“No,” Cyd blinked.

"It's exposed!" Bell pointedly pointed at the bunny-ear-like decoration protruding from Cyd's back.

"This is it!" Eina's eyes widened.

"I think Bell is very suitable for this," Cyd didn't bother to hide it and took out the bunny ear decoration since he was discovered.

Eina watched the treasure in Cyd's hands fall into silence, and countless images flashed through her mind.

"Miss Eina?" Bell shrugged.

It always feels like Eina's expression is shaking.

"I think this suits you Bell!" Eina, covering her nose, gave a thumbs up.

“Miss Eina!!!”

Chapter 45 is still sealed.

I, Bell, go back naked even if I don’t have any clothes on. , and will definitely not bring this bunny ears!

Bell was righteous and determined.

If you don't act tough at this time, you'll be treated as a little white rabbit that's harmless to humans and animals!

Then go back naked.

Cyd, which means that all the valuables are in my hands, defeated Bell's last struggle relentlessly.

You have no money and it is impossible to put this dress back on.

"Miss Eina..." Bell looked pitifully towards Eina.

Eina was shaken for a moment. At first, when Bell brought Dungeon back with an injury for being too reckless, she would always reprimand him, but whenever she saw Bell's pitiful appearance, she would subconsciously let him go. The tone became softer.

But this time...

"Bell, just wear it."

She succumbed to the temptation of the real rabbit, Bell.

In the end Bell opted for... wearing ears.

"I've lost my face," Bell covered his face, with a pair of bunny ears on his head, and the cowering one followed... no, it should be said to be behind Cyd.

I don't know why, but the rabbit ears on his head actually sway from side to side!

Sensei, did you really get it from an ordinary clothing store!

Speaking of Eina can you not follow me!

Bell dodged some burning eyes behind her, wanting to cry without tears.

"It is said that there is metal inside this rabbit ear, which will shrink according to the wearer's body temperature," Cyd raised a finger and began to explain, "Isn't it interesting~ You can imagine this rabbit ear outfit It looks like it's on Lili's head."

"So cute... not right! It doesn't make any sense at all!" Bell subconsciously made up his brain, and the bunny ears on his head twitched wildly, but Bell responded quickly He came over and raised his voice, "I'm a man! Pure man! Wearing such an ornament that only girls wear will definitely be disgusted!"

"Well...it's hard to say," Cyd's mouth curled slightly. raised, at least he has heard someone behind him start breathing rapidly, "Maybe it can attract a lot of girls~"

"Really!" Bell's eyes shined, but Thinking of Cyd's expression, Bell curled one's lip, "Sensei, don't you think it's funny to say that on purpose?"

"Who knows~ Do you want to ask the thought behind you, now you How's it going," Cyd spread his hands.

Bell loosened the hem of Cyd's clothes after hesitating for a while, and turned slowly to Eina, who had been following behind him, "Miss Eina, do you think I'm...Miss Eina now?"

"Okay... so cute!" Eina reached out to Bell tremblingly, "Let me hug!"

Eina gave Bell a hug before she finished speaking.

"Miss Eina!" Bell shivered with fright and quickly avoided Eina's embrace.

Cyd raised his hand and grabbed Eina's back collar to prevent the beautiful girl from hitting the wall with her face in the future.

"Bell, be gentle with girls," Cyd gently placed Eina on the ground.

"Sorry Sensei! But Miss Eina's expression is too terrifying!" Bell hugged his shoulders shiver coldly, "If I don't run away, I will definitely lose something very important!"

"Isn't this too ridiculous, aren't you always expecting this kind of plot?" Cyd spread his hands.

"Sensei..." Bell corner of mouth twitching, "Do you feel that there are more people around you?"

Probably because the movement caused by them is too great, Many people gathered around, and they were all women, which was normal. After all, although men's adventurers also buy clothes, they spend more money on equipment, while women's adventurers are different, just like men. Adventurer will go there to relieve fatigue. One of the ways for female adventurer to relieve fatigue is to buy clothes.

"What kind of cute creature is that..."

"The ears on his head are shaking!"

"Furry, red eyes Yes, it's really like a rabbit!"

"Wow! His expression seems to be hugging and rubbing in his arms!"

Bell swallowed, always feeling...a little dangerous Ah...

Don't underestimate any female adventurer, after all, all of them dare to fight the Dungeon's wolf annihilation when their basic abilities are weaker than the male adventurer, but this is exactly the case, the average male Adventurers don't dare to approach them.

"Bell you have to face reality," Cyd heartless laughed.

"The big white rabbit without ears can't be Hero of Pure White!"

Cyd corner of mouth twitching.

Who was that just now!

Be rough!

"I really want to put ears on him too!"

"I'll buy it!"

Cyd's face darkened.

"Old...Sensei, should we run away," Bell hid behind Cyd shivering.

“Escape… escape,” Cyd took a step back.

"wait a moment! Please touch my ears! Head too!"

I don't know who shouted, the female adventurer who was just surrounding Cyd and Bell was very excited Quickly closing the circle, countless hands reached out to Bell and Cyd.

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