"That's right, that's the source." Meliodas and Cyd stood side by side, the dark magic lines gone, replaced by a golden and pure white body. This is the power he has far beyond the Demon King, because it has the same nature as the Demon King, so he can't use it in battle.

"It's on, Cyd!"

Meliodas and Cyd charged at both curses at the same time, the weapons in their hands simultaneously releasing waves stronger than the curses.

"3000 years have come, many thanks for taking care of you!"

"My god, many thanks for hosting!"

"Boom— ”

The two curses were torn and shattered in the dazzling brilliance, and the glittering dots scattered in the wind were the ending song of the tragedy of 3000 years, and also the ending song of Holy War.

"Finally, Holy War is over! But didn't expect that we can really end Holy War." Diana jumped up energetically, and her cheerful look made everyone else's expressions relaxed.

Yeah, they ended Holy War.

Meliodas touched the corner of his mouth, he smiled involuntarily, this is a real smile without haze that could not be shown 3000 years ago, he solemnly raised his right hand.

"Holy War ——"

"It's not over yet."

The sudden reversal made everyone stiff, and everyone looked towards it in disbelief Aphrodite's teeth chattered at the person who said this.

Cyd turned his head slowly, and the eyes that had become Goddess Clan's signature symbols seemed to imply something.

[The Holy War victory belongs to Goddess Clan. ]

PS said it in the Holy Grail, forgot to say it here, the explosion is Christmas, but there are so many Impossible Double Eleven, try to see if you can clean it up with 20 to 30 explosions Inventory, the Holy Grail is estimated to have a dozen new chapters. In short, I have to continue to work harder. Knight

PS and I recently saw a Nezha and a deformed Vajra, this is really not a joke Right?_?

Chapter 116 Supreme Deity - Pawn

[Yes, that's it, do your best to defeat the Demon King. ]

In the pure white space, a huge woman stood behind Cyd and slowly wrapped Cyd with her hands.

[You are doing very well, I wanted to use Mael as my new body, but I hesitated because his body was invaded by darkness, so I can only meet your more perfect body. ]

That is the voice of God, gently put into the soft bed that can wrap all heroes.

[I really didn't expect that you would really exist, that Hero of Pure White who was blessed by the gods in Goddess' mouth turned out to really exist. ]

God's voice was full of apology, as if feeling guilty for his doubts, the soft bed turned into a girl's black hair, and the soft black hair with the girl's fragrance lightly hooked the hero's fingers.

[Give me your body, give me the power that troubles you, and give me your body and you will become the body of God. ]

black hair quietly hooked the hero's neck, pulling the hero into the depths of the black hair little by little.

[They protect you very well, nothing harmful can invade you, that's why they allow my power to enter your body. My consciousness has collapsed to the point where I can't actively fuse the four favors, but your Sacred Tool forged these four favors together, allowing my consciousness to fuse first. ]

[hahahaha ——They made a big mistake, being too greedy and careful instead made me take advantage of it, you are really hopeful. I defeated the Demon King when I was desperate because the Demon King took Meliodas' body, and when I was desperate because I couldn't merge the consciousness of the four Graces, I used my Sacred Tool to forge the Graces. ]

God tore off the gentle mask and laughed wantonly, she has already lost, but she will now appear as the biggest winner.

An immortal body that even gods never had, a total of fourteen gods' power, and a Sacred Tool that can perfectly reproduce the Power of God and even make this body even stronger.

She is the biggest beneficiary of Holy War and the absolute winner - Supreme Deity!

[Victory in the Holy War will...]

"Holy War is over."

[Yes, it's over...what! ] Supreme Deity lowered his head in astonishment, Cyd, who should have fallen into a sweet dream and slept forever in her palm, actually broke her hand.

"I know very well that I'm not at the end, and I know very well that I can't have such a happy ending."

Cyd turned to lift the head and looked at Supreme Deity, his The eyes were so calm, so calm that Supreme Deity felt uneasy.

"You showed me that everyone is in the world."

"Sensei is still my Sensei, he taught me how to be a good husband and a good father in the future."

"My wife is doing housework at home, sometimes go hunting with me, and sometimes complains to me about wanting a child."

"My best friend visits occasionally and takes me there [Saving the world] and then being shot by my wife."

"Everyone quarreled with each other when I made a tribute, and then looked forward to what kind of blessings should be given to my future child. It's really ordinary and happy life."

Cyd closed his eyes and smiled softly, and when he opened his eyes again, the entire white space seemed to be frozen with a chill.

"But Sensei is dead, my wife is dead, so is my best friend, and everyone who took care of me is gone because of guilt."

"Because My fault, everyone is gone!" Cyd clenched his fists and roared in a low voice.

"Even in my dreams, I can't imagine such a scene, but you want to trap me forever with this thing? Stop kidding! Are you mocking me? Still provocative!"

[Ha, ha! Do you think you have the power to choose? ] Supreme Deity was taken aback by Cyd's eyes, but she suddenly remembered that she was a god. In this spiritual space, she has four favors, and she is not something that a human without magical power can defeat.

"Huh..." Cyd took a deep breath to ease his emotions, "You're right, it's a loophole for them that you can invade so easily."

[Blame them if you want to. ] Supreme Deity, who felt that she was impossible to lose, laughed lightly, but the smile on her face gradually subsided because of Cyd's calm expression.

"Their mistakes, I will make up for it."

Cyd raised his hand and waved, the dark metal parts embedded in the spiritual space from the outside.

[What is this? ] Supreme Deity felt a sense of unease, and before she could take a defensive posture, all around black metal parts hit her neck to form a metal ring.

[A collar? ] Supreme Deity showed a humiliated expression, [You want to enslave me! ? ]

"I killed you." Cyd clenched his fists sharply, and the metal ring tightened sharply. This is not to restrain God but to restrain Death God!

[You! ] Supreme Deity grabbed her neck violently, the metal ring had been inserted into her neck, the most desperate thing was that the four favors she depended on actually broke away from her body and flew to Cyd.

Just like the [Sun] who abandoned Mael because Mael fell into darkness, the four favors actually abandoned her and chose Cyd!

What a joke, the four favors are her strength, and her own strength actually abandoned her! ?

[Human, who are you...]

"As you can see," Cyd turned and walked towards the exit of the mental space.

"It's just an ordinary person who didn't protect such an ordinary life and is trying his best to make up for it..."

"Haha...why did I tell you that? A lot? But Supreme Deity, you are indeed better than Demon King, because you will only trouble me in life and after life."

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