"That's...Magic Sword!!!"

"Grab it!!!"

The surrounding adventurers roared and rushed towards The Magic Sword scattered on the ground, crowded and cursed at each other, just to compete for the Magic Sword on the ground.

"This guy has a big one on him!"

Countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Welf.

"No! Only this one can't!" Welf hugged the Magic Sword wrapped in white cloth.

"You die for me!" The tall adventurer foul-mouthed wind raised his foot and stepped on Welf's head.

Welf closed his eyes with a heart and pressed the Magic Sword firmly.


No pain?

Welf opened his eyes slowly, what he saw was a face with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"Bell you..."

"hahahaha! Down! Hero's Apprentice down! Count again!" Mord was startled, then raised his foot with a laugh He kicked up, "Hey! Get up! If you don't get up, the count will always be zero!"

"Bell you quick get up!" Welf shouted anxiously, and even wanted to push away the block above him. Bell, "Don't you want to be a hero! Do you want to end here! Magic Sword I can build again, but you..."

"No way! I'm the only one injured... just Enough!" Bell smiled reluctantly, "I can't even protect my comrades, so I'm not qualified to be a hero!"

"Build Magic Sword!!!" Mord's expression began to twist.

Why can you be loved by God!

Why do you have such good equipment!

Why can this Blacksmith, who is unwilling to forge Magic Sword, make Magic Sword for you!

Why you can have everything!

Mord stepped on Bell's left hand, "Let me go! Or I'll break this Blacksmith's leg!"


The pure white shield was kicked away by Mord, and the sacred text on it began to dim.

Sorry Sensei, I didn't let it go on purpose...

Bell bit his lip.

Why! Why are you still able to show such an expression!

How bad are you trying to make us look?

Mord raised the wolf fang club with a grim face.

Fall for me!

Become just like us!

Hero's Apprentice!


A hand was placed on Mord's shoulder, pure white hair fluttered slowly, and a pair of bloodshot eyes slowly opened , blood-colored lines like flames appeared on his left face.

Mord opened his mouth slowly and let out a silent scream.

The skin was torn, the muscles were crushed, the skeleton was slowly crushed, and he was suffering extremely slowly.

“What are you doing?”

The severe pain made Mord kneel in front of Bell, Bell raised his head with difficulty, looked towards the silhouette behind Mord that reassured him .

"What are you doing to my students!!!"

PS Then I'm off to class bye~

PS?( 'ω' )? | ???ω??)???(∩???∩)d(*ΦωΦ)?

Chapter 37 Roar

That day...why Sensei would be so angry?

Sensei, who has been smiling softly all the time...why is he yelling there?

It's really weird...

That was the first year of cultivation.

He was attacked by a pack of wolves when he was dueling with the bear. He was exhausted to defeat the bear and couldn't do anything except hold his head and was bitten by the wolves.

At that time... Sensei rushed out of the woods, he was called Centaur Sage, he was always gentle and kind, he was roaring, kicked and shattered all the wild animals in the field in an unbeautiful way Wolf's head.

Why is Sensei angry?

Clearly I am the body of invulnerability...

Clearly Sensei you have been teaching me not to be dominated by anger...

But now...I understand... …

How could this not be angry?

My child, who has been working hard for her dream, never hurt others, and has always been gentle with others, was hurt by others.

It is obvious that he has the ability to be no weaker than anyone else, but his combat capability was taken away by inferior means, humiliated for the sake of his companions, and fell down for the sake of his companions...

Looking at all times Lying on Welf's body to defend him against Bell, Cyd felt proud from the bottom of his heart, and it was this pride that made his anger uncontrollable.

Even the eternal war did not make him so angry, the crystal of Ares, which symbolizes violence and war, is extremely shining, and blood-colored lines appear on his left face.

Dungeon is trembling, not because of fear, but because of hatred, the breath of the gods that sealed them appeared, and the incomparably rich, transparent crystals were shattering, huge eyes peering through the crystals on the 18th Floor.

[Go to hell! ]

[Hurry up and die! ]

Endless malice kept ringing in Cyd's mind, and Dungeon had begun to show his malice unabashedly.

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