That guy is really here to fish.

The guy in the face of the robbers is always in uniform. When the others cheered with their heads raised, the guy ran into the village to treat the injured villagers and help rebuild the collapsed houses.

Jason rarely goes to help fight off the robbers, because his fellow heroes are more active than each other, the biggest winner of this Golden Fleece journey is him, no matter what he does in the middle as long as he gets back the Golden Fleece , this glory can overshadow everything, and similarly, if he can't get Golden Fleece back, it doesn't matter what he does halfway through, because he fails, and no one cares about the failed hero.

But his heroic companions are different. This Golden Fleece journey is a gilded journey for them, and it is the icing on the cake. They are not the ones who fail.

That's right, everyone other than Hercules just wants to use him, so he should use them as it should be by rights, use me too.

But why, why don't you publicize your deeds, although it is stupid, but you are more likely to be praised for helping the villagers, or are you trying to prove how different you are!


I want to see how long you can last!

Without the world's praise of a hero, he is just a passerby, no one will remember him, no one will praise him, no king will give him wealth, and he will get nothing.


I'm not helping the weak for these things, I just want to do it?

How could there be such a person in this world!

Just like the bar, Jason has been watching Cyd, waiting for him to rip his hypocrisy and do what a hero should do, when he must point his nose and laugh.

What, aren't you the same?

But why, why have you never changed...

Faced with the temptation of Daughters Island, he chose to stay beside the ship and wait for the fallen crew members to realize, is it stupid? Ah, why not join something so comfortable?

No one will accuse you, because everyone is the same, these women are different from the lioness, everything follows you, this is the ideal country of men!

fine, he was wrong, those women were a bunch of Yaksha...

When he ran out with his pants up, he saw that, the pure white silhouette looking down at him, His embarrassed figure was reflected in those clear eyes.

Are you making fun of me?

Laughing at me for not seeing the real face of those Mu Yecha?

Or... are you laughing at me for not fulfilling my responsibilities?

It's an eyesore...

He has more than once hinted at the banquet that other people will exclude the guy, maybe only the way the guy is flying into a rage out of humiliation can make him breathe a sigh of relief .

But that guy really human? Or is that guy's soul really as pure and white as that hair?

Let's go...

You should already understand, we will not change, we have sunk in desire from the very beginning, you can't be pure white Be my [crew].

That guy left that day, and pointed at his nose uncharacteristically and scolded fine, although he was also wrong, but did he make a mistake, he was the captain! These heroes are dragged the same as 250. If he doesn't show more drag, he may be hacked to death by random knives at any time!

Not his fault!

In this way, the ship will become normal, no one will rescue the villagers when they hold their heads high, no one will stumble secretly when they are robbing wealth, and when they want No one would secretly hide a woman while riding a horse.

Life was much easier, and that was the heroic life he wanted, even without that guy, and Hercules anyway.

Hercules is gone...

The good days are over.

The heroes of oppression who lost Hercules began to run wild.

He doubted more than once, who was the bandit? Who is the villain?

But there's no way, he can't do it, he can't do anything without Hercules, and no one here will trust him, and no one deserves his trust, so this ship full of heroes The only real crew member on board is Hercules... no, that guy barely counts...

No, no! That guy is not his crew! That guy had never believed him, and the reason he felt relieved was that the guy had no desire to seem to make him... he couldn't help but want to believe him.

But it's already impossible, that guy was abandoned by him, forget it, there is no need to save face at this time, he was abandoned... After hearing Pure Son of Man defeated the wild boar devil beast At that time, he understood that that guy never needed him, that guy was really just... such a pure person.

He has nothing to rely on anymore, and he is desperate in the face of the king's difficulties Can't do it.

[I can only rely on God, but will God really help him again? ]

The violent storms along the way, the thunder, the inexplicable disease, and all kinds of strange devil beasts made him feel like God wanted to kill him.

But there is no other way, he can't do it, he can do it impossible, anyway, God hasn't made it clear that he has abandoned him, just try it, how will you know if you don't try it.

Anyway his one thought he could do it, and he wasn't going to believe them.

[Trust me]

That day, when he opened his eyes and saw, long ago abandoned his pure white figure.

Why did he come back...

Why did he come to save him, a hopeless man...

When he was most desperate, that person came , just like the hero in a deceitful tale.

What did that person do?

He didn't know, but he knew very well that the man had saved him.

It's really reliable...

As long as he has that person by his side, he feels omnipotent, and for the first time he begins to believe in himself.

How stupid...

Obviously what he despised the most in the past was the appearance of being saved after receiving a little favor, but now he understands, because he was really saved .

[Golden Fleece I'll find a way to get it for you. ]

Faced with the king's troubles, the man said this to him very indifferently.

No, he couldn't think of any other way than grabbing it from under the eyelids of the magic dragon.

If it was usual, he would probably be very happy to pat the man on the shoulder and urge him to get on the road quickly.

But this time he hesitated.

[No, I'll go with me if I can't. ]

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