"If it were me, nothing would happen!"

If it were him, who was also Goddess Clan, they would be blessed by all Goddess Clans, even if It is possible for such a naive wish to be fulfilled, and the most important thing is that Elizabeth will never end up like this.

"pa ――"

Cyd on the verge of collapse during Mael's attack raised his right hand to catch the incoming fist, twisted and punched Mael face.

"Elizabeth is not a smart child who can think of so many things!"

Mael took a staggered step back before he could react. Cyd is harder than any Sacred Tool His fist slammed over again.

"She's the kind of idiot who thinks she'll do it, and does everything in her nature rather than a long, deliberate deliberation. It's the same as a reckless idiot, but Elizabeth is not only a reckless idiot but a clumsy one. !"

"What are you talking about?" Mael, who was stunned, narrowed his eyes and looked at Cyd in front of him, but he didn't know why he could only see the pure white shadow of white.

"What should have been said 3000 years ago in front of a man who is flattering you? I don't have the courage to bear my own sins, and I don't even have the courage to say that I like the girl I like. Is it!"

Looking at Mael Cyd with a drunken fist in front of him, he took a step back to avoid the fist, grabbed Mael's arm and threw Mael on the sea with a back throw.

This time Mael didn't get up tenaciously, he lay in the sea and stared blankly at the sky. It's not so much that Cyd's attack made him lose his strength, it's more that the excuse he used to deceive his collapsed self when he just woke up was exposed.

Killing all the Demon Clan to atone? How can there be more killings in the world to make up for the crimes committed by killing.

The so-called atonement is to do self-comfort so that he can continue to live with peace of mind. In fact, he knows that he can redeem his sins.

"Why am I always being treated like this? What should I do next..."


Cyd slaps Mael in place Turned over.

"..." Mael buried his face in the sea for a while, the stinging pain in his face brought him back to his senses.

"What are you doing..."

Mael jerked his head out of the sea, before he was slapped and questioned by the fist that hit him in the face. The coming force made him roll in place and bury his face in the sea again.

This time Mael lay on the sea and didn't get up again, for fear of getting up and getting hit again.

"...Oh, so it's not that you don't like slaps." Cyd looked at the fist nodded, "I saw your dissatisfaction and replaced the slap with a fist."

"...What the hell are you trying to do?" Mael buried his face in the sea and blew bubbles, untrustworthy as a human being, maybe he would be kicked when he got up.

"I'm just dissatisfied with your unrequited appearance. Let me ask you, have you thought about what to eat next?"

"Huh?" Mael Confused, he raised his head.

"Have you thought about where you're going to sleep today?" Cyd didn't have any doubts about Mael, he asked each minding their own business.

"No, I didn't think about it." Cyd's expression was serious, so Mael answered honestly.

“You can’t live without answers to these basic questions of life? At least wait until you’ve had enough to eat, drink, sleep, and then think about these philosophical questions.”

Cyd grabbed Mael by the back collar and lifted Mael out of the water.

"Don't think that you are so great, you are just a brother and a boy who doesn't even have the ability to make decisions by yourself, so don't make it too easy for you to atone for your sins? Give me the Commandment you have hidden first. "

Mael looked at Cyd quietly, sighed as if giving up for a while.

"Give Commandment to you and my atonement are two different things."

"Then stand up yourself first." Cyd threw Mael back to the sea, both hands Crossed near chest shook his head vigorously, "Unqualified, although you have strength, but you are not as good as my student in determination."

"Ha, I am the top four angels, I was told that There will also be tempers." Mael raised his hand, and the last Commandment appeared in his hand.

"You won, this is for you. But you guys should know what stupid things you're doing."

"You knew it ten years ago." Cyd picked up the Commandment, After throwing it, he lowered his head and looked towards Mael who was sitting with his legs bent.

"Just treat me as a nosy, what are you going to do next?"

"Haha...what should I do?"

Mael lay in the sea, the water pushed his body, the wind caressed his cheeks, the soft light warmed his body, just like the freedom of flying in the sky 3000 years ago, he closed his eyes and showed a pleasant smile .

Perhaps, the big brother entrusted him with the grace not to entrust him with the responsibility, but to comfort him who was desperate and collapsed because of the loss of [the sun], if one is not enough, give three.

It's because he was protected like this that he became like this.

"It's decided, I'll find something to eat and then a place to live. But before that..."

Mael stood up with a faint smile on her face.

"First help a bunch of guys who don't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth do the biggest stupid thing in this world."

Chapter 107 The Repulsed God


"Ohhhhhh oh Ahhh——"

[God] let out a roar that was no different from that of a mortal. tyranny!

Purgatory? It's just a boring cage!

this world Only Supreme Deity can fight him, and only fighting can make him so excited except to rule the world.

"Melioda*, you are no match for me even if you are the main body, you will know how stupid it is to challenge God! So, use it!"

Demon King hack With the giant sword, the dark prison flames fell like a meteor shower. His enemy was too small, so small that he needed a meteor shower to make his high emotions seem like he was entertaining himself.

"Use your magic power! Use the magic power you were chosen to be the next Demon King! You are a natural destroyer, and with this magic power you might have a chance to go back."

"But I refuse!" Melioda* bounced the meteor shower back one by one with the [Full Counter], and in order to prevent the class Demon King who could take away his stamina, he suffered the rebounding meteor shower.

It's not so much a defense class, it's better to say that the Demon King is deliberately taking damage. The body that has been silent in purgatory for hundreds of millions of years is gradually awakening due to the increasing wounds, and the cumbersome movements are beginning to be flexible.

"I have no interest in Holy War, it's just a war between you and Supreme Deity for dominance. If you want to compete, you can solve it by yourself!"

Melioda* and Ben approached the Demon King in cooperation, and they exchanged glances as they ducked in front of the falling boulder.

Yes, let the Demon King be alert to their attacks, let the Demon King despise their attacks, let the Demon King enjoy the battle, and let the Demon King forget their purpose!

They don't need to defeat the Demon King, it's not something they can do, escape purgatory and get back to those who wait for them, that's all they have to do!

"Uh oh oh oh-" Demon King's body that had been sleeping for a long time was completely awakened, he took a step and launched a sprint, the map of purgatory was changed by a sword, and the continuous mountain range turned into On the flat ground, the cloudy clouds of the sky opened up huge openings.

The sky of Purgatory has always been covered with pitch-black matter, and what brought light to this world since its birth was the poisonous flame burning in the air. The moment the dark clouds opened, sunlight that was extremely unfamiliar to Purgatory descended.

Demon King narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and the moment his vision was cut off, the three of Melioda* rushed up.

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