I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 150 The RV will arrive in 20 days

Everything is done, isn't it a bit late to talk about this now?


Yao Zizhen's matter passed like this. When it rained heavily every day and the red threadworms came out, he would sigh that Jingshu had been thoughtful. With such a big umbrella, the insects could not penetrate into the house.

This person's awareness is really good. There is a reason why he can live well in the apocalypse. It seems that he will have to follow Jing Shu in whatever he does in the future.

Jing Shu couldn't help but squint her eyes. Sea level rise is predictable. Scientists are talking about this issue every day. The relevant personnel will definitely test this aspect frequently to make predictions.

So why do many places still get flooded before they can move?

Because many things on the earth today are beyond the scope of analysis and understanding of existing technology, they will be called: unscientific.

In fact, the sea level is rising so crazily that it only took less than a few days from the discovery of its crazy rise to flooding and heavy rains in various places.

Floods come too fast, just like tornadoes. They cannot escape the storm circle and have no time to escape. They cannot bear it and have nowhere to hide.

Who would have thought that the earth's sea level is currently rising only 5 millimeters per year, but it will suddenly explode in a few dozen days? The most terrifying thing is that it does not follow common sense and can even submerge the African plateau.

Newton: The physics of the earth is no longer my business.

Jing Shu sighed. All she could do now was lead her family to survive the apocalypse safely and make adequate preparations for the next year of natural disasters.

And when Jingshu expressed her worries during dinner in the evening, she unexpectedly got the approval of the whole family. Fortunately, the scientists' predictions were right. Although the time was not accurate, Jingshu finally felt a little better. Reasons pave the way for future actions.

Wu Youai was the first to support: My mentor said that when things go to extremes, they are bound to reverse. Heavy rains are inevitable. Not only that, there may be floods across the country. It is only a matter of time.

It makes sense. Scientists have evidence. We must also make some preparations. Master Jing also supported it.

Jing's mother said: I have dried the vegetables and fruits a long time ago, so I am not afraid of running out of vegetables. The electric lights in our house are on for ten hours a day, and the vegetables have grown old and vigorous.

We packed the food in advance and were ready to escape at any time. Unfortunately, what should we do with the chickens, ducks and pigs? We have to find a way to save the poultry. Jing Nai said seriously, how valuable are poultry now?

That’s a national treasure!

Jingshu nodded cooperatively, the flood would not come here, but just in case, it is better to make more preparations and don't make fun of your own life.

However, these poultry are so precious now, and they will definitely be taken away when they migrate later.

It's just that it's a great escape, and we are just a family taking the chickens, ducks and pigs on the road. Isn't the style of the painting a little different? Jing Shu didn't dare to think about that scene.

Jing’s dad gave some advice on house construction: “Every day when it rains heavily, drainage must be done well. In addition to your water collection tank, we also need to raise the ground and ask your father to lay a slope cement floor and dig a channel to divert the excess water.” Go to the back mountain.

The whole family gave some advice more or less.

Jingshu finally started acting. There was still a batch of equipment on the second floor of the villa that had not been exposed:

Besides that, I'm going to find someone to get a batch of umbrellas, raincoats, life jackets, and inflatable boats.

Of course, Jingshu's preparations didn't stop there. In order to prevent red threadworms from getting in and jumping around, Jingshu bought one-piece raincoats, which were rain boots, pants, clothes and a hat. The face was covered with lenses to provide vision, and the rest was completely enclosed. Mode.

Although it looks a bit ugly, it’s not like I did in my previous life when I went out wearing a plastic bag and came back with red worms crawling into my neck and every nook and cranny. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to stick to my body, like a few hairs tangled in my skin. Same as above, it's very itchy, if it bounces it's like being scratched.

There are also life jackets prepared by Jing Shu, including old-fashioned and new self-inflating life jackets.

The new model usually looks like a bracelet, and after falling into the water, it will automatically inflate and float you to the surface.

Later, Jing Nai asked how many of these new life jackets were available, so that he could put one on each of his poultry. If there was a flood, everyone and the poultry could be strung together so that they would float to the surface and not be lost.

Jingshu: ...

The next day, Master Jing mixed the last few bags of cement, and then paved it in a circle around the villa from low to high, forming a slope to facilitate drainage. In particular, the coal house with a few square meters behind was raised a bit. It is not easy to burn if it is flooded.

Then Jingshu did not sit idle. Instead, she started digging channels from behind the villa to carry out water diversion projects. The main purpose was to prevent the water around the villa from overflowing. The amount of heavy rain in three or four days would be enough to reach the ankles. If in the next few months, If it is not drained, it can cover the body.

While Jingshu was busy making these preparations, Niu Mo suddenly called and said that Yang Yang had left a message for her. She had received what she wanted and it would arrive at the Huaxia Port in about twenty days. , let her prepare to receive the goods.

Jingshu is so excited.

Fortunately, Roubaozi beats the dog, and there is no return!

The RV she had been dreaming about for months finally got it! Now Jingshu is about to own one of the top three luxury cars in the apocalypse!

Jingshu calculated the time and found that it was early December?

The location is a dock in China. Jingshu searched the map and found that the distance was about 4,000 kilometers. If she took the Lianhuo Expressway before the end of the world, she could get there in three or four days.

But the problem is that some highways have been blocked by soil that has fallen for a whole year. There are other possibilities such as traffic control and road closures. Without knowing the road conditions and whether to take a detour, Jingshu estimates that at least It also takes ten days?

If things go well, we can arrive before the end of December, but if things don't go well, we may not be able to make it back during floods.

It's a little painful to be stuck at this point in time.

Jingshu, Yang Yang also asked me to say sorry to you. The RV may have been hit a bit badly. You may need to repair it when it comes back.

A bit miserable? How miserable must it be? Jing Shu's face darkened.

By the way, Jingshu, Yang Yang said that in order to express his apology, he has contacted people from Evergrande Logistics Company. The government's own people are trustworthy. They will just come back from the dock in a few days to help the government transport something, and they can also give it to you. Get the RV back, but you have to pay for it out of your own pocket.”

Niu Moo hesitated and didn't say how miserable it was.

Jing Shu always felt that what Yang Yang said was a bit miserable might not be that simple?

No matter what, she was originally thinking about how much time it would take to quickly go to the dock and drive back in person, but she didn't expect that Yang Yang would contact her and get the RV back, which would save a lot of things.

Thanks to Xihen, Yuyu, Fengqing Poetry, and book friend 150729141200065 for the reward.

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