I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 179 Okay, let’s modify them all

This probably means: If the old doesn’t go away, the new won’t come in?

The arrival of Hengjin also meant the arrival of the RV. Although Jingshu was in a gloomy mood, she felt much better because of this good news.

Okay, home is at the door. You guys can walk home, and make some ginger soup to stop catching a cold. Someone will come to help us carry the car later. Dad and I will get these things home first.

Jingshu wiped a handful of rain mixed with red worms, and there were already red worms entangled on her eyebrows. Today, Jingshu only wore rain boots and a rain hat and did not have time to put on a raincoat. Unexpectedly, she set a flag to take precautions. Don't let the red worms get close to you anymore, it's been broken in just a few days.

But it was still a familiar taste and familiar formula. Jingshu took a sip and spit out the red worms that flowed into her mouth.

Oh, what a sin. Damn it. Jing Nai touched a handful of the fat chicken and it was still there, but some of the food was left in the rain and she would definitely not be able to eat it.

The temperature in the morning was very low, and Jingshu was shivering from the cold in the rain, let alone the old couple. She quickly asked Jing's mother to take the old couple back to tidy up.

Jingshu and Jing’s dad carried the suitcases back one by one and started to clean up the scene. Jing’s dad was still frightened when he saw the big hole caused by the explosion. “This is too outrageous. Who did we offend?”

Maybe he's interested in our stuff.

Dad Jing fell into deep thought.

By the time Jingshu had almost cleaned up the scene, there were basically no traces of the scene except for the large crater and gravel caused by the explosion, coupled with the erosion of the rain.

Even so, when Hengqian arrived at the crime scene in a truck-like RV, he was still shocked by the scene.

It was not only Hengjin who was shocked, but also Jing's dad who had his mouth wide open, well, and Jing Shu who was gnashing her teeth.

In the darkness, she quietly watched the overlord-like super truck driving toward her. Not to mention how happy she was. Thinking that she could spend the cold winter in a warm RV during migration, she felt that her life was very happy.

But the bumper on the entire RV's face was gone, and it was dented a lot after being hit. Not to mention, the body of the RV was turned crookedly.

It's like a big crab walking sideways, and it's so fast!

Jing Shu: Forget it, I just want to remodel the car's face.

One of the car lights was broken, and there were numerous cracks on the large glass of the car's face. I don't know how the driver drove back.

Jing Shu: Forget it, the glass is broken and I just want to replace it with bulletproof glass.

At this glance, it was clear that that bastard Yang Yang did not regard it as a lover at all, but as a bumper car.

When we got closer, the whole RV was scratched and scratched, but Jingshu could bear it! I can bear it!

but! Where did the passenger door go? And why is there a hole as big as a human right where it connects to the co-pilot? Was it hit by a missile?

The driving position and co-pilot position of the Conqueror RV are the same as those of ordinary trucks, and are not connected to the RV behind.

Jingshu also wants to open up the connecting place so that the RV and the co-pilot can become one. Now, they can help you open it up directly with missiles! !

Jingshu's heart was bleeding.

Such a durable RV was driven like this. Jingshu really didn't know what Yang Yang had done at that time to be outraged by both humans and gods to be pursued like this. Jingshu could imagine the scene of a huge RV running rampant... it must be very exciting. ?

Okay, let's modify them all! As long as the main parts are okay. Jingshu took a breath of turbid breath. She knew that Niu Moo's mouth was a little miserable, but it might be miserable, but she didn't expect it to be so miserable!

The huge Conqueror RV parked next to Jingshu. Jingshu really felt how big it was, so big! The car's tires reached Jingshu's chest, and Jingshu looked up to see the driver's seat.

Hengjin and two other people jumped down. Looking at the huge pit and the overturned car on one side, they knew that it had been bombed. It seems that you are born with sarcasm. You have attracted so much hatred. Brother, why don't you? Go ahead and turn the car over.

There were five people, including Jingshu and Jing’s father, and they worked together to right the overturned car, and then pushed it back to their garage.

In the future, if there is an accident, you will have to leave at your own door. You see how convenient it is, just two steps away.

The site of the car was blown up, and Jing's father didn't dare to drive it anymore, so he had to go through a detailed inspection.

Hengqian finally helped drive the RV into the newly built large garage, with a look of envy and hatred in his eyes. Look at how people are living these days. Even the garage for the RV has been built. The young master before the apocalypse is now reduced to this. It’s getting to the point where I’m driving for others.

Now your home is worth more, and your RV will be even more valuable. Half of Wucheng has been submerged. Housing is so tight now that even the top government officials have to live in a villa.

In today's world, if you can eat rice and vegetables, live in a spacious house, and drive a car... just like Jing Shu's family, they are the real upper class.

Hengqian still had goods elsewhere. After the two made an appointment to transfer the remaining virtual coins, they left in a hurry.

From now on, the Conqueror RV officially belongs to Jingshu! Jingshu wants to modify this Big Mac into what she wants, and it will become her second home from now on.

Daughter, how is this different from what you said at the time? You said you would come back with a whole RV, but you didn't expect that you would come back with a big truck. How much oil will it burn? Dad Jing seemed to see countless amounts of oil flowing away. .

After all, the two couldn't hold back their curiosity and went inside the RV to take a look around. Although it came from across the ocean and looked shabby on the outside, it was still quite luxurious on the inside and the quality was very good. .

Putting aside everything else, Jingshu is quite satisfied, but she would like to modify it again when she has time. But what is more embarrassing at the moment is that only the rear of the car is equipped with a large bed bedroom, and there is a 32-inch LCD TV in it. It will definitely live in it. Very comfortable.

But other than that, there is no bed. The other dining area, kitchen, and two sets of leather sofas are a bit redundant, and there is also a set of ring-shaped sofas on the lift table on the second floor.

Jingshu's plan was that she would have to bring her whole family with her when the time came to move, so there would definitely not be enough place to live.

Jingshu just happened to get a batch of extremely high-quality light steel from Zhou Daheng. Jingshu planned to assemble it on the lift terrace on the second floor and create a closed liftable second floor dedicated to living in it to solve the population problem.

Of course, the specific details of how to renovate the second floor still needed to be discussed. She also thought about bringing all the poultry with her. Where to put them was another question. She also had to consider the issue of adequate safety for the RV.

It seems that it is time to meet Wu Youai's mentor.

Jingshu thought happily.

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