Finally quiet...

Hephaestus exhales one breath saying looked towards [Reforged Pandora] placed beside the forging table and bit his lip unwillingly .

That's a weapon made by [Hephaestus]. No matter the technique or style, it can only come from [Hephaestus], but it's a weapon that she can't make now. As the god of forging She also had to admit that she couldn't create a weapon beyond [Reforged Pandora].

What is it that is missing that can make her feel a sense of frustration when she sees [Reforged Pandora], is it the words she dare not look directly at?

Hephaestus seems to be able to see another silhouette looking at her from [Reforged Pandora].

I always feel like I'm being shown off...

Cut, don't underestimate people!

Hephaestus reluctantly swung down the hammer.

Build weapons that surpass you in no time!

Even if Arcanum is sealed, her skills will not disappear, and every blow will make this weapon more pure.

"clang ―――"

Hephaestus threw away the hammer, shook his head and gently put the short blade into the cooling water, looking at the white air in front of him, Hephaestus lowered his eyes in disappointment.


She forged the most amazing weapon so far, but she still failed, she wanted to forge a weapon that surpassed [Reforged Pandora], However it failed.

"What's this weapon called?" Cyd asked curiously, leaning over to Hephaestus.

"I haven't decided yet," Hephaestus glanced sideways at Cyd and clipped the short blade out of the water.

"It's beautiful," Cyd touched the chin and looked at the short blade, "Bell will probably like it."

"It's no wonder you can walk in without any movement, so You were with Hestia," Hephaestus rolled the eyes.

"Can you give me the short blade," Cyd stretched out his hand, and a crystal in the left bowl lit up silently.

"Let's talk about it first, this is for that child, only Hestia's Familia can use it," Hephaestus raised his eyebrows and put the short blade in Cyd's hands.

"It doesn't matter, it's just to enchant it," Cyd grinned and slowly held the short blade, and rows of text emitting light blue rays of light appeared on the short blade , the dark blade cut through Cyd's palm, and bright red blood spilled from his fingers.

"What are you doing!" Ryu shrank his eyes, extended the hand and grabbed Cyd's wrist, "Quick release!"

"didn't expect really cut it Open my hand, as expected of a weapon made by God, it hurts quite a bit," Cyd released his hand, the cut flesh was healing, and rows of pure white text appeared on the blood-filled short blade.

"What have you done!" Hephaestus' eyes widened.

"It just gave it a name," Cyd chuckled and raised his short blade, "Hero's Blade, a weapon that only Hestia Familia and those with heroic will can use."

"Don't change other people's works without authorization!" Hephaestus snatched the short blade from Cyd's hand, and after looking at it for a while, he was a little dissatisfied, "To attach conditions when it is completed is to grow with the user. Your actions are superfluous.”

“Sensei always does something superfluous for the sake of the students,” Cyd shrugged.

"Are you an idiot?" Ryu was a little dissatisfied.

"He is obviously," Hephaestus sighed put the short blade in the wooden box on the side, then picked up a piece of iron and threw it into the furnace, "Tell me what weapon do you want?"

"Don't you need a break?" Cyd tilted his head.

"Now I'm in a good mood," Hephaestus tapped the furnace with his hammer, "I'm afraid you Sensei is also customizing the equipment for that child, right? With Hero's Blade, he no longer needs other attack weapons. Now, what do you want to give him?"

"A shield, a round shield," Cyd gestured, "a shield that can protect him to maturity."

"As long as If you ask, I can build a weapon that grows with Hero's Blade," Hephaestus frowned.

"No, that's fine," Cyd chuckled. "When he's really on his own, he doesn't need the protection of a shield (Sensei)."

"Then Even if you are cheaper," Hephaestus sighed, "by the way, the money for this Hero's Blade can only be paid by Hestia, you are not allowed to give her money."

"Ah~ of course Yes, this Hero's Blade is the weapon Hestia gave Bell after all," Cyd looked towards the Hero's Blade placed in the box, "She is the family with him, and I'm just the Sensei who will eventually leave."


Hephaestus frowned, why did she feel so sad about making the last gift!

"Although I haven't seen that child," Hephaestus lifted the hammer and slammed it down heavily, "but I believe you will never leave for him."

"That's really troublesome, but I really hope he can fly in the air alone, even if it is good to support each other with his companions, but he can't hide under my shelter," Cyd tilted his head.

"What an idiot~" Hephaestus gave Cyd a sideways glance.

It is a very simple truth, but it shows such an expression.

Chapter 14 Novice Shield

"It's done."

Hephaestus threw a white round shield to Cyd with a tired face.

Cyd raised his hand to catch the round shield, and rows of softly glowing text appeared on the edge of the round shield.

"Its name?" Cyd frowned.

"As you wish," Hephaestus stretched his back, "this shield can only be used by those who inherit the hero's will, so it's not an exaggeration to call it the Hero Buckler."

"Then call it Novice Shield," Cyd said earnestly, rubbing his chin.

"This shield...but genuine's super equipment, you call it Novice Shield," Hephaestus corner of mouth twitching.

Unlike Hero's Blade, she didn't consider whether the user would rely on its power when creating this shield, and she could build as strong as she could.

But being addicted to relying on the power of weapons is definitely not a hero, so once the user has the idea of [just rely on this shield], he will lose the qualification to use the shield.

"It's Novice Shield~ After all, that guy..." Cyd chuckled and put the purse on the table, "I'm still a novice stumbling on the Heroic Path."

"Not enough," Hephaestus glanced at the purse and shook the head.

“Huh?” Cyd was stunned.

"That little money is not enough~" Hephaestus raised his fingers and counted, "This shield can even be used for LV6 in terms of strength, and you made me work overtime without an appointment, how can I say it? Five hundred million Valis too."

Cyd's eyes widened.

"It's cheap," Ryu whispered into Cyd's ear.

"But it turned out to be an amount I couldn't afford," Cyd corner of mouth twitching.

"You can work under me," Hephaestus spread his hands, "about a few hundred years."

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