I will eventually become a god

Chapter 176 Throwing Dragon Star Cluster, air-to-ground crushing bombing! Supersonic electromagnetic

Chapter 176: Throwing Skill·Dragon Star Cluster, air-to-ground crushing bombing! Supersonic electromagnetic gun!

Xue Jing threw the stone in his hand, thought about it, and said to Xue Wan:

"Sister, I'm going to do some errands and buy some oranges. Just stay where you are and don't move around."

Xue Wan raised her eyebrows and said: "Don't think I don't understand. You are a younger brother for one day and you will be a younger brother for the rest of your life. You still want to upgrade? No, don't stay where you are. I'm going to get on the ship."

She dragged her trolley suitcase and walked towards the boarding gate. She paused, then turned around and said, "Be careful."

Xue Jing smiled and nodded.

After Xue Wan left, Maomao, who was squatting on Xue Jing's shoulder, blinked his emerald-like vertical pupils and said:

"Have you found someone from the Lion Sect?"

Xue Jing hummed and held the stone in his hand:

"Let's go and solve this problem."

After saying that, he swallowed his strength and used Hidden Dragon Ruyi to exert pure and gentle strength. He stepped on his feet and disappeared almost instantly. No passerby present noticed his departure, which was silent.

On the railing of the platform near the sea, two tall, stooped figures stood on the slender railing with their feet, as if they were walking on flat ground, showing an excellent sense of balance.

Due to their excessive weight, the iron railings were slightly bent by their steps.

"Bazeeb, they are already at the dock. I have seen the holy objects. When will we do it?"

The Lion Saint's secret envoy named Belilu asked in an irritable tone.

His right hand... or what should be called his right claw, grasped the stone pier supporting the railing next to him. With just one grip, the hard stone pier was easily broken by him like a cake.

"That damn woman is simply desecrating a sacred object. She obtained the power of the Lion God's crown and transformed into such a perfect form, but she is willing to act as a harmless house cat..."

"This is an insult to the wild brilliance of the War King!"

"Calm down, Bellilu." Bazeb next to him said in a calm tone.

"I'm angry too, but it's not the best time."

"Since they want to take a boat, then we can follow them on the boat and we won't have any worries about taking action at sea... This is the most correct choice."

"Patience, we must be patient... The King of War is the god of victory, and patience is also a part of victory."

"By the way, where's that little snake?" Bazeb asked.

Hearing this, Bellilu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Haven't we found the location of the sacred object... I feel that the little snake is useless and I want to eat it as a snack."

"It turned out that he could actually shed his skin...and he ran away."

Bazeb said angrily: "You guy——!"

In order to change the subject, Bellilu quickly waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute! The person named Xue Jing seems to be missing!"

"It doesn't matter. They have to get on the ship after all. Just keep an eye on the boarding port."

Xue Jing did not go directly to find trouble with the Lion Sect. Instead, she put on ordinary glasses and walked around.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he discovered a deserted small beach below the edge of the pier.

Because it is covered by the ups and downs of the tide all year round, a lot of marine garbage has been washed up on this small beach. In addition, relatively unqualified passers-by and tourists litter everywhere. The place is hidden and inconvenient to clean, and it has almost become a garbage dump. , exudes a peculiar smell.

Xue Jing stood on a black reef not far from the beach. Maomao frowned slightly, covered her nose with her right paw, and said:

"What are you doing here?"

Xue Jing smiled and said, "Prepare ammunition."

"Huh?" Maomao was confused.

He didn't explain, but with a thought in his mind, there was a crackling sound of electricity above his head, and a beautiful dragon horn composed of two solidified silver lightnings appeared on his head.

"Oh? This is your new ability..." Maomao looked curious.

She suddenly felt a little itchy in her claws.

The snake-killing soldiers who were on strike seemed to have been stimulated by something, and looked like they were about to grow back.

Xue Jing didn't know how Maomao felt, so he stretched out his hand towards the small beach full of garbage.


Thick silver lightning extended from his palm and hit the small beach, but it did not cause any damage.

Fine currents streaked through everything on the beach, and everything touched by the current slowly floated up and hung in the air.

Not long after, all the garbage on the beach was floating in the air, separated by a little distance, and arranged quite neatly, like an army lining up waiting for inspection by the leader.

"...Is this the dragon thunder that can affect gravity?"

Maomao sighed.

"seems fun……"

"You want to play too?" Xue Jing smiled, stretched out a finger and pointed at the cat on her shoulder.

A bolt of silver lightning shot out from his finger, struck Maomao, and turned into a fine electric current that kept traveling on her fur.

The next moment, Maomao broke away from Xue Jing's shoulders and floated in the air.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

The cat's eyes widened, and he was startled. His hair was all over his body, and his four paws were flapping in the air, as if he was drowning.

It took a while for her to get used to the weightless feeling of floating in the air, and she curiously experienced the true sense of flying.

Controlling the cats to fly around, Xue Jing turned her head, looked at the garbage floating in the air, and began to select 'ammunition'.

"Hmm...this glass bottle is good."

"Tetanus-enchanted nails, good stuff."

"Huh? Why are there still steel bars..."

"...Why are there puffer fish corpses on the beach?"

After Xue Jing finished picking, Maomao was controlled by him and returned to his shoulder.

"...Is this the ammunition you are talking about?"

Maomao looked at the dozens of hard objects floating around Xue Jing... Among them was a thick trunk of an unknown tree that was more than three meters long.

Every floating object is tied by a silver lightning like a chain, and the other end of all the chains extends to Xue Jing.

"Ready, let's go."

Xue Jing smiled, and a silver-white thunder feather belt bloomed from his body. His whole body instantly levitated and took off, carrying a bunch of things with him to a height of several hundred meters.

At such a height, the entire Maple City Pier and Port, and even the entire Maple City came into view.

Naturally, he could also see clearly the two members of the Lion Sect standing on the railing of the platform.

"Then, first is the meeting ceremony."

Xue Jing stood in the air, looked down, threw the stone in his hand, and the pupils of his eyes turned into dark gold vertical pupils.

——The eyes are flowing.

"You are the first to taste this trick..."

Xue Jing took a deep breath, and the Gangji True Dragon was born in his body. He let out a dragon roar, then shattered into pieces, shaped as he wished, and split into two.

The blood was ignited and began to boil, and the muscles were compressed and merged with great strength.

Tornado Thunder and Shaking Star Fire merge into one.

Then - the power of twins starts!

Xue Jing clenched his palm, and the stone in his hand was crushed and turned into countless small gravels. He focused his eyes and made a baseball throwing motion towards the two Lion Sect members below.

"Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron..."

"——Long Xingqun!"

Under the huge force, Xue Jing threw countless small gravels downwards in his hand!


Countless gravels screamed, like raindrops, rushing downwards!

Each small piece of gravel rolled up a spiral white air wave, carrying extremely violent force and rubbing against the air, causing its own temperature to increase and begin to heat up and turn red, as if it really came from outside. meteor swarms.

One of the two Lion Saints who were talking seemed to be aware of it. He instinctively glanced up, and then his pupils shrank to the extreme.

"Bellilu, run!"

He immediately shouted.

However... it's too late.

Hundreds of small gravels carrying spiral air waves covered the entire platform where the two of them were.

"Bang bang bang bang bang-!!"

Like countless cannonballs falling to the ground, every small piece of gravel hit the ground with a loud bang, and craters of different sizes, about five to ten centimeters in diameter, exploded on the cement floor. The entire platform was densely packed in an instant. of potholes.

As for the two main targets of the Lion Sect, they only had time to block their heads with their arms.

"Puff, puff, puff -"

Every gravel that hits them will penetrate into their flesh, bursting out a ball of blood, and some even directly penetrate their bodies. In a short time, their bodies are all filled with cryptophobia patients. I looked at the bloody hole on my scalp that was numb.

After everything calmed down, the clothes used to cover up the two people were completely torn, revealing their true bodies.

The body is covered with patterned fur, the legs are like hind legs that bend backwards like a feline beast, and the face has a cat-like three-petal mouth and long whiskers, making it look like an orc in a fantasy world.

"what happened?"

Bazeb endured the burning pain all over his body and gritted his teeth.

He lowered his arms that were covering his head and looked up to the sky.

With his excellent eyesight, he immediately found a small black spot that was almost invisible high in the sky.

His pupils shrank: "That's..."

Before he could react, the next wave came again.

Countless small fragments rolled up in spiral air waves, covering it like a heavy rain!

This time it wasn't gravel, but - shards of glass.


Bazeb grabbed his slightly confused companion and left the place with a few quick and agile bounces.

But Xue Jing, who holds Aim Level 9, has an extraordinary ability to predict. Almost like a prophet, he predicted their escape direction, adjusted the sight in advance, and covered their escape path.


Although the glass fragments are not as strong as cement stones, they are extremely sharp. With the strong force attached to them, they can easily pierce through the flesh.

The two secret envoys of the Lion Sect were instantly turned into bloody men.

"damn it--!!"

The two roared angrily, and their muscles rolled and squirmed like waves, squeezing out the gravel and broken glass that had penetrated their bodies, and the wounds began to recover quickly.

"Bellilu, let me help you, come on!"

Bazebu's eyes showed anger, and he stretched out his palms with sharp claws. Upon seeing this, Bellilu roared like a tiger roaring, and with a bounce, he stepped on Bazebu's palm.

Then, one of the two people threw hard with their palms, and the other suddenly kicked off with both feet. With the double force, Belliru instantly shot up into the sky like an arrow from a string, and quickly approached Xue Jing, who was hundreds of meters high.

"Oh? Interesting." Xue Jing smiled.

He reached out and took an iron nail next to him that was full of rust and enchanted with tetanus, and pointed it at the people from the Lion Holy Cult who were rushing over.

Silver lightning appeared in front of the iron nail, rotating and condensing into a spiral arc, stretching for dozens of rings.

Under the influence of magnetic force, the iron nail trembled slightly.

Xue Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his thumb, circulated his strength, and flicked his finger.

The iron nail shot out, passing through a spiral arc, and every time it passed a ring, it would spin and accelerate wildly under the influence of magnetic force, until after dozens of rings, its tip seemed to tear something apart, and a circle of white mist burst out while a strong scream was emitted.


Sonic boom!

Its firing speed has reached - supersonic speed!


With almost no obstacles, the Lion Saint Cult member who rushed up was instantly pierced through the head by the supersonic iron nail. The strong sharp air flow even cut his entire body in half from head to tail, and the whole person exploded on the spot.

The supersonic iron nail continued to move forward, reaching the ground a second later, exploding the bricks and stones, and piercing into the cement floor to an unknown depth.

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