the same method, why is it that her method is ineffective but this man's method is effective?

Under the huge reward, after Xiaoxiao asked if this person was Jingshu's friend, she finally said that the Medicinal Materials Association had come up with this idea the morning before yesterday, and this reward should belong to their Medicinal Materials Association. No, Jingshu was accidentally It was all shaken out, and the reward was given to the Medicinal Materials Association, so how could she get a share of it?

Xiaoxiao sometimes said that she came up with the method herself, and then leaked that it was the method of the Medicinal Materials Association. The government people invited police officers to assist in the investigation.

Based on your situation, you are suspected of using someone else's name to falsely claim the reward.

Even if you have used it a long time ago, you still didn’t come up with the method after a long time!

Because Xiaoxiao belongs to the Medicinal Materials Association and has a special status, the police can only invite the person in charge of the Medicinal Materials Association to come over. The other presidents are not here, so Zhou Bapi comes.

Jing Shu showed an expression like this. It turned out that Xiaoxiao wanted the reward of the bounty, so she came to offer advice without knowing it. Of course, the result was impossible, but she was not willing to let the reward pass by, so she finally said Medicinal Materials Association.

Xiaoxiao, this thing that harms others and ourselves! Jing Shu was so panicked that she couldn't stop herself.

The Medicinal Materials Association will definitely not take the blame, nor will it snatch rewards that originally belong to others. After asking Zhu Chuangshi about his method, Jingshu clapped her hands and praised him, doubly affirming that Zhu Chuangshi's method was more appropriate and effective, and she deserved to receive this reward. award.

People in the government are also busy announcing new methods, and they have no time to care about anything else.

Xiaoxiao was brought back to the Medicinal Materials Association. In view of the serious nature of the false claim, Zhou Papi fired Xiaoxiao's official job, causing an uproar in the Medicinal Materials Association.

Everyone also knew that Xiaoxiao had stolen Jingshu's method to collect the reward. When they looked at Xiaoxiao, they were always filled with a sense of weirdness. At the same time, they were equally surprised by Jingshu who they had met on the first day. A layer of strange feeling.

Evil people must be punished, and this is not the first time Jing Shu has seen someone like Xiaoxiao seeking death. Jingshu always feels that Xiaoxiao will seek death for herself.

The matter finally came to an end. Jingshu packed up her mood and started her busy life. Chu Zhuohua had already driven the RV to Chen Nan's modification factory and started a major renovation of the RV.

Jingshu transported light steel from Li Yuetian that day. She determined what materials were available and what materials were missing at Chen Nan's modification factory, then recorded them and went to the city center to find materials. It was a natural big treasure.

Jingshu still remembers Chen Nan's shocked and heartbroken expression when she saw the list of materials, but for the sake of her eldest sister's face, she still forced a smile when she heard that Jingshu wanted to modify a car. Naturally, Jingshu couldn't let her lose. I gave 600 materials for the modification fee, which can be used to make up for the material cost of the RV.

Jingshu suddenly felt that she was still very poor. If she hadn't salvaged a yellow bed and got some virtual coins that day, she wouldn't even be able to pay for the materials. No, as virtual coins can be used in big data transactions, currency It started to circulate again, and she had to hurry up to get some virtual coins.

By the way, the things that were auctioned in Sumali that day were delivered one after another the next day. The aloe vera was transplanted to the villa yard by Jingshu and has now taken root.

The cigarettes have been completely divided between Jingye and Jingba. After having cigarettes, the two of them quarreled less, which made Jingshu think about planting a batch of tobacco leaves.

However, Jingshu still planted a batch of grapes in the Rubik's Cube space first, planning to make some wine. After the wine is brewed, she can go out to the open road. The wine can be said to have been bought before, but there is really no place to bring out fresh grapes. explain.

Jingshu was really busy during this period. She was so busy that she forgot that she worked at the Medicinal Materials Association. It wasn’t until someone asked her what she did at the old man’s birthday party later that Jingshu remembered, “Fuck, fuck. Damn, I’m from the Medicinal Materials Association, but it seems like I haven’t been there for a long time.”

Of course, this is a story for another day.

Every day, Jing Shu drives the Shark submarine to Chen Nan's modification factory to discuss the progress of the modification with Chu Zhuohua, and then goes to the flooded city to search for usable materials.

Since the emergence of blood mushrooms, many people have become more motivated. A batch of blood mushrooms will be found almost every few days, but at the same time, several people will surely die. Even so, the enthusiasm is still there, which shows that food in the apocalypse has great influence on people. The attraction is also a matter of luck.

When the first batch of red worm mushrooms were grown and supplied, Jingma’s vegetable cultivation finally encountered a big problem after Zhu Chuangshi’s method was popularized but was useless for seeds, and the government began to encourage everyone to experiment with new methods.

Try to boil the water and then water it. After all, boiling water can kill 99% of bacteria, but the fungi of red worms belong to the 1% of bacteria and are not afraid of high temperatures.

I have applied for an ultrafiltration system, but now the materials are flooded, and I don't know how long it will take to install it. Before that, we may not be able to grow any vegetables.

I took the train home from another place. I caught a cold and felt dizzy. After a nap, I quickly got up and started typing. There are three updates today. I must fulfill the promise I made so much.

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