[Just want to catch up with friends who have long gone]

[Just want to face with friends]

[ I just want to save my own friends]

[Just...I just want to say sorry to him]

The hero Hercules walked into hell with incomparable glory , God or monster, everything that tries to stop him is an obstacle to the trial!

It's not anyone's trouble, he has already completed the Oracle, and now he is free, he can enjoy the glory of the hero who completed the twelve trials, but he took the initiative to put a shackle on himself , took the initiative to set foot on the Road of No Return that the person took.

Without the prayers of anyone, Hercules promised himself the Thirteenth Trial.

But he failed...

[Can you make up your mind? To trample on that child's determination to enter Tartarus voluntarily to protect you. ]

At the end of the Road of No Return, waiting for him is the Ruler of the Underworld Hades.

Hades didn't stop, but calmly said the truth that made Hercules' eyes black.

He can't do it...

This is the only thing he can't do...

Impossible can do it...

"Why! Aren't you a hero! Go create impossible! Go save him!"

That day, the unparalleled hero knelt down in front of Tartarus hell, There is the end of the Road of No Return.

If it's with that person, it doesn't matter even if it's facing this real hell!

But he was one step too late and was thrown away forever.

Because of temporary negligence and hesitation, he can only watch that person forever be alone forever.

Hercules shed tears of blood and moved towards Hell roaring above.

"Why are you holding back! Why are you hesitating!"

"Isn't he your friend!"

"What a hero you are!"

"Twelve Labors? Twelve Impossible Tasks? So what!"

"You're just..."

Hercules closed slowly Eye.

"It's just a coward who can't even save my friends."

PS I neglected to add it before. , the artist needs to spend a lot of energy, and I should pay the corresponding remuneration as it should. Anyway, the chips in my hand are supported by everyone, and it should be used on the pictures for everyone to see. About Cyd's character design I won't ask anyone for pictures easily, because I hope I can do the best (??)

Hero of Pure White can't be casual!

I hope there will be a master artist to read my book?( *?ω? )?

Chapter 22 Bought? It's a buy!

A new day has begun. It should have been to stay in bed to the fullest. On a beautiful Saturday, what should have woken her up should have been the helpless but pampering call of her big brother...

It was supposed to be like this!

"pa la la la ———"

The window covered by the curtain made a strange sound, the thick and sticky feeling like being slapped by wet hands .


Isn't this the content of a horror movie that was frightened and fooled before!

I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!

Illya tucked into the covers and covered her ears.

The person knocking on the window seemed to be patient, and the thick, sticky clapping kept a wonderful rhythm.

After five hard minutes, the knocking on the window finally ended, and before Illya could breathe a sigh of relief, with a crisp ka-cha, the curtains were soft in the breeze. Swing lightly.

It's here! The classic scene of a horror movie!

Illya quietly lifted the quilt, and through the sunlight reflected on the wall was a terrifying silhouette with several heads!



"Illya ~ it's time to get up," some cold fingers gently reached into the quilt and touched Illya's neck.

Illya shivered subconsciously and wanted to scream, but the owner of the fingers seemed to expect Illya to react like this, or simply react quickly, turned over and pressed on Illya's body, raised his hand to cover it up her mouth.

“wū wū wū wū !”

“Take her away!”

Although I don’t know who shouted, Illya was scared Tears were about to come out, and she seemed to hear the sound of the rope being pulled.


Kidnapping her, an ordinary elementary school student!

"What are you doing?"

Illya only felt that the person who was pressing her body lightly on her seemed to be picked up, and then she could see clearly that this man gag her. The human appearance, the delicate puppet-like face has a confused expression, the black hair hangs down, and there seems to be a faint scent...

No! Isn't this Miyu!

The others...

Illya sat up with a twitch in her mouth.

Gray, who was cautiously closing the window, El-Melloi II, who was bending over to look at her photo with her family, Rin Tohsaka and Luvia who quietly put away the rope, and Cyd who was carrying Miyu.

"You...what are you doing!" Illya clutched at her hair in dismay.

"Wake up," Cyd and Miyu gave both thumbs up.

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