"The stage is perfect, and the most troublesome clown can't make a fuss," Freya looked down on the banquet from the second floor, "almost let the show get to the**, but before that ...Ottar, go say hi to them."

"Understood," the tall silhouette came out in the dark.

Freya held up the red wine and smiled gracefully.

For her, the most troublesome gods here are Loki and Hephaestus, one of these two gods is the strongest in strength and her Familia, the other is troublesome in another way, Of these, Loki is her most vigilant.

Because Loki is a clown, she's the most uncontrollable person on stage, she's going to disrupt things like a troublemaker, and she'll help others like a good person, she has too many masks on her face, Even she can't see through Loki completely, but now...

Looking at Loki who is all gray and white, Freya is nodded with satisfaction.

Loki should have really lost his fighting spirit this time.

As for Hephaestus, she couldn't believe that Cyd could be attracted to this honest man who didn't even dare to show his true face.


You must be thinking so, right?

Apollo and Hermes on the other side of the second floor curl one's lip at the same time.

"I bet twenty seconds this Freya will lose," Hermes took a gold coin from his pocket.

"One second," Apollo took out the gold coins from his pocket in a very cold manner.

"Wow, Cyd wouldn't be so disrespectful," Hermes widened his eyes. "At least he'll be arrogant!

"Freya made the wrong choice, "Apollo closed his eyes," she was too arrogant, even if she missed once, she would only feel that she was not serious, she had made an old problem. "

"Hoho," Hermes watched Ottar moved towards Bell and Ais with interest, "as always, the stage was filled with actors, and then one by one, the final exclusive protagonist was kicked out, do you think Orario's Will the final weapon defeat our hero? "

"I don't think you would ask such a stupid question," Apollo slowly opened his eyes, "He is our favorite child, our proof, our hope." "

"en?" Cyd raised his brows and looked towards the tall silhouette walking from the stairs on the second floor.

The lively banquet became extremely quiet because of his appearance. , the other adventurers who have been looking for opportunities to approach Cyd immediately retreated when they saw him, just like the wolf in the wolf pack retreated in fear when they met the Wolf King.

Because this man is Orario The ultimate weapon, the unique and unmatched LV7, King Ottar.

However, there are still two people who did not leave, Bell, who was unconsciously eating exquisite food, and Ais, who was expressionless as if he didn't notice Ottar. .

"Um..." Bell blinked, always feeling that something was wrong.

Why do you all look like I have a wild beast with an open mouth behind me !

“Sensei? "Bell turned around slowly, but all he saw was Cyd's back, and the fluttering white hair.

"It's okay, nothing happened," Cyd said without looking back. .Although this atmosphere is obviously wrong, out of complete trust in Cyd, Bell nods> and continues to concentrate on disassembling the crabs brought by the waiter.

"Bell, you bastard. Did you make a mistake! Hestia spun around in a hurry, "That guy from Ottar, Impossible, came to the door for no reason!" "

"No, he shouldn't be able to see," Loki pulled Hestia back in color, "Cyd blocked Bell's view." ”

Hestia froze for a while, then widened her eyes. Bell was just a teenage child after all. He was not tall, and Cyd’s position was very clever to block it. Bell's entire vision.

"Then Bell wouldn't be so heartless to continue eating," Hestia had a headache.

"Probably because of trust," Loki exaggerated. Grinned, holding his waist with one hand, "Men are really hard to understand sometimes. "

"Aren't you a man?" "


"I've been a little nervous recently," blood-colored lines appeared on Cyd's face, flashing red light, and his eyes stared at Ottar coldly , "Excuse me, what are you doing? ”

PS Maybe I’m wrong, I’m not Cyd, he has the power to be gentle, I don’t, I have nothing but stories, life is not a novel, you can really ignore it if you don’t care , I don't have Cyd to help me resist maliciousness, and people won't change as easily as I wrote, even if a person walks forward leisurely, the person behind will still find it annoying, even if I step aside, there are still people in front, Nothing will change.

Chapter 48 He's Human

This man...was more terrifying than expected.

Ottar's expressionless face He stared at Cyd in front of him.

Seeing is true and hearing is false. He has always had doubts about the heroes praised by Apollo. There are really such people in this world.

Praise Heroic people always exaggerate their deeds, but when they really stand in front of him.

Sure enough, the characters in the story are mixed with the wishful thinking of the narrator.

The hero told by Apollo Familia Familia seems to be the embodiment of noble, he has a completely different character from the times, no matter how many hopeless people he encounters in the story, he will not take their lives like everyone else, no matter what others think of him. No matter how bad the attitude is, he will calmly do what he believes in.

He has a broad mind, as if he has no connection with anger, he cherishes everything he has, and does not expect everyone to be happy.

What he wants, he is not greedy or jealous, he restricts his words and deeds, he will not be lazy and gluttonous because he can have everything, he loves, but he will never hurt, and the rest of the story seems to be ** Different incarnations, he has the power to dominate the entire world but can walk among the crowd very naturally, arrogance seems to be his opposite.

He is like being separated from the Seven Deadly Sins of human beings The flawless hero.

Is this still human?

But now Ottar can be sure that Cyd is human.

Because now he's angry and looks like a flame But blood-colored lines spread from his left bowl to his left face.

"Fight! "The gods, who don't think it's a big deal, started booing.

This is what they were looking forward to - a performance called conflict.

It's King Ottar, the final weapon of LV7, Or is Hero of Pure White stronger?

You'll know after a fight!

"Move the table! Hurry up and move the table! "Hermes jumped down from the second floor with a big laugh, and took the lead to move the dining table around.

This guy is here again...

Apollo helped his forehead helplessly.

With Hermes taking the lead, The Gods also acted one after another, and the attendants around not knowing what to do looked at The Gods who rolled up their sleeves and carried the dining table.

This Isn't it a bad situation!

"Hey! Has something happened! "

When the table in front of me was removed by two brawny man gods, even if Bell relaxed, he could sense something was wrong.

"Is the banquet over!" "

"No, the real banquet begins," Hestia hurried over to Bell and dragged Bell aside.

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