I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 1003: Mom, let me take you on the boat for a walk

Ah? Are you going to have a banquet? Are you going then? I also said that I would pick you up and take you to the boat to have a look. I have brought you a lot of things and they haven't been moved down yet. But it's still working time now. We The handover is not over yet, I have to hold a meeting later.

You may have to wait on the boat for a while, but if you're bored, I'll let the boat drive and take you for a ride - Jing Shu chirped, not paying attention to so many people around her for a moment. people.

But the people around him listened in stunned silence.

The people who were originally in front subconsciously moved back, fearing that their white sportswear would be stained.

Co-author, is this plain-looking old lady really a member of that big ship?

There was another whisper of discussion:

Didn't you say that those ships were not from here and had all sailed away?

Yes, but isn't there still a huge aircraft carrier left?

Oh my God, is it possible that the staff on this aircraft carrier is in love with a girl? Who is she? Why is she so awesome?

Didn't you hear that I still have work to hand over? Besides, who can go up on the aircraft carrier? I guess it would be great for a girl to go up on her own. Can she also bring her family members up?

That's right, I know that aircraft carriers with missions like this usually have to be kept secret. Family members are not allowed to go on board. I guess they can just take a look here.

Even if you can't go up, how can you still glide around? This braggart doesn't draft anything, how can he glide around just to see one person? How much gas do you have to waste?

At this time, seeing his granddaughter Jing Nai grinning from ear to ear with joy, she looked at Wu Youai and said, How about you go and take the gift with you and come back? He was not going to eat.

Wu Youai immediately said: No, no, no, grandma, how can we waste it? In this case, I will go to the banquet, and you will go to the boat to take a look. Anyway, things can't escape there. Besides, we all follow the etiquette, how can we not What about eating? Isn’t this a waste?”

Jing Nai responded: You love, you can have a meal while grandma goes to the boat to take a look. Then your sister will take you to have a look later.

Wu Youai left as if he was running away. Thank God, his sister is finally back, and her shield is finally back!

Happy, she finally has some time to herself.

After saying hello to Jing Shu, Wu Youai quickly sat on the Hulk and ran away.

But then I heard Jing Nai shouting from behind: Wait a minute, You Ai, go and invite the boys from the Chu family to join us for a meal!! Don't waste two people's places! !

She didn't say a word after that, but Wu Youai knew what her grandmother meant, so she also shouted: I know, Grandma.

Sighing, what can I do? It seems good to have a date at the wedding banquet together?

But Wu Youai has not yet changed from the roles of tutor and boyfriend. She is also a socially fearful person and will never make a phone call. So she had to send a WeChat message, thinking that if the tutor is busy and doesn't see her, WeChat, I don’t blame her.

She sent a WeChat message: Tutor, are you there?

Looking at the time, she and her tutor stayed up late studying academic exchanges and research. The tutor should be sleeping.

The next second, the other party quickly recovered:

Chu Zhuohua: What are you calling?

Wu Youai: ...

Wu Youai was very embarrassed. After calling her mentor for so many years, she suddenly changed her title. She was not used to it, so she typed out two words:


Chu Zhuohua: Well, what's wrong?

Let's go to dinner together?

Chu Zhuohua: Okay. Send us the location. We'll be there in fifteen minutes.

Wu Youai: ...

Her teacher was always so unexpected. After she sent her location, she finally couldn't help but ask: Aren't you sleeping?

Chu Zhuohua: Sleeping.

Wu Youai wanted to ask, why can you reply to WeChat instantly? It's unscientific, but he didn't ask. Instead, he said: Forget it, I'll go find you. Let's take the Hulk and hurry up, otherwise we'll be late. .”

Okay. Chu Zhuohua rubbed his ears. He developed a small software that used enhanced ringtones for Wu Youai's message calls so that he would not miss any of her messages.

Thinking of Wu Youai's cute look, he smiled, got up and dressed, and went to eat together? Kind of fun.

On the other side, Jingshu was taking Jingnai to the boat to wait for her. Jingnai heard the discussion in her ears and finally asked hesitantly:

Girl Jing, why don't I just wait for you here? Otherwise, it would be bad if the leaders above see it.

At this time, all the other big ships had fled, and there was only one huge aircraft carrier on the sea. If it was a public ship, it really couldn't be boarded casually.

Jingshu laughed and said, It doesn't matter. Then she whispered in her ear, They are all my own. As a reward from above, I can use them whenever I want.

Jing Nai opened her eyes wide, Really?

Really, let's go and have a look. Jing Shu took Jing Nai onto the Hulk, and the Hulk ran towards the Big Mac.

Hiss, this aircraft carrier belongs to her family? Can she really board it casually?

I think this girl is not simple. She can't be said to be a big shot on the aircraft carrier.

There are a lot of people in camouflage uniforms around the aircraft carrier. It's the one on top. Is that really attractive?

Then, the security guards and the onlookers watched the Hulk runway all the way to the edge of the aircraft carrier.

Someone held up the 10x mode of recording on their mobile phone and looked at their figures clearly.

When we got there, those in camouflage uniforms even opened the door for the old lady.

I'll go, and my attitude is really good, and I'm even applauding.

Wucao Wucao, look, the aircraft carrier really moved and left!

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