I will eventually become a god

Chapter 173: Secret versus Secret, the invincible Xue Jing, the shocking Ying Man Yue (4K)

With Xue Jing's appearance, the entire stadium, more than 20,000 people fell into silence for several seconds.

Then, there was a tsunami of uproarious discussions.

"Xue Jing!?"

"My husband is finally here!"

"Does he have to delay his appearance like this? Is he sick and will die if he doesn't show off? Everyone is waiting anxiously."

"But to be honest, it's really cool..."

"Pretend well, pretend well!"

"Hey? There is Tao Baibai in the stadium, I'm not kidding!"

"Why is he so handsome?"

"Husband, husband ah ah ah ah!!"

The ups and downs of the noise did not affect the two people on the ring.

Du Mingluan, who is only 1.6 meters tall and looks like a junior high school student, looked at Xue Jing, and a hint of dissatisfaction appeared on his handsome face.

He slowly said: "Xue Jing, you should know that your opponent today is me, right? Why are you late?"

Xue Jing groaned.

He really didn't know who his opponent was today. He flew to the border directly after the last game a few days ago, and didn't care about the subsequent victory or defeat.

After thinking for a while, Xue Jing smiled and said, "I have something to deal with in the past few days, and I just came back."

Hearing this, Du Mingluan's face eased a lot.

He was about to reply, but Xue Jing asked with a puzzled look:

"By the way, who are you?"

Du Mingluan's face, which had just eased, immediately darkened.

This person never took him seriously at all!

Damn, he was really looked down upon.

What a shame!

At this time, a staff member in the commentary booth came to the side of the three commentators, lowered his head and said a few words to Hao Yongyun in the middle.

After the staff trotted away, Hao Yongyun's voice rang out in the gymnasium.

"Uh... ahem."

"I just received a message from the backstage that Xue Jing was delayed due to some personal matters beyond his control, so in order to catch up with the game, he had to use this method to enter the venue."

"Please forgive me, audience friends..."

Hearing this, Xue Wan, who was sitting in the contestant viewing area and admiring his brother's heroic posture, was stunned for a moment, with a strange look on his face.

This organizer is too flattering...

Just now, he was anxious outside the door of the contestant lounge, and as soon as Jing arrived, he immediately took the initiative to make up for him.

After getting the explanation from the commentator, the noise in the audience gradually subsided.

Several staff members trotted onto the ring to take away the log stuck in the ring to avoid affecting the game.

"One, two, up!"

Several people put their hands on the log, shouted slogans, and worked together to pull the log up.

However, they used so much strength that their faces turned red, but the log was almost motionless.

The log of this size was quite heavy, and it was inserted into the ground at an angle. It was impossible for the staff who had only practiced martial arts to pull it out.

Seeing this, Xue Jing said, "Excuse me, let me do it."

As he said that, he walked forward and put his hand on the log.

With a burst of strength, his fingers instantly crushed the hard bark surface, and all five fingers were pierced into it.

Then he raised his arm.

With a click, the log was pulled out by Xue Jing with one hand and raised above his head.

His expression did not change, and he looked as relaxed as if he was holding a small dumbbell, which formed a strong contrast with the size of the log.

"Where should it be placed?" Xue Jing asked.

The staff blinked, his eyes were shocked, and after hearing the question, he stammered:

"Put... put it under the ring, and leave the rest to us..."

Xue Jing smiled and nodded, and used strength with one hand, and under the hidden dragon Ruyi, it turned into pure soft strength, and threw the log in his hand under the ring.

The log traced a trajectory in the air and fell to the ground silently, making almost no sound.

If there was not a circle of visible air waves slowly spreading from under the log, blowing away the surrounding dust, people would almost think that the log was made of foam.

This move made all the knowledgeable people present brighten their eyes.

"Soft power, he used soft power!"

"What pure soft power! This move is at least comparable to the skills of a master who has been studying this for more than 20 years!"

"Is this really the U19 competition in the outer ring... He is only seventeen years old, and he has already demonstrated extraordinary strength and sword energy before, and even the use of soft power is so sophisticated..."

"I don't believe that he started practicing martial arts since his mother's womb... It's not so outrageous to start practicing martial arts since his mother's womb!"

Seeing this, several staff members breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Xue Jing repeatedly to thank him, and then quickly left the ring.

At this time, the commentary sounded.

"Well, although it's a little late, let's welcome contestant Xue Jing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience gave a thunderous applause and cheers, which was obviously several times stronger than when Du Mingluan came on stage.

The spotlights hit Xue Jing one after another.

The photographer sitting on the elevated platform once again began to circle Xue Jing, with a full-range, no-dead-angle surround shot... This seems to have become a routine, a special treatment exclusively for Xue Jing, which other contestants do not have.

The audience laughed when they saw this.


"Such a sensible photographer, must add chicken legs!"

"After get off work, the photographer looked at the lunch box with no rice and all chicken legs with a confused look on his face."

Xue Jing sighed and smiled helplessly at the cameras that once again surrounded him.

This scene was played on the big screen in the stadium, causing countless cheers from the audience.

"Player Xue Jing has defeated his opponents with unquestionable absolute strength in two consecutive games. His true strength is still a bottomless mystery..."

"So, let's take a look at player Xue Jing's hexagonal data chart..."

"Well, attack 10, speed 10, defense?, skill 10, heart?, intelligence?... Since every game is an instant kill, it is difficult to observe more of its data, but in the last game, Xue Jing The player showed extremely fast speed, so this time there is an additional 'Speed ​​10' statistic, which is also a perfect score! ”

"It's terrible, it's really terrible!"

"Player Xue Jing, how much strength does he have that he has yet to show?"

"Is it really like what everyone says, 'Your data is 10 because it is exactly 10, and my data is 10 because the highest number is only 10'?"

"So without further ado, let's witness the next game together!"

On the ring, the referee walked between the two people present, waved his hand, and then quickly exited the ring.

The game officially begins.

But Xue Jing and Du Mingluan did not take action for a while.

In the contestant viewing area, Xue Wan smiled and said, "How is it? What do you think of the outcome?"

Sitting next to her, Yin Muhu folded her arms, her strong steel-like muscles highlighted, and she curled her lips: "There is no suspense at all."

"If Xue Jing can lose, I will eat the entire arena."

Xue Wan chuckled and said happily: "Xiaoyin, if I were A Jing, I would definitely give it a try after hearing what you said."

Yin Muhu: "..."

Kou Chengjian, who was sitting not far from them, said, "Not necessarily."

Xue Wan turned to look at him and asked curiously: "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

She really didn't know how her brother could lose.

Could it be that that little man in the ring has some secret trick?

Kou Chengjian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Du Mingluan is not a stepping stone!"

"Although I don't think highly of that dwarf...but he is a top-notch genius in our Night King stream. Even the old Night King who once won the title of [Heavenly Throne] praised him."

"The highest salary he received for a young player in the outer ring last year was 80 million Zhuxia coins, and there was no moisture in it."

A hint of teasing appeared on Xue Wan's pretty face: "Huh? Your way of belittling in person and praising behind your back makes it hard not to think too much..."

When Kou Chengjian heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched and he immediately shut up, not daring to say any more.

Xue Wan smiled, knowing that this person was a bit homophobic, so she stopped teasing him and just told him to shut up.

‘Whatever nonsense you are talking about, there is nothing wrong with it. ’

‘My A-Jing is sure to win, there won’t be any surprises! ’

Xue Wan snorted softly.

Xue Jing, who didn't know that his sister was setting a flag for him, looked at the short Du Mingluan in front of him and said curiously:

"What are you waiting for? Won't you attack?"

Du Mingluan said slowly:

"Xue Jing, you are very strong."

"You should be the strongest one among your peers that I have ever faced. It is even possible that I will never meet an opponent as strong as you among peers in the future."

"I cherish this opportunity."

"Victory over you will become one of the most proud achievements in my life."

Xue Jing smiled: "You are very confident."

Du Mingluan nodded: "I must be confident."

"You are very strong, terrifyingly strong... Therefore, if I have even the slightest bit of self-doubt today, I will not dare to step into this arena."

Xue Jing hummed and said with a smile: "Pure self-hypnosis is unreliable. If you can maintain this confidence, you must have some support based on reality... Use it."

"I'll give you one chance to take action, just once."

Du Mingluan took a deep breath and pumped his whole body.

"Once, that's enough!"

The next moment, Xue Jing suddenly noticed that the sky was getting dark.

This was not an illusion, at least in his field of vision, through the hollow ceiling of the gymnasium, the entire sky outside had been soaked in night and turned into pitch black.

"This is..." Xue Jing's eyes moved.

The audience present looked up to the sky with doubts in their eyes.

"What's going on? Is it dark?"

"Isn't it only four o'clock in the afternoon? What's going on? There's a typhoon?"

Kou Chengjian stood up suddenly and said in disbelief: "How is this possible!?"

The Yin Muhu next to him also had a look of disbelief on his face: "Mysterious level!?"

Xue Wan quickly asked: "What do you mean?"

"When used, the spiritual consciousness radiates around, pulling everyone around into its spiritual realm..."

"This is the expressive power that only a secret-level killing move can have!"

"This Du Mingluan has actually mastered the secret-level killing move?" Yin Muhu turned to look at Kou Chengjian.

The latter said with an innocent face: "I can't come?"

Yin Muhu frowned and said: "It's a bit bad, maybe Brother Xue will really capsize in the gutter..."

Xue Wan crossed her arms, held up her plump fruit, and hummed with disbelief: "Impossible, Ah Jing will not lose."

Xue Jing, who continued to be flagged by her sister, looked at Du Mingluan, who was unfolding the realm of mysteries in front of him, and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"I see, this is what you rely on..."

Du Mingluan shook his head and said lightly:

"Xue Jing, your strength is undoubtedly above mine, but today, I will defeat you."

"Submit, in front of this amazing move..."

He made a strange starting gesture, like a bat, like a goshawk, flew up, and was briefly suspended in the air.

Then, fine ripples began to ripple in the void around him.

"——The Secret of the Night King Flow·Night Cicada."

The next moment, the endless sound of cicadas rang out in the gymnasium.


Looking at the figure that tore through the air and dived down, Xue Jing sighed softly.

"It seems that no one has stipulated... Only you can use the secret, right?"

His pupils were instantly immersed in the silver-white of divinity.

Above the sky, in the originally dark night, there was suddenly a huge full moon.

The silver-white cherry blossoms fell slowly under the reflection of the full moon.

In an instant, the endless cicadas stopped.

Du Mingluan, who was swooping down from the sky, froze up, and the mighty force that had gathered in one point suddenly dispersed.

He had an expression of disbelief on his face.

He seemed to be enveloped by the murderous intent of the heavens, and a terrifying will that made him unable to have any intention of disobeying descended on him.

That was... God's will.

Xue Jing's divine silver eyes showed indifference and contempt, and his right hand was like a hand knife.


It was just a light swing.

It crossed with Du Mingluan who was swooping down.

The silver-white blade light suddenly appeared.

With the poetic silver cherry and full moon as the background, Xue Jing turned his back to Du Mingluan and slowly put away the hand knife.

The next moment, countless small wounds broke out all over Du Mingluan's body, so dense that he seemed to have been tortured by slow slicing.

Silver-white knife energy continued to burst out from each wound, constantly taking his blood away from his body.

It was not until Xue Jing snapped his fingers that the silver-white sword energy all over his body suddenly stopped, turning into silver light spots and dissipating, like materialized moonlight.

Xue Jing reached out and brushed off the silver cherry blossom petals on his body, and in silence, he turned and walked towards the contestant channel.

Du Mingluan was lying on the ground covered in blood, but he did not lose consciousness. He looked at Xue Jing who passed by him without even looking at him, and asked absentmindedly:

"What is this move called?"

Xue Jing paused and said, "Sakura Full Moon."

After that, he raised his foot and walked into the contestant channel.

A few seconds later, the commentator's shocked shouts rang out throughout the stadium:

"Win... The winner is decided!!"

"Instant kill! Another instant kill!"

"Contestant Xue Jing, facing contestant Du Mingluan's Night King Style Secret Art, Night Cicada, chose to fight back with the secret art!"

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, we would be lucky enough to witness the battle between two young geniuses who have entered the secret art field in a U19 elimination match!"

"And in the end, it was contestant Xue Jing who won the final victory and won the ticket to the finals!"

"Invincible, only invincible can describe contestant Xue Jing's amazing performance in this elimination match!"

After the silence in the audience, there was a noise that shook the stadium.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! What is that!!"

"Secret? I can actually see someone using a secret move in a U19 match! And it's a dream match between secrets!"

"Xue Jing, where does he come from? I haven't heard much about the Hidden Dragon Stream. Why has this level of terrifying genius never been heard of before? He is too well hidden!"

"What was that move just now? It was too beautiful. It's not a hidden dragon at all!"

"Famous scene, this is definitely another famous scene!"

"My husband cut out a silver cherry full moon with a hand knife and killed the opponent instantly. This scene is too poetic!"

In the player viewing area, Xue Wan shook Yin Muhu's thick arm and was very excited: "What do you think? I said A Jing can't lose!"

Yin Muhu stared at the ring in a daze, and he hasn't come back to his senses yet.

The other young players sitting in the viewing area also had the same reaction.

Compared to the laymen who only know a little bit, they understand the value of the secret killer move better.

Now, they not only saw two geniuses who could use the secrets.

They also saw one of them crush the other without any suspense.

Kou Chengjian, who was standing beside him, unconsciously said something that made all the contestants present look bitter.

"Is it really meaningful for us to continue practicing martial arts?"


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