I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 196 Harvesting things in the warehouse (asking for monthly votes)

Oh, you're logged in, what next? Shi Jiujiu asked, and the live broadcast room also caused an uproar because Shi Jiujiu suddenly disappeared.

Jingshu took the phone and edited the live broadcast recording into a video, added the live broadcast barrage and attached a title.

Shocked! The hero returns only to be captured by a dove!

Shocked, the shark submariner who saved thousands of people was caught occupying a house!

It's amazing. Police Officer Wucheng said that I am Wang Fa! Let's make him popular!

Is it the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature? Shi Jiujiu was brutally treated for exposing the truth! Is there really no royal law in the end of the world?

An attractive title determines how many people pay attention to the matter. Angry content determines how many people will resonate. The first person to stand up and express his views determines the direction of the matter. Both are indispensable.

Jingshu changed a few more accounts, started to @various relevant departments, and then said representative words to provide material for some people who only liked it. At the same time, the first person to stand up and express her position was very important. She This rhythm must be maintained well.

Looking at the familiar techniques and sophisticated operation methods for a long time, I couldn't help but be stunned. The look in Xiang Jingshu's eyes changed a lot for a while. Maybe he was the boss?

If the previous videos can be laughed off after watching, then these titles and sharp comments can arouse the softness and anger in people's hearts. The hero who saved people in front of him was arrested for justice at this moment, which made the rescued even more sad. People and their family members were angry and left messages asking the local government to investigate thoroughly. Although they couldn't do anything, they could still like and comment on it.

Facts have proved that when one person in China spits foam, it is enough to drown someone.

As soon as the video clip was posted, the number of likes and comments increased by tens of thousands per minute, and soon it became a hot recommendation. The video was originally popular in Wucheng and became popular all over China. The number of likes exceeded hundreds of thousands, and by the time the government wanted to block it, it was already too late.

The Wucheng government has also been @ed hundreds of thousands of times. The impact is so great that the government has to pay attention to it. If we don't give everyone a good explanation, it will probably be scolded by the people across the country.

Shi Jiujiu couldn't help but give a thumbs up, Then what?

Then, just wait.

It’s time to put the fame you have gained into full play. Make the best of it, and take advantage of her to be popular during this period. Otherwise, no one will know you in a few years.

Jingshu had many ways to solve this matter, but when she learned that Li Yuetian could not protect herself, she finally chose to use public opinion to solve the matter.

Obtaining the maximum benefit at the minimum cost is not to give Li Yuetian another boost.

Li Yuetian, the captain of the second detachment, is now a senior colonel. He has been promoted relatively quickly at his age and may be promoted to major general in the future.

Judging from the performance of the last evacuation in the Hongshan Ecological Park, this is a powerful ally worth making and cultivating, especially those who have the potential to be promoted to major generals in the post-apocalyptic world. From now on, they will be able to walk sideways in the Banana Community.

China's major generals, with some exceptions, must have at least twenty years of military service, so they still have to invest as early as possible.

I hope this matter can also help him tide over the difficulties.

Jingshu moved her cuffed hands, but her eyes were narrowed at the things in the warehouse, and she saw Jingshu silently reciting: Second form!

The Rubik's Cube space was spread out, and the dazzling materials inside were also displayed. Jingshu sorted out the crowded space and looked at what could be taken into the space.

After even the light from the mobile phone disappeared, darkness returned to the warehouse. Shi Jiujiu was a little excited. Facing his savior, he had always wanted to say thank you, and now he finally had the chance.

From time to time, long questions and Jingshu's lazy answers came from the dark warehouse.

On the other side, Jingshu tied a rope to the bee and controlled the bees on the line to touch the object, thereby receiving the object into the space.

The things in the warehouse haven't had time to be sorted out, and they are piled up like mountains, but most of them are of little use to Jingshu.

Such as bedding, daily necessities, furniture, etc.

But there are still things that Jingshu is interested in, such as aramid helmets. This aramid helmet from China is very awesome, and its performance has surpassed the American Kevlar helmet.

Needless to say, its bulletproof ability is of course very high, and it can protect the head very well. It can also be used as pots and bowls when marching and fighting in the past. It can even be used as a water collection device when there is no water in the desert. It can be said to be very useful. A lot.

Jingshu wants it to be used for not only bulletproofing, but also to prevent future natural disasters. It can be used when hail falls. Cone-shaped hailstones can kill people if they fall down.

Think about the force of a free body falling from the sky. Who will dare to have a bald head then? They will all wish they had longer hair and even carry a quilt when going out. A plastic basin will be smashed within a few minutes.

There were also the mudslides and huge thunder that occurred after the earthquake the year after that, and the landslides caused by heavy rains. As a banana community at the bottom of the mountain, hail was nothing.

The rocks struck by lightning are the most troublesome.

I don’t know if they offended the God of Thunder, the Mother of Lightning, and the Lady of Wind, who made them work hard to carve out the mountain. Not only did they produce the sound of thunder and lightning, but also various stones flying into the sky and escaping to the ground. Of course, according to scientists’ analysis, it is because the earth has deviated in recent years. After orbiting, I couldn't adapt, so I started to do crustal movement, which is why I had such a big reaction.

No matter what, it would definitely be a very happy thing if there was a helmet with such high safety.

There were a lot of helmets, but Jingshu didn't take more. She just took about ten, which were enough for her family. She planned to take them to the space and change them a little bit, changing the color.

There are also some body armors. Because there are not many, Jingshu took three sets. This thing is relatively heavy and troublesome to wear. The Chinese army has very few body armors and they are basically unmatched. However, if there is a war, they can be produced urgently. Hundreds of thousands of pieces.

There are also professional gas masks, which are great! Jingshu was really surprised. They were completely different from the ones that cost a few hundred yuan on a certain product and could only protect against paint poison. Although she didn't know what level they reached, they could prevent the apocalypse. Poisonous air and smelly eggs are always useful, right?

Believe me, you definitely don’t want to smell the same fart smell throughout the year. It’s not the same fart smell, but a fart smell that randomly switches between different flavors according to the weather and mood...

It is reported that the earth may have suffered from a bad meal this year.

Jingshu took more than fifty gas masks this time. Anyway, if she didn't take them, they would probably have aged and deteriorated after many years. She put them in the space and took good care of them, and they could be taken out to people in need. Of course It's paid.

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