I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 206 Salvage begins (second update)

Wang Qiqi took the recommendations of several people from Jing Shu and began the arduous process of his rise to the top. Although Jing Shu felt that the possibility of Wang Qiqi's rise to the top was low because he had no resources, at the critical moment he, She could also help out.

After all, it is much better to have a trustworthy person serve as the distribution director than someone else, and when relocating or evacuating in future disasters, this distribution process will basically be followed.

If Wang Qiqi is really the director, then their position will be relatively better in the future.

Thinking about it this way, investing in Wang Qiqi is also very good.

Except for the steel cutting machine that she could use now, the things Wang Qiqi brought were useless, and they were all thrown to Master Jing.

Jingshu planned to cut the steel traded from Sumary into weapons capable of both defense and defense during her free time these days.

When the time comes, what will be shot out will not be rocks, but giant steel arrows. Thinking about that scene is very exciting.

In the old group, Wu Youai also announced the news:

@Everyone, the government will start the salvage work tomorrow. Everyone can sign up to participate. Free pick-up and drop-off, but the cost of renting a life jacket is 1 virtual coin. Now there are all kinds of things that can be used on the water in Wucheng. To exchange virtual currency, you need to sign up quickly. The number of life jackets is limited. This is also a way for you to earn virtual currency without losing money.

What? You still have to pay for it. Can you just go into the water if it has good water properties?

Wu Youai: Yes, but it doesn't matter whether you live or die. By the way, you can go if you have a swimming ring at home.

I have a baby. I rent out a swimming ring for 0.5 virtual coins. Who wants it?

Wu Youai: By the way, Big Data has updated the virtual coins and other rewards that can be exchanged for all materials salvaged. At that time, you can redeem them according to the price list above, and select useful things to salvage. Do not salvage garbage. Going to someone to exchange it would be a joke.

That night, Jingshu put all the things that were temporarily unused in the basement, including burying all the boulders in the back hill, and placing the steel materials in the backyard of the villa, vacating a small half of the space. She hopes to gain something tomorrow. .

At 4 o'clock in the morning on January 8, Jingshu was woken up by Jing's mother and went to work with dark circles under her eyes. The two drove away in the shark submarine. Since the deal with Chen Nan was changed to all modification materials for the RV, the luxury car Naturally, there is no more, and I don’t dare to drive my own energy vehicle. Fortunately, I made an appointment with instructor Wu Youai and will come and have a look tomorrow.

Great, I only slept a few hours again today.

My dear mother, my dear mother, my dear mother! Jing Shu recited three times in her heart, stepped on the accelerator and drove out from the ground of the Banana Community. The basement was now crowded with people, and she could not leave from the basement in the future.

Jingshu ate hand pancakes stuffed with lettuce leaves, grilled sausages, chicken fillet, fish steak, beef sauce and duck eggs, and drank pure milk. She could only deal with breakfast casually.

The floodwaters in the development zone have partially receded. Telegraph poles can now be seen in areas where telephone poles were not visible before. However, the floodwaters in the city show no sign of receding, which has given up the idea of ​​returning home for most people.

After the Wucheng government settled the people, they started salvage work starting today, and encouraged the people to go to the city to salvage all supplies.

From today on, everyone is busy, because disasters happen quickly and post-disaster reconstruction is difficult.

The Department of Agricultural Management is still the same, but since it was irrigated with water from heavy rains, all the vegetables are now covered with insect eggs. Some people are removing them manually, but it is basically useless.

After Jingshu arrived, she started the work of getting rid of the insects without saying a word.

She kept picking out the old worms in the rain, then put them in salt water, and then put them in the vegetable field. It took her most of the day to get rid of the worms on all the vegetables. During this period, she felt dizzy and felt like she was in a hallucination. , that feeling is like the feeling you get after playing the Rubik's Cube too much.

Jingshu felt that something was wrong with her Rubik's Cube recently, but she couldn't tell. It should have started after the automatic reset. But no matter what, after the Rubik's Cube is upgraded, all the secrets should be revealed. The more this happens , Jingshu became more and more impatient and wanted to upgrade, but unfortunately the technology did not allow it.

Jing's mother was heartbroken when she saw the tiredness on Jingshu's face. She said that she would not let Jingshu do this job again next time, and that she would leave any work to others.

Fortunately, it was her who came. If it had been someone else, it might not have been possible to finish it in ten days and a half, and the day lilies would have been cold by then.

Okay, Mom, don't water these vegetables when they are almost ripe, otherwise they will be covered with insect eggs again. There should be a solution to this problem when the next batch of vegetables is produced.

This method is troublesome. If you have to do it every time after watering, it will waste a lot of time.

Of course, what Jingshu wants is not this effect, but for everyone to think of ways to grow things on a large scale at a low cost. Then her mother will use soil methods to filter water for irrigation, and then grow vegetables to support her career. Take it to the next level.

In two days, the time should be ripe.

Hey, where are you going if you're such a hot-tempered kid and don't want to eat?

I'm going out for a walk.

Where are you going to hang out on such a dark day with floods everywhere!

The heavy rain was falling heavily in Wucheng. Today, the government sent so many salvage boats to the city center to salvage various things. If Jingshu didn't make a fortune, how could she be worthy of her Rubik's Cube space?

If it takes a few more days, everything valuable will probably be gone.

Before the flood, these places were strictly protected. Now that there is a flood, they are all ownerless, ahem.

The tallest building in the center of Wucheng was still submerged in the water, with not even its tip rising, but the helicopter was flying in the air with its headlights shining on the surrounding area.

There are hundreds of salvage boats, large and small, on the water. On them are salvage workers newly recruited by the government. Each of them has good water skills. They have passed strict assessments and are equipped with relatively professional equipment.

There are advanced salvage boats with computer-controlled hooks, there are also less advanced ones that require the cooperation of the salvage workers to catch the objects before they can be salvaged, and there are also the most traditional ones that don’t carry anything and rely solely on manually tying the rope and pulling it up. of.

Labor is cheap in the end of the world, because food will always be distributed to the masses. In this case, the government ultimately chooses to distribute it to the masses who can produce value.

So many people here rely on salvage workers to fish out all kinds of things. Things that were worthless before the apocalypse will become useful after the apocalypse.

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