I will eventually become a god

Chapter 178 B-level intern, Wu Youqing: You are not the chosen one, you are more special (4K)

Chapter 178 B-class Conservator, Wu Youqing: You are not the chosen one...you are more special (4K)

"Finally, finally, finally home!!"

The door opened, and Xue Wan walked into the home. She put on her special slippers skillfully, then raised her hands high, stretched, and took a deep breath.

"Smell...ah, the smell of Ah Jing, the smell of home."

Xue Jing walked in from behind her with her suitcase in her arms and Maomao, and said casually:

"Are you a dog? I haven't been at home for more than ten days. How can I smell like you?"

After taking out all the things in the luggage and putting them away, Xue Jing said to Xue Wan, who was already lying lazily on the sofa in the living room watching TV:

"I'm going out for a while. I might come back in the evening. You don't have to wait for me to eat."

Xue Wan had already put on a set of casual and loose home clothes, wearing big glasses and dressed as a home girl. She felt comfortable stroking the cat in her arms, so she just waved her hand to Xue Jing to indicate that she understood.

Xue Jing walked out of the door, closed it, went downstairs and left the community, hailed a taxi, and headed to the Hidden Dragon Dojo in Dongcheng District.

Although he is famous now, he is only famous in the martial arts circle, and he is not yet known to everyone in the world. At least the driver does not know him, and just regards him as a good-looking ordinary boy.

Along the way, Xue Jing chatted with the driver while using her mobile phone to send messages to people close to her one by one to say that she was back. Soon she arrived at the office building of Hidden Dragon Dojo.

After scanning the QR code with her mobile phone to pay, Xue Jing got off the car, walked into the office building, and took the elevator up to the seventeenth floor.

After passing the long corridor, we came to the front entrance of the Hidden Dragon Dojo.

Coincidentally, the receptionist today is the cheongsam girl Xue Jing met when she first came to Hidden Dragon Dojo.

Different from the previous times when I saw her lying on the table playing fish and playing with her mobile phone, the reception area at this time was quite lively. There were four or five teenagers and their parents crowded at the front desk for consultation. The scene was quite lively.

The cheongsam girl was on the phone, writing something in a notebook with a pen, and patiently explaining something to others, sweating from her busy forehead.

When Xue Jing saw this, she just looked at it curiously and didn't pay much attention. Seeing that the cheongsam girl was busy, she didn't say hello to her and entered the Hidden Dragon Dojo directly from the door.

"Huh? Why did that person go in directly? Is he a disciple of the Hidden Dragon Dojo?"

One of the teenagers who was crowding at the front desk for consultation caught a glimpse of Xue Jing from the corner of his eye and said in confusion.

Hearing this, the cheongsam girl looked through the crowd towards the gate and saw a somewhat familiar figure from behind.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide, she was a little excited, and she subconsciously shouted: "Jing..."

But then he realized something and quickly covered his mouth with both hands.

After a pause, she coughed dryly and said, "Yes, he is one of the disciples of our Hidden Dragon Dojo."

The parent of one of the teenagers patted the front desk impatiently and said:

"Okay, just give me a price. How much more do I need to pay to let my child enter your Hidden Dragon Dojo to practice martial arts?"

"This is not a matter of money. Our Hidden Dragon Dojo has a limited area and can only accommodate so many students and disciples. It is now full."

The cheongsam girl explained helplessly.

"Are you mistaken? Is this really the dojo where you taught that 'Xue Jing'? Such a small place..."

Previously, Hidden Dragon Dojo caused some damage because Li Chengxuan from Jinfeng Dojo came to kick the gym. Now, more than ten days have passed and it has been renovated and reopened.

Xue Jing was walking in the dojo. When he passed the gate of the training hall, he took a look inside and unexpectedly found that it was much busier than before.

There were not many ordinary disciples in the Hidden Dragon Dojo before. Normally, there were only a few dozen people in the training hall. But now he took a cursory glance and found that there were at least a hundred disciples in the training hall, making loud noises. The voice is practicing martial arts.

Most of them were unfamiliar faces he didn't recognize.

"Could it be that..." Xue Jing touched her chin and probably guessed the reason.

He passed the training hall without attracting anyone's attention and walked all the way to the heart-nurturing room where his master Li Qi was.

Without knocking, Xue Jing opened the door and walked in.

At this time, there were three people present in the Yangxin Room, master Li Qi, fifth senior brother Chen Fuguang, and fourth senior sister Meng Qingjiao.

The senior brother and sister were standing in front of the desk, reporting something to Li Qi who was sitting behind the desk.

As soon as Xue Jing entered the door, the three people present immediately looked at him, their eyes brightening.

"Xiao Jing!"

"Little junior brother!"

Li Qi immediately turned the wheelchair with his hands and came to him.

Xue Jing smiled and said, "Master, Senior Sister Meng, Senior Brother Chen, I'm back."

Li Qi reached out and patted his arm, and said excitedly and gratifiedly: "Okay, good boy."

"We have all seen your performance on the field this time. You did very well...far better than I imagined."

Chen Fuguang smiled and said: "Junior brother has really made a splash this time. Now the martial arts circles in the outer ring are all discussing you, and even the martial arts forums in the inner ring are paying attention to you..."

"Martial arts superstar is just around the corner!"

Meng Qingjiao didn't speak, but walked up to Xue Jing silently, stretched out her hand and touched his head, as if to praise him.

There was a hint of softness in her eyes on her cold face.

Because of his posture, Xue Jing subconsciously looked down and glanced at the still shocking World Cup. Then he naturally looked away and said with a smile:

"Fortunately, I was lucky this time and didn't encounter any powerful opponents."

Li Qi waved his hand and sighed: "No need to be humble in front of me. I have read the information on these contestants. The quality is quite high in previous U19 knockout rounds. There is even one who has learned the secrets. Genius...you can achieve crushing victory in every game, I cannot praise you enough."

"Compared to before you set off, you have become much stronger now...I have been surprised by your growth speed many times. Although I tried my best to think bigger this time, you are still far away in the end. It’s beyond my expectation.”

Li Qi was relieved, but also inexplicably a little disappointed.

"Now I am starting to doubt...whether I can still be your master, or whether my lack of skills will limit your growth..."

Xue Jing squatted down, half-kneeling on one foot, put his hands on Li Qi's knees, and said softly:

"What did you say? Once I am a teacher, I am always a father. It is precisely because of the master's teaching that I am where I am today... As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and cultivation is personal. You have already fulfilled your responsibilities perfectly. "

"Even if one day I surpass my master, it will definitely be because of his good teachings."

Li Qi couldn't help laughing and touched Xue Jing's head.

"Although they are all very obedient words, they do make people happy to hear them."

Xue Jing smiled and suddenly noticed something. He looked at Li Qi carefully and asked curiously: "Huh? Master, you seem to have become younger?"

"Oh? Did you see it?" Li Qi touched his Mediterranean Sea with a proud expression.

Although it's not obvious, he looks younger now than he looked old and withered as if he was about to die at any moment.

Even the originally bare Mediterranean Sea above the head had a few hairs stubbornly sprouting out.

Li Qi sighed:

"Ever since I heard your theory about mental interference with one's own reality..."

Xue Jing speculated: "Oh? Have you gradually repaired the foundation of your body with your limit-breaking mental power?"

Li Qi gave him a strange look: "No, now I go to the streets every day to use my wheelchair, and I see more... Well, I notice more beautiful scenery that I usually don't notice, and my mental state becomes a little younger... …”

Xue Jing: "..."

Li Qi sighed with regret on his face: "Oh...it's a pity that the weather has started to get colder, and there are fewer little girls wearing skirts."

The corners of Xue Jing's mouth twitched: "Well... as long as you are happy."

"Let's not talk about this for now." Li Qi waved his hand.

"You saw it when you came in just now. Our Hidden Dragon Dojo is already full of disciples and students... These people came here because of you. Now this dojo is too small to accommodate these people. It’s reached its limit, so I decided to move to a more spacious place.”

Li Qi touched his chin: "I have found a good place, but there are still some troubles that need you to solve."

Xue Jing: "Huh?"

After talking to Li Qi, he asked him to check his current martial arts progress, and then had a duel with Chen Fuguang and Meng Qingjiao. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xue Jing originally wanted to find Senior Sister Zhushan Yingzhu to apologize to her and explain why the burgundy suit and Futu knife she gave her were gone.

But I heard that Senior Sister Zhu is now back to her hometown in the first metropolitan area. I don’t know when she will return to Qingcheng again.

She called her, but she didn't get through. It said there was no signal. Xue Jing had no choice but to give up temporarily.

After walking out of the Hidden Dragon Dojo, Xue Jing first bought some cakes and other snacks, then hailed a taxi and headed to Qingfu High School.

After arriving, Xue Jing went straight to the Qingcheng University campus library, swiped her card all the way to the seventh floor of the library.

The attic was as old and deserted as ever. As soon as Xue Jing came in, she saw that familiar figure.

Sitting alone on the wooden chair in the rest area, her high ponytail swayed slightly, and her enviable hair flowed like a black waterfall.

Even though she was the only one present, she still had an impeccable sitting posture, her elegant and elegant appearance showed no sense of distance, and she was as friendly as your childhood sweetheart living next door.

But the quiet and mysterious atmosphere vaguely shows her extraordinaryness.

Wu Youqing put down the book titled "The Sword of the Reverse Cross" in her hand and turned to look at Xue Jing, with a smile in her beautiful lavender eyes.

"You're here, sit down."

She stood up, walked to the wall, reached out and pulled out the hidden cabinet on the wall, took out the tea set and tea leaves, and put them on the table.

Xue Jing sat on the chair opposite her, placed the bag with snacks on the table, and chuckled: "BOSS, I'm back."

Wu Youqing hummed and said nothing, but silently began the process of making tea.

After two cups of steaming hot tea were brewed, she opened the bag Xue Jing brought, took out the cake from it, and placed it on the table.

Then he sat down, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

Xue Jing also picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the tea brewed from the [Sweet Kettle]. It still had that weird sweetness that was indescribable.

But it seemed that because he was used to it, he actually found it okay to drink.

At this time, Wu Youqing rummaged through the small bag on the chair next to her, took out a black ID card, and handed it to Xue Jing.

"Give me your shelter card, you can use this one from now on."

Hearing this, Xue Jing took out the C-level shelter card from his pocket, handed it to Wu Youqing, and reached out to take the new one from her hand.

He looked at the new shelter card.

It was still made of obsidian-like material, with the "Death of God" outlined in white strokes on the front, but compared to the C-level shelter card, there were a few places with more purple embellishments, which looked better.

There were two lines of words written on the back.

[Wu's God Relic Shelter and Research Co., Ltd.]

[Specially hired B-level God Relic Shelter · Xue Jing]

"Huh? Why did I get promoted suddenly, Boss."

Xue Jing was a little confused.

Wu Youqing said leisurely: "You solved a mirror world... and it was a mirror world that reflected and blended with the border area. You killed a young pure-blooded dragon species alone in it. After I reported to the higher-ups, they directly authorized you to be promoted to a Class B containment officer without any assessment."

"From now on, you can carry out Class B containment commissions, with higher authority, and can view more divine relics information."

Xue Jing stroked the Class B containment certificate in his hand, and felt a sense of accomplishment after the promotion. He raised his eyebrows and said:

"Then will my salary increase?"

Wu Youqing nodded: "Of course it will increase, the basic salary is two million, and the bonus after the successful containment will also increase accordingly."

"That's great."

Xue Jing smiled and nodded.

After a pause, he said again: "Boss, don't you have anything to ask?"

Wu Youqing said casually: "What?"

Xue Jing thought for a while and said: "For example, how did I become the chosen one?"

Wu Youqing took a sip of tea, and stared at Xue Jing with her lavender eyes.

She smiled only after Xue Jing felt a little uncomfortable:

"You are lying."

She crossed her arms, leaned back, and leaned on the back of the chair. Her long legs in jeans were crossed together, and she sat like a queen.

"You are not the chosen one."

"You are far more special than the chosen one."

In front of those eyes that seemed to see through everything, Xue Jing's heart skipped a beat.

But his face did not change, but he asked calmly: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Wu Youqing smiled and said casually:

"Because I am the chosen one."

"And you... don't have that taste~"

Xue Jing tapped the table with his fingers.

Wu Youqing saw that he was a little embarrassed, but she just smiled and said softly:

"Don't worry, I won't force you to say anything if you don't want to say it."

Xue Jing sighed slightly.

"I really can't beat you, my dear sister."


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