when the time comes those Pantheons might really be desperate.

If it was in the past, Hades' image of an honest man should be easy to clarify this matter, but unfortunately, recently Hades has honestly knocked the Dragon Eater that no one promised to give into equipment. It was revealed that it was given to Cyd.

[Since you can break your original oath for Cyd without the slightest hesitation, then now you will also deliberately create the illusion that all Death God has fled to attack us for Cyd]

It will definitely be like this.

And looking at the expressions of the three brothers, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, they are probably not happy to explain.

Or if you think this is true, you simply don't deny it.

I always feel that the three gods in front of me are the biggest trouble.

Azazel has had a stomachache for a long time.

[Go and talk about your gods]

Azazel looked towards Cyd as if asking for help.

However, Cyd just watched, giving Azazel the illusion that he was just following.

Almost forgot, while The Greek Gods loved Cyd, Cyd was equally tolerant of the gods.

"Then I tentatively ask, Hades-sama, what is the reason for Pluto's betrayal?"

Azazel was a little helpless.

If only I could persuade those Death Gods back.

Hades' expression was a little tangled, and he finally turned his hands around his chest and turned his head to refuse to answer Azazel.

Azazel looked towards Zeus and Poseidon.

Zeus whistled and kicked the non-existent gravel, Poseidon laughed, but didn't answer Azazel.

Apparently they knew the reason for Pluto's betrayal, but didn't intend to.

Persephone coughed a few times before Hades, who pretended to be cold, slowly turned his head back.

"Pluto said I didn't do my job properly and didn't do my duty as a Pluto."

【You don't look like a Pluto at all! ]

Although he was thrown into the depths of his memory long ago, he still recalled this memory under Azazel's questioning.

Pluto, who was obviously the most obedient, moved towards him and yelled as if he had had enough.

What about where?

He has done his duty. As the king of Hades, he manages the entire dead world. The days without Persephone are like a coffin. As the big brother of the gods, he has no glory. There is not even light, but even so, he has not given up, maintaining Netherworld diligently, because that is what he can do.

As if in return for his efforts, the child named Cyd brought light to the coffin-like world, and in the nine months without Persephone he also had those who were there. Netherworld blooms with flowers.

On that day, he could stop him, he could not be the Hades, he didn't want this world of death, but he knew that Cyd would definitely refuse, and if he didn't manage that world, because of Cyd's existence What about people who are happy even in death?

So he has done his duty!

More responsible than anyone!

It's time for him to fulfill his wish too.

"fine fine, I understand," Azazel sighed with a complex face, "but let's talk about it first, because I understand Cyd's character, so I can unconditionally believe in you who watched him grow up, It's because of you that his soul shines so brightly."

"Don't you understand it very well, kid!" Zeus' eyes shined, without the majesty of Olympian God, he put his arms around Azazel's shoulders, "In the future I will Cover you!"

"Do you like seafood?" Poseidon held out a box of seafood like magic.

Hades gave a cold thumbs up.

Uh--isn't that hard to deal with.

At this moment, Azazel figured out the trick of [how to have a good relationship with The Greek Gods, and even let the problem children's main gods listen to them].

Would you like to mention the peace deal by the way?

Azazel struggled for a while. After all, the Greek side has always ignored this peace agreement. After all, it was on the surface because it could not beat Cyd and moved forward peacefully. Maybe secretly, he planned to join forces to deal with Cyd. Of course, he Really don't want to deal with Cyd.

"Actually, I think Cyd not only has a shining soul, but his appearance is also subconsciously worshipped like the sun!"

Azazel hugged Zeus's shoulders very familiarly.

Poseidon has another layer of seafood boxes.

Cyd covered his face in shame.

Persephone touched Cyd's head.

But she won't stop it.

Because that's the truth!

Chapter 41 Security Hades

Probably because it was revealed that he was actually a bare commander, Hades didn't bother to pretend, and simply let himself go.

"Netherworld? Where is that?"

Hades backstabs Zeus and Poseidon quite simply.

Under Poseidon's gaze, Hades officially settled in the school where Cyd worked. Originally, Sirzechs wanted to give Hades a school manager status, but Hades refused.

"I want to be a security guard!"

So this school full of demons has a Pluto security guard, and this cold-looking security guard is holding a Super dangerous looking dog.

Whoever dares to make trouble will send you to see Hades! Ah no, it's Hades who came to you.

Persephone was a very serious musician. Sensei and Rossweisse chatted happily. Regarding topics such as housewives, Demeter took over the position of the school director of Sirzechs very simply. Then take the public expense to travel.

Of course, a lot of embarrassing things happened in the middle.

"Big brother, change me! King of Gods, be yours! I want to be a security guard!"

dignified Greek King of the Gods Zeus holding Hades' leg He refused to leave, and was finally taken away by Poseidon on the Trident.

Persephone is the Goddess of the genuine who can make Hades unable to suppress his emotions. Her entry naturally caused a lot of discussion among male Sensei, but every time this time there is always a security guard who whispered Said [sorry, borrowed a bit] while walking past them, and the dog he was leading would always step on their feet.

I have to say, Lord Hades is quite good-natured.

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