"Well, can Boss do me a favor," Rossweisse cautiously pulled Cyd's clothes on.

"Intuition tells me it's going to be super troublesome," Cyd stood up with Ophis in his arms and moved towards Issei Hyoudou and Vali.

The strongest Evil Dragon, who was knocked away by him before, finally found the door forcibly with his sense of smell, and was knocked unconscious by Ophis.

In short, because there are too many big guys staying here, this strongest Evil Dragon can't be fooled. It has to be played one by one, because it is too troublesome, so Cyd will take him. Tossed as sandbags for Vali and Issei Hyoudou.

Although the strongest Evil Dragon has hit Issei Hyoudou and Vali as sandbags so far, but seeing him laughing haha, he probably used all his strength.

In order to prevent the three of them from getting too high and leveling this place, Cyd will force them to calm down.

"No no no, absolutely no trouble!" Rossweisse tugged at Cyd's clothes, "If you don't help me, I'll die!"

"Huh~ Let me guess," Cyd put down Ophis's one-on-one punch and threw the three people who had already hit the big move in place, and then planted them in the soil, "don't talk about pretending to be a boyfriend."

Rossweisse opened his mouth and looked dull.

"Don't put on the look of how you know," Cyd patted Rossweisse's face, "although it's hard to believe, you're perfect as a secretary and most things can be neat and tidy. Done, except in the case of boyfriends, I'm afraid there are people from northern Europe that you know this time."

"Yes, yes," Rossweisse stammered.

“Let me guess again, knowing that the probability of being rejected by me is very high, but still finding my reason,” Cyd pinched Rossweisse’s face and rubbed it hard, “Don’t you? Take my picture and show off that it's your boyfriend."

"Sorry!!!" Rossweisse said tearfully.

No way!

Who told the Valkyrie to bring her every time they showed off that they caught a brave man, don't you know that she never had a boyfriend!

She took a picture of Cyd and sent it to her.

【How is it! The old lady caught the bravest hero in this world! ]

The effect is amazing, at least blowing up those Valkyrie.

As a result, word spread that Rossweisse finally had a boyfriend, causing a sensation in the Nordic Valkyrie, and then her grandmother found out.

I originally thought that I would never go back to Northern Europe anyway, so what would happen to you, but the people from Northern Europe took the initiative to come over, and her grandmother also appeared.

Now they're asking her to pull Cyd out to meet the parents.

【Death! ]

Chapter 66 doesn't exist, you're dumped

Rossweisse, whether as a Valkyrie or a woman, aside from that sad hobby and character is still perfect, at least Many men are willing to be greedy for her body.

"But I refuse," Cyd picked up Ophis and said seriously, "Think about it, I was married, think about your position."

Rossweisse cried out after five seconds of silence with no desire to improve.

"It doesn't matter!"

"then you were dumped."

The hero of hope gave Rossweisse despair quite simply.

That day Rossweisse hugged his leg and cried all night.

Because the neighbor is Azazel, Cyd has no guilt for disturbing the people.

In the end Rossweisse confessed to her grandmother and the Valkyrie with a mortal determination.

"Huh? I already knew that."

"Actually the picture we showed you before was not our boyfriend."

" Because we are married to the brave."

Rossweisse shed two lines of blood and tears when he saw the row of sparkling diamond rings on the hands of his former colleagues.

Innocently, she thought these guys were her companions, but they were all enemies!

In order to show off the diamond ring, I actually hid it with gloves from her at first!

"Are you an idiot?" Cyd held up Rossweisse's bottle with some disgust, "Is it okay not to drink in my office."

"It's okay, it's okay. , I just have something to do, you guys play slowly," Azazel turned around the wine cabinet hidden behind the bookshelf, then smiled and turned out the window.

This guy is obviously afraid of trouble!

"If you helped me, I wouldn't be like this!" Rossweisse screamed while holding his head. "Grandma's expression is definitely going to be settled after the fall! Ahhhhh! I'm doomed!"

"She's pissed off why she lied to her," Cyd held up Ophis, who was trying to take a sip.

"But the most important thing is those bastards! Tons of tons——" Rossweisse smashed the bottle on the table with a face full of reluctance, "They are all married! wu wu wu, if you Help me."

"Think about it, they have a man to get married," Cyd hugged Ophis and sat on the side of the chair, "married couple is better than lovers, take ten thousand steps back. Say, even if I help you, they can still show you off with a diamond ring, or that's what they plan to do at first."

Rossweisse blinked.


Today was also a big failure for Rossweisse.

The best time to strategize a woman is when the woman is crying because of emotional setbacks, and the success rate will be higher if you add the factor of drinking to relieve anxiety.

Cyd sat in a chair silently watching Rossweisse drinking, laughing and crying.

Now he has discovered another problem with Rossweisse.

The wine is super poor.

To be honest, whoever dares to strike up a conversation with Rossweisse in this state is afraid that the real hero can't stand it.

In order to prevent her from harming others, just watch her here and wait until she falls asleep.


"Hey! Cyd!" Rossweisse above took a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth, then swayed towards Cyd.

Intuition tells Cyd that this woman is going to start drinking crazy.

"I'm not going to let you in just because you're drunk," Cyd narrowed his eyes.

The arrogant Rossweisse shrank his neck, and the wine woke up with fright.

"Uh--I, I just want a boyfriend!" Rossweisse slumped on the ground and cried bitterly.

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