I will eventually become a god

Chapter 27 Am I here for this blind date?

After Xue Jing said he wanted to kick the gym, the lady at the front desk picked up the phone on the table with a weird look on her face and informed the dojo that someone was going to kick the gym.

She looked at Xue Jing who was sitting on the rest chair with her arms folded and her eyes closed to rest with regret.

Such a good-looking person, but it's a pity that his brain is a little bit dirty...

But even so, it's not impossible...

Even if you keep it at home as a piece of meat...it's still great as a decoration.

Unknown to the girl sitting at the front desk, she was making some rude thoughts about him. Xue Jing was sitting on the chair, pretending to be an expert without saying anything, silently waiting for the response from the Hidden Dragon Dojo.

A few minutes later, the girl at the front desk answered the phone. After saying a few words, she hung up the phone, stood up, and said to Xue Jing:

"This sir, sir."

Xue Jing opened his eyes and looked at her.

The girl tried her best to show the best smile she had practiced in front of the mirror, and said softly: "Please follow me."

Xue Jing nodded and stood up.

The girl led the way. She was wearing a slim-fitting navy blue cheongsam, which completely highlighted her graceful figure. The sides were slit close to the thighs, and a pair of slender, fleshy white legs wearing high heels swayed left and right, looming.

I don't know if it was intentional, but when she walked, her perky and plump parts twisted a bit exaggeratedly, which often tightened the cheongsam, causing the shape to be exposed. Xue Jing followed her and took a few more glances.

Well, cheongsam is so civilized.

Follow the cheongsam girl into the interior of the dojo. Contrary to the modern decoration outside, the interior decoration of the dojo is quite ancient. The mahogany corridors are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and landscape screens, antique calligraphy and paintings can be seen everywhere, which is in line with Xue Jing's view of the ancient martial arts dojo. impression.

However, after arriving at the most spacious training hall on the entire floor, the style of the painting changed again and was no longer the same.

In the large, empty, boxy training hall, on the white rubber floor, there were dozens of boxing punch bags of various styles, as well as a wide variety of fitness equipment, most of which Xue Jing didn't recognize.

In addition to these, there are also octagonal, cushioned arenas placed at the four corners of the training hall. At this moment, disciples wearing white training uniforms are competing on it, and there are also many onlookers standing around. .

"You can take a stroll here first and take a look."

After bringing Xue Jing in, the cheongsam girl smiled at him.

Xue Jing hummed softly, then began to look around and observed the environment here.

Seeing that this good-looking young man had no other expressions and seemed not too interested in her, the cheongsam girl was a little disappointed, but she had no choice but to go back to the front desk on her high heels.

Xue Jing stared at the fight going on in one of the arenas for a while, and felt that it was quite fierce, with punches hitting the flesh. No wonder the disciples around him were cheering excitedly.

‘These are probably just ordinary disciples who paid money to come in, but their level is much higher than I imagined. ’

He didn't look much, but took off his shoes, walked barefoot to the rest area, and sat down on a leather bench.

There were disciples around who noticed him.

"Huh? Who is that person? The new guy?"

"I haven't changed my clothes. I guess not. Are you here for a visit?"

"Hehe, he looks so good. Go and ask for his contact information. Sister, I want to eat young grass today."

Many female disciples' eyes lit up.

But before they could take action, there was a sudden noise at the door of the training hall.

"The old farm owner and a few relatives are here!"

Xue Jing's eyes moved and looked towards the door.

Only five or six people, led by an old Mediterranean man in a wheelchair, were seen filing in from the door and walking towards him.

Behind the old man in the wheelchair is a young girl who looks to be in her twenties and eight years. She is pushing the wheelchair, her eyes are bright and agile like a newborn animal, and she is looking at Xue Jing curiously.

On the left and right sides of the girl are two men and one woman.

One is a majestic middle-aged man with long hair that reaches his waist and a cold face. He is wearing a black training suit. The cuffs of his hands are rolled up, revealing his muscular forearms.

One was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties. He was handsome and had peach blossom eyes. He was looking Xue Jing up and down, nodding and tutting from time to time.

Finally, there is a delicate and beautiful short-haired girl with a cold face and an expression similar to that of a middle-aged man. She seems to be a father and daughter. She is also wearing black training clothes and has an excellent figure. She is holding a huge meat bag of amazing size in both hands and keeps biting it. The amazingly large parts of her body swayed as she moved around.

After looking at a few people, Xue Jing turned her attention to Maomao sitting on the armrest of the wheelchair.

The cat licked its paws and nodded at him.

"What's going on? Even the old master is here. This is the first time I've seen him in the training hall for so long."

"All the direct disciples who haven't gone out have arrived. What's going on? Could it be that our dojo is finally going to collapse?"

"What a cute cat... I've been single for a long time, and I feel pretty when I look at a cat."

"Senior Sister Zhu and Senior Sister Meng are in front of you, but you actually went to see a cat... You deserve to be single."

With the arrival of the field owner and direct disciples, the students in the training hall realized something was wrong and gradually became quiet, with only sporadic whispers.


Old Man Li came to a stop in front of Xue Jing, with four direct disciples lined up behind him. They all had good looks and temperament, and looked quite grand, but Old Man Li himself looked like an ordinary roadside old man.

"I heard that you are here to play in the gym?"

Old Man Li asked.

As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar immediately.

Xue Jing glanced at Maomao first, then stood up, with calm eyes, nodded and said:


When Old Man Li saw him standing up and looking ready, he immediately waved his hand, sighed, and said, "Don't worry, just kick the ball. Why are you so serious? Sit down first."

Xue Jing, who had just stood up, paused slightly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and sat back down.

Mr. Li glanced up and down at Xue Jing. For some reason, his eyes were inexplicably kind.

"What's your name?"

Xue Jing looked strange: "Xue Jing..."

"How old?"


Old Man Li nodded, seemingly satisfied: "Well... the age is quite suitable, and the zodiac signs are not conflicting."

"Where do you live and what do your parents do?"

"Is he an only child? Do he have any brothers or sisters?"

"I go to the attached high school, eh, not bad."

As Old Man Li asked questions, the atmosphere at the scene gradually became strange.

Xue Jing looked confused.

Did I come on this blind date?

The cat sitting on the armrest of the wheelchair had veins popping out on his forehead, feeling ashamed and angry.

What on earth has this bad old man misunderstood! ?

"Meow!" It quickly said to stop.

If she goes on like this, she won't be able to live in Xue Jing's house.

Hearing this meow with obvious dissatisfaction, Old Man Li stopped asking questions.

He coughed dryly and said, "Let's get down to business. Xiaojing wants to play in the gym. Which of you is interested?"

He looked at the disciples around him.

The young-looking girl's eyes lit up and she immediately raised her right hand: "Hey, hey, hey! I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Please read it! ! ! ! !

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