Zaratras perfectly demonstrates what it means to have poor wine, rubbing Meliodas' hair while complimenting a little child, saying, "If that's true, Lord Meliodas is true. It's amazing, if it were me, I would have resisted suicide."

"I tried it~ but the curse doesn't allow it." Meliodas' voice was relaxed like a joke, and Zaratras also Really take this as a joke.

"I can't see [her] today." Cyd leaned against the window and looked at the sky, maybe because the rainstorm was coming, the moon could only be seen dimly at night.

"What are you looking at~" Meliodas swayed and lay on the windowsill. The height of the windowsill may be just right for Cyd, but it is a little too high for Meliodas, so he has to stand on tiptoe. feet to put the chin on the windowsill.

"It's just a sigh, the long lifespan can wait forever, but the person waiting for you can't wait that long."

"What? Maybe we are really the same Humanoid." Meliodas sighed softly and put the wine glass in Cyd's hand, "It's good to live long enough, bad things keep coming, but the good things you've been waiting for will always come."

"That's right." Cyd shrugged, drank the wine in one breath, and said helplessly after a long sigh of relief, "But bad things always find their way first."

"That's right, The rainstorm is coming."

"You're coming soon, you can't describe it by your age."

"That's right." Meliodas looked serious Nodding, drawing with index finger and thumb, "About...twenty years?"

"Please, while Bartra is still there when the time comes, okay? Prophecy can give us a lot of help Yes."

"It's useless, our enemies... maybe not the guys who prophecy can easily solve." Meliodas carried a bucket of wine and put it under his ass, the empty glass behind A scoop.

Cyd doesn't want to worry about how much it will cost tonight. He drinks the most expensive wine in the wine booth as water. If it weren't for him and Zaratras being Holy Knights, now the wine booth Boss has to contact the guards to arrest him. They are.

"The enemy you're talking about is the Ten Commandments."

Cyd moved a chair and sat across from Meliodas. For three years, he learned from the kingdom's secret letter There are many things about the ancient Holy War, among which the most powerful are Demon Clan and Goddess Clan, and the representative characters are Demon Clan's Ten Commandments and Goddess Clan's Four Archangels, which are monsters that can directly affect the battlefield.

And the drunken, child-like guy sitting in front of him is the Leader of the Ten Commandments, even known as the most vicious Demon God, these are all Meliodas said by himself, not lying.

"If possible, I hope not, because the key to release them is with me." Meliodas touched the Dragon Handle behind his back, and his confused eyes instantly became sharp, "I will never put the It's given to anyone."

"You gave it to a blacksmith not long ago to put a broken blade on it."

"That's just ...Accident! Yes, there is nothing I can do." Meliodas scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, trying to cover it up.

"Yesterday I saw you use this thing as a toy for Your Highness Elizabeth, and I said, how can you let a three-year-old child touch such a dangerous thing."

" I'm sorry, I was wrong, I won't dare next time."

Meliodas apologized three times, the effect was outstanding, and Cyd did not intend to pursue this matter.

"That's right, that woman named Merlin..."

"She~ she's trustworthy, that's all I can say now." Meliodas is quite a bachelor with patted small breasts.

"No, I'm just curious why she's a Sin of Gluttony, because is she edible?"

Cyd struggled with this question for a while, and after deciding on the name "Seven Deadly" After Sins]'s Knight Order was established, Merlin made this request. Although Merlin's sexy body doesn't have to worry about obesity, don't women generally hate being told that they eat too much?

"I'm not quite clear about this either. Maybe she likes to eat roast suckling pig." Meliodas pointed to the tyrannical dragon that was connected end to end on his shoulder. According to Bartra's opinion, [Seven Deadly Sins]'s Members should have tattoos on their bodies.

[This is a symbol of your redemption! ]

Although Bartra said so, but Cyd thinks Bartra may be chunnibyou guilty, think it's cool.

"You can't think she likes roast suckling pig just because she chooses red's pig pattern. Maybe she just wants to make up the number of people."

"Two It is quite impolite for an adult to talk about a woman behind her back, be careful to live alone forever."

Merlin, who can go in and out freely with space spells, appeared behind Cyd and Meliodas. There were only the three of them and Zaratras, who had slept in the past, in the kiosk.

"Well~ the boss of this wine kiosk is very good, and it's so late that they haven't chased people yet."

"Of course not, but I use Hero of Pure White's name wrapped this wine kiosk!" Meliodas proudly held up the wine glass in his hand, as if it was him who wrapped it.

"pu ——" Cyd spit the wine out of his mouth, he coughed a few times and then asked, "Then, what happened to those guests!"

"Of course the wine kiosk has to be lively. Depriving others of the right to drink is a big sin, so I'll treat you."

"But I'm the one who pays the bill in the end!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you are my guardian." Meliodas smiled heartless and stabbed Cyd's fragile heart twice by the way.

"You're three thousand years old and you still need a ghost guardian, hurry up and complicate what you're doing, bastard."

"If Lord Cyd can't pay for this huge amount of money If I pay for the wine, I can't do it." Merlin took out a huge money bag from nowhere and put it on the table, propped up the table with his right hand, and licked his lips like a carnivore.

"But, in exchange, give me some research."

This is the 1st Step of [Seven Deadly Sins], one person drains Guarantor's purse overnight, and the other One wants to put Guarantor on the bench for research.

The worst 1st Step ever.

Chapter thirteen~ Let me loosen your bones

"We don't know when we will need this Knight Order composed of seven sinners to protect Lions, so the sooner we find them, the better. Well, we just found one, and it turned itself in."

Meliodas put a document in front of Cyd, and Cyd straightened up and looked at the man with narrow eyes on the document. Cyd's first impression is that this is a fox-like man who has committed a sin called [greed].

In order to get the Eternal Life, he killed Saintess, who guarded the Fountain of Youth, and burned the Fairy King's Forest. Countless elves lost their lives.

It's a heinous crime, especially since Fairy Clan's relationship with humans has always been ambiguous. If Fairy Clan declares war on humans, it's all the man's fault.

Of course, this man didn't die because he had to be handed over to Fairy Clan, but he couldn't be killed at all, beheading him or hanging him, even the fire couldn't take this man's life, because this man was Undead Ban.

"Wow~ This looks like a troublesome guy."

"I also look like a troublesome guy." Meliodas pointed quite consciously myself, laughing at the hehe expression and Cyd wanted to press his fist on it a few times.

"If you have this self-consciousness, please give me less trouble, so that I will definitely help you with a few good words when you propose to Bartra in the future."

"Eh!" Meliodas was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Cyd to say that.

"Let's go, this guy looks like a tough guy." Cyd patted was still stunned on Meliodas' back, and walked towards the door with Reforged Pandora on his back.

Meliodas came back to his senses sharply, patted his face hard to get his smile back, and chased Cyd with his arms swinging like a schoolboy.

"Then leave such a guy to me."

"To you?" Cyd was stunned, and in a trance, they had arrived in front of a huge prison, He turned his head helplessly and looked towards Merlin who was smiling not far away.

"Please give advance notice for the next Space Jump."

"Advance notice is not something a Magician should do." Merlin shook his finger, "We still have to hurry. It's too much trouble, Captain and you can get here in a few jumps."

"It's more than a waste of time to cause trouble."

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