
"I can't let my guard down just yet," Cyd said softly.

“ka-cha ――――”

A crack appeared on the rock wall behind Lili.


The crack spread very quickly, a huge silhouette squeezed out half of the body from the crack, and the thick arm pinched directly to Lili's head .

Bell's eyes slowly opened.

No...you can't kill the Minotaur in one hit at this distance.

"Bell uses this!!!"

Welf yelled and threw a dagger at Bell.

Bell clenched the teeth raised his left hand and pushed Lili away, while his left arm was caught by Minotaur, with a crisp bone crack his left arm broke, but he caught Welf Throwing the dagger towards him.

Obviously the skeleton of his left arm was crushed, Bell still looked straight at Minotaur's blood-red eyes without fear, and the dagger penetrated Minotaur's mouth straight.

"I won't let you... hurt Lili!"

In an instant, a thunderstorm erupted in Minotaur's mouth, and countless arcs rushed through Minotaur's skin, Minotaur like a He twitched like an epileptic.

The hurricane ravaged the Minotaur frantically, and the twitching Minotaur kept expanding like a balloon.


The Minotaur, which had only emerged half of its body, finally exploded under the torment of thunder and hurricane, and a crystal fell to Bell's feet.

"Hoo...it scared me to death," Bell relaxed sat down, but because he was too relaxed, he sat on the crystal, "Oh hoho! It hurts!!!!"

Bell jumped up like a spring on his butt, and rushed in front of Cyd with tears in his eyes, "Sensei! It's dead! Health potion!!!"

"I said Can't you just be so handsome?" Cyd took out his health potion speechlessly and stuffed the bottle into Bell's mouth.

"Ton t t... uh!" Bell spit out the empty bottle and scratched his face in embarrassment, "ah ha ha ha, accident, Sensei, it's just an accident!"

"Bell-sama are you all right!" Lili threw himself on Bell with tears in his eyes.

"It's fine, thanks to Welf for giving me..." Bell fell silent as he looked at the empty right hand, "No!!!"

"I'm sorry! I've lost my stuff!" Bell moved towards Welf and bent down, "I'll go look for it now!"

Speaking of which, Bell moved towards the direction of the Minotaur that had been blasted before.

"It's okay, that kind of thing is a consumable item," Welf grabbed Bell.

"Wouldn't that be more valuable?" Bell said with a sullen face.

Welf touched the package behind him.

Well, that's enough...

"I'm your exclusive Blacksmith plus companion," Welf gave a thumbs up, "giving everything for the companion, it can do it like this. I'm very happy with the ending."

"But... as expected, I still want my companions to be by my side all the time," Bell scratched the back of his head, "Sure enough, I still have to become stronger, even if my companions are strong. You can go on without sacrificing."

Welf's eyes slowly widened.

You too... naive...

Cyd raised a hand and patted Welf's shoulder.

"So it's a bit embarrassing, but please accompany this silly boy to accomplish this silly dream."

Chapter 32 The Inescapable Malice

Without strength, it is a shame to witness one's own fellow being injured.

It is a sin to see one's comrades injured despite having the ability!

I have ability and determination.

Welf watched Bell, who stood at the front of the line against the monster.

If I can't keep him out of harm's way, at least let me share with him!

Welf exhales one breath saying, pulled out the big knife he built for himself and slashed the monster who attacked Bell from the side.

"Welf?" Bell was a little surprised.

"Hey hey hey, don't underestimate me, although I only have lv'1, but I still have strength," Welf grinned, "Here is Welf who is fighting with you!"

"Let's fight together!" Bell nodded hard.

"And Lili!" Lili waved the ballista unwillingly, "Just leave the support to Lili!"

"Just please, Little senior," Welf gave a thumbs up.

"Lili can't lose, Lili is Bell-sama's best companion!" Lili stuck out his tongue, and at the same time used the ballista to repel the monster who attacked Welf.

She, betrayed by everyone, fell into a quagmire called despair, even she gave up and went with the flow, but that day, a silly guy said to her "I'm here to save her." You], obviously she was just a betrayal, but she opened her hands for her.

He is bound by his talent, [Magic Sword is strong and convenient], just because of this reason, his efforts are denied, no matter how good he creates works, the only thing denying him is A sentence [I only want your Magic Sword], but that day, a naive guy said to him [it doesn't matter if you don't build a Magic Sword], what a fool, those guys are right, compared to Magic Sword, The gear he made was really worthless.

For them Bell is not the apprentice who stumbled on the heroic path, he is the hero whose life has been saved because of their beliefs.

Anyway...must protect our heroes!

Lili and Welf looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

"It doesn't feel like we have anything to do with it anymore," Ryu satisfied nodded, "equipment, coordination, power, these are essential in the Dungeon quest, but they've got a bond on top of that. ."

"The rest is time," Cyd put his hands behind his head.

"It's cleaned up, and there's no sign of a monster around," Bell stretched.

"I'm exhausted," Welf gasped against the knife.

"How many layers are Sensei now," Bell retracted the short blade into its sheath.

"The 16th Floor," Cyd patted Bell's shoulder, "has improved. I used to drag you to the 15th Floor, but now you can reach the 16th Floor by yourself."


"It's all because of Welf and Lili," Bell scratched his head.

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