She had never thought about a man's future, but after getting to know him, she couldn't help but fantasize about the future of that pure white figure.

He is very gentle.

Without any purpose, just tenderness.

Humans will not understand each other, because in their eyes, their own kind is the biggest competitor, and they will always use their deepest malice to speculate about their own kind.

But he is different.

He could see their malice.

He has the ability to growl at them and crush them, but he chose to look towards the weak, the strength that could crush the enemy is used by him to lift the fallen.

He faced human malice squarely and chose to extend the hand to the weak.

[He is an excellent man]

For the first time, she evaluated a man like this.

Mainly because he is very disciplined and doesn't push around like a bulldozer.

[Give him to me]

She had thought about asking her father for that pure white silhouette like she had asked for the forest, but this time she didn't.

Because there is another person unconsciously behind that pure white silhouette, the child Atalanta she loves.

She has always envied Atalanta, because she can accompany the pure white silhouette, and she can only watch from the side.

Unconsciously, the immature child can already become someone else's support, even the little wild cat who hates men is lying on his lap naturally because of his gentleness.

But I'm still very envious.

That day, she couldn't control herself and became self-willed.

Tangled him after Atalanta left, she also wanted to be like Atalanta, but she couldn't describe the feeling, so she threw the problem out and asked him for [tenderness].

Gentle he accepted such willfulness.

She should have laughed as she did when she got the forest, but she couldn't.

For her willfulness, the pure white silhouette was stained with blood.

Always smiling softly but roaring like wild beast.


"It's not like that."

"I don't want that."

"I just want to Your [tenderness] is only."

For the first time, she was timid.

She began to worry about the consequences of her willfulness.

She doesn't want to dye that pure white silhouette with other colors because of her willfulness.

【But what does it feel like? ]

She was moved when she saw the choice Cyd was willing to make for Atalanta.

For you, I am willing to stand in the most dazzling place in the world.

For you, I am willing to turn around and leave.

If I can save you, I'm willing to keep you hunting.

His [tenderness] is too much.

It was so unreasonable, but he was able to accept it with a smile.

She envied Atalanta.

Because she looked directly at her feelings, she willfully confided her feelings to a gentle and tolerant man.

But she dared not to be the most capricious. She was a god, a Virgin Goddess. She didn't dare to bet on whether that pure white silhouette could bear her capriciousness.

That day, the gentle he left and went to a place she could never reach.

She had asked her father to get him out of there, as willfully as she had been in the past, but she backed away.

Because it's the King of the Gods who decides, not her father.

[Can your willfulness trample on his tenderness?]

I don't know.

She never smiled after that day, she stopped walking in the forest, drove away all the stars in the sky, and wandered alone in the night sky.

The moon is always alone because she is the only one in the whole night sky.

The unbearable Zeus gave her a red rose.

[When you pluck the last petal, you will understand whether to give up or not. ]

From that day on, she started picking petals endlessly, and more petals would grow every time she was about to finish picking.

Because she doesn't understand yet.

Tears dripped down the rose petals down her face.

As a hunter, she was always able to make up her mind quickly to shoot a critical arrow, but this time she didn't even have the courage to lift a bow.

Perhaps it won't be so painful if she forgets it. Her memories are like thorns on a rose, tightly entangled in her heart, dripping blood every moment, and it hurts. She clutched her chest tightly, unwilling to give it up or anyone to take it away.

So her heart is always bleeding, she is always crying, and she can never finish picking the petals that symbolize her blood-stained feelings.

The night sky was once again full of stars.

People looked up towards the sky and sighed.

The moon is finally no longer alone.

But they never thought that the moon was always alone and the stars were just petals she plucked.


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