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Twelfth chapter can't ignore

"It hurts! It really hurts! This man really did it!"

"Please don't mess with Miss Rin Tohsaka, I I can't help you disinfect properly."

Gray looked at Rin Tohsaka, who was rolling on her lap with her forehead covered with some difficulty.

"It's so ugly Rin Tohsaka!" Luvia frowned wildly, "It's just a little injury..."

"Alcohol disinfection," Cyd picked up and dipped it in A cotton swab with medical alcohol, "I'll poke."

"Ugh Ahhhhh! It hurts! You man can actually do it!"

Luvia, who endured the pain and pretended to be calm Finally, I couldn't hold back and rolled on the carpet while covering my forehead.

"I warned early on," Cyd spread out his hands and picked up the plaster, and slapped it on Luvia's forehead like a seal, "obediently and honestly, it's done after being patted into the ground and taking a shower. ."

"Is this the point of this matter!" Rin Tohsaka sat up with a face full of unwillingness, "We are girls! You actually put such a heavy hand on girls!"


"When you guys fight me in magical girl costumes, I don't see you as ordinary women anymore," Cyd picked up another plaster and slapped it on Rin Tohsaka's forehead.

While she said she wanted a lady, she greeted him with a force that could turn people into scumbags.

"Anyway, don't try to steal the Class Card from your hands," Cyd took out the Class Card from his pocket and shook it, "Anyway, you won't be able to steal it with your self-respect. ."

"That's not of course!" Luvia raised her chest.

Rin Tohsaka chose to remain silent after being silent for a while.

"So you only have this option left," Cyd clenched his fists. "Unfortunately, I won't have any kindness for you, magic young girls."

"Gu..." Luvia shrank her neck unwillingly.

"If you understand it, give up early," El-Melloi II waved.

The last aggressive Luvia and Rin Tohsaka left Cyd's house in disarray.

"At this time, I especially hope that the two of them are people who will give up easily," El-Melloi sighed.

The eyes of those two guys before they left were those of will not give up no matter what.

"What are they afraid of, they only have two options now to get the Class Card, grab ours and beat me down, or get the Class Card before us and beat me down," Cyd said leisurely. After taking a sip of tea, "To sum up, it is impossible for them to get the Class Card, and they won't steal it because of their character, so don't worry."

"That's true," El-Melloi II said. a little.

"Let's go steal the Class Card."

Rin Tohsaka looked at Luvia seriously.

"Huh?" Luvia's mouth opened wide, "Are you kidding me!"

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Rin Tohsaka's face was full of headaches Covering his mouth, "That man doesn't think of us as beautiful girls at all. He will beat him to death, but we can't beat him. The Class Card in his hand can't be grabbed by the two of us."

"We can beat those Servants to get the Class Card before them," Luvia resisted.

"And then was robbed by that person?" Rin Tohsaka patted his forehead, "Have you considered him to break in halfway and knock the Servant down with us?"

"Hmm..." Luvia was at a loss for words.

"What's the hesitation? The man who wants to collect the Class Card is an unavoidable obstacle," Rin Tohsaka grabbed Luvia's shoulder and shook it hard, "The mission just started because the opponent was too strong. Just give up and too embarrassing!"

Luvia's expression began to loosen, and she was shaken.

You will definitely get what you want. It's Edelfelt's style of doing things that other people think about her. It's not like you can't steal it compared to not getting it.

"Really, it's so boring," Ruby flew out of Rin Tohsaka's hair.

"I'm really disappointed with Miss Luvia about trying to steal if you can't win," Sapphire slid out of Luvia's hair and flew to Ruby's side.

“Hey! What do you mean,” Rin Tohsaka felt a little bit off.

"Sapphire, listen to me, I just thought about the feasibility of things seriously," Luvia blushed and explained in a panic, "After all, collecting Class Cards is the top priority."

"Well~anyways, I'm quitting~" Ruby turned around, "Rin, you're not a magical girl at all, so I'm going to find a real pure magical girl~"

"Hahahaha?" Rin Tohsaka stared wide-eyed, "I'm your master!"

"Ah~ I've been released just now," Ruby began to rise.

"I agree with the Onee-sama idea on this," Sapphire followed Ruby up.

"Ha! I'm the one you rented from that person through serious procedures," Luvia raised her voice.

"Then you can go to the after-sales service, anyway, I won't accompany you any more, bye~" Ruby fluttered her wings and flew into the sky as a first-class of light.

"That's it, goodbye," Sapphire shook slightly like an elegant maid before flying into the sky.

"What... how?" Rin Tohsaka stared blankly at the sky.

"It's all... it's all your fault!" Luvia flung her hair like a drill bit towards Rin Tohsaka.

"Ha!!! Obviously you've shaken yourself! Otherwise Sapphire won't be gone!" Rin Tohsaka not to be outdone fluttered his double ponytail and got into a ball with Luvia.

“What are those guys doing,” Cyd stood on the roof looking down at the two scuffled together in the crowd.

Although the play style is abnormally naive, it is better than tearing down the surrounding area.

“But you should give up without Ruby and Sapphire,” Cyd stretched.

Just as he was about to jump off the roof, he saw that, although it was only a glance, it stopped his movements.

It was a nuisance, it was a huge vortex, and once it got involved, it was impossible to get out easily, and Athena's Blessing was frantically warning him.

Now he's an ordinary person, and he's just here to help his comrade.

The world is so big and there are so many people, and he is not the only one who can solve problems. He doesn't need to worry about the past.

As long as I don't see it, my life can be very easy...

Although I thought so, when Cyd reacted, he was already there.

Looking at the girl who was wearing ill-fitting clothes, bare feet, and a dirty face, but expressionless, Cyd smiled and stretched out his hand.

Although there was no change in her expression, the girl took a step back vigilantly.

"I want to help you."

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