I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 1001 Return to the South China Sea?

Wu Youai half-closed his eyes and said sleepily: Grandma, I want to sleep -

Jing Nai sighed: The grandsons of the old Zhang family are all married, and the granddaughter of the old Liu family is also married to a steward of the power grid bureau. The grandsons of the old Xie family are now three years old and can help the family. Everyone in my family is in their thirties and they are still not married!

This is going to turn into a stone egg. I just give out so many gifts every day, and I don’t know if I can take back the gifts I give away——

Hey, as I get older, I might have to wait until I leave before I can—

Wu Youai immediately said: Grandma, I'll go with you. I can eat. I can eat better than grandpa. I can definitely give you back your original meal. If only one person goes to the banquet, wouldn't it be a loss?

Jing Nai then nodded with a smile: Hey, that girl Jing Shu is coming back soon. It's time to talk about your marriage with that boy. You are already thirty years old. Why don't you get it done before the Chinese New Year?

Jing Nai was chattering, and she cursed and took a few brand new gas masks before leaving. Lao Jing's family now has various purifiers on all day long, but there is still a smell in the house.

Originally, Jing Nai was saying not to waste electricity bills because the stinky stuff was just a little bit stinky. The old pig pens and latrines were not as stinky as this one.

But later, many people were poisoned and died because of the stench. It was said on TV that they should wear masks to filter the toxic gases in the air, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

So no, Jing Nai immediately agreed to turn on the air conditioner and filter at home 24 hours a day. He has lived to this age, so just waste electricity. Don’t lose your life because of such a trivial matter. It’s not worth it. .

But because of this, the mask factory that Jingshu's granddaughter opened a few days ago became inexplicably popular, and the masks began to be in short supply.

Jing Nai gave the gas mask to the lazy Wu Youai, and the two of them went to dinner together in the mini Hulk. Jing Nai scolded those profiteers: The masks made by your sister have always been 1 One virtual coin, I heard that in other places, some have increased to 3 or 4 virtual coins.”

Wu Youai put on a gas mask and said a few words of thanks, and said to Jing Nai: Yes, grandma, but they can't dance for a few more days. The authorities are very strict these days. If anyone dares to increase the price at this time, it will be a sure thing. He will be beaten to the end.

Jing Nai is holding so many gifts, her heart aches when she thinks about it, and she feels uncomfortable when her heart aches. When will she take back the gifts that came with her? Tell me about you girl. That boy Chu Zhuohua has been there for so many years. , also looked at him without saying a word, we finally urged you, do you plan to continue like this?

Otherwise, in a few days, people will be called home to tell you how much the bride price is, how much the dowry is, whether you have a new house, whether to give a gift, and what kind of gift to give. All of them have been summed up clearly. You can't let you continue to be confused like this.

Wu Youai's ears were tingling when she heard this, and she couldn't help but miss her. Why hasn't her biggest shield, sister Jing Shu, come back yet?

After all, she had just established a relationship with her mentor, but her family started urging her to get married.

Although his mentor also vaguely expressed that he wanted to develop further, she felt that it was better to let nature take its course and take it slow.

Speaking of which, that girl Jingshu doesn't even have a single character, and she doesn't even have any decent male friends. Why doesn't the family encourage her? Why is this?

Wu Youai sighed in her heart, and she would never dare to show it to the public. Just when she was thinking about when Jing Shu would come back, there was a commotion not far away.

Wu Youai opened the Hulk's window and stretched out his head to see what happened. Jing Nai pulled her and said, Hurry up, the wedding banquet is about to begin.

But the commotion was heard: Come and see, there are many cruise ships and warships parked at our Nanhai Pier.

I'll go, there seems to be an aircraft carrier!

You are talking nonsense. This aircraft carrier is a strategic material. Where can it be docked at a civilian dock?

Really, I heard that it is private. It is said that it is coming back from the distant Middle East and is being unloaded.

But now the dock is temporarily blocked. I heard there is something confidential.

Then go and have a look. Many reporters went there, and some said that hundreds of ships of oil were transported back from abroad. I want to release this good news to cheer up people's hearts.

When Jing Nai heard this, she let out an ouch, pulled Wu Youai and let the Hulk run towards the dock.

Fortunately, the Hulk was fast, and Baili only consumed a little food and was still fast. Otherwise, Jing Nai would have been left on his legs, and he didn't know how long it would be before he left.

The pier has indeed been blocked, and many people are watching outside. The Hulk is just at the door, and Jing Nai stretches her head to see if there are so many huge ships parked inside the pier, and whether her granddaughter is among them.

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